
How to raise colorful taro culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Colorful taro is what we often call colored leaf taro, which is a kind of plant variety with leaves as the main ornamental point. It is a plant introduced and cultivated from abroad in our country, and it is often distributed in the places with high temperature in our country. When many people raise colorful taros, they will because of themselves.

Colorful taro is what we often call colored leaf taro, which is a kind of plant variety with leaves as the main ornamental point. It is a plant introduced and cultivated from abroad in our country, and it is often distributed in the places with high temperature in our country. Many people in the culture of colorful taro, because of their own technical reasons, there will be a series of problems, so in the end how to breed is the best?

How to raise colorful taro

1. Colorful taro likes high temperature, high humidity and semi-overcast environment, and is not resistant to low temperature and frost and snow. When planting, choose plants with rich, loose soil and good drainage.

2. The suitable growth temperature of colorful taro is 20: 30 ℃, the growth period is from June to October, and the most suitable temperature is 21: 27 ℃. The suitable temperature of dormancy period from October to June of the following year is 1824 ℃. Ensure that the temperature at night should not be lower than 10 ℃. Avoid bright light.

3. Colorful taro likes clayey soil, which is mainly made of five parts of clayey soil, two parts of rotten leaf soil and three parts of sand.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of colorful taro

1. Culture methods:

1. Temperature control. The colourful taro is extremely intolerant to cold. The most suitable temperature for growth is between 25 and 30 ℃, and the lowest can not be lower than 20 ℃. The winter temperature should be controlled at about 15 ℃, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and the plants will wither. When the temperature is 22 ℃, the tuber will sprout new leaves. Therefore, the winter temperature is controlled between 15 and 20 ℃ to avoid excessive temperature affecting dormancy.

2. Water and fertilizer are in place. Colored leaf taro likes to be wet and needs a lot of watering in spring and summer to keep the basin soil moist but avoid stagnant water. During the growth period of colored-leaf taro, fertilizer was applied once a week, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were applied together, mainly nitrogen fertilizer.

3. Change the basin in time. Colored leaf taro requires loose soil, fertile soil and good drainage. Since it is necessary to change the pot in this way, it is actually easier to change the pot than other plants, because the colorful taro is dormant in winter and replanted in spring, replacing half of the new soil and burying the tuber a little deeper.

2. points for attention:

April to August is the peak growing season of colorful taro, at this time to ensure adequate nutrients. After September, the leaves will gradually wither. At this time, we should reduce watering and stop fertilization, so that the tubers can survive the winter safely in the soil. Wait until the next year the spring flowers bloom and continue to grow.

How to make colorful taro blossom in spring

1. The leaves will fall after the beginning of autumn and will not grow until the following spring. Colorful taro is a high-temperature plant, like heat and fear of cold, so the fallen leaves after autumn should not be watered, let the bulbs spend the winter in the sand, and the temperature should be controlled at 18 ℃.

2. Early spring. When the colorful taro begins to grow leaves and buds, there can be no shortage of water, but it needs to be watered and fertilized after the weather gets warmer. Try to spray water on the leaves in the morning or afternoon, so that it is easier to blossom.

3. Colorful taro is afraid of strong light in spring and summer, and it is easy to grow black spots without blooming, so the position is very important. Put the plant in a well-ventilated place with enough scattered light.

4. If the environment is too overcast, the branches and leaves will grow and droop, and even the bud will not grow. Colored-leaf taro is sensitive to light and has strong phototropism. Proper light can produce "floral element", which is more beneficial to the formation of flower bud.

Common diseases of colorful taro and their control

1. Dry rot. Prevention and treatment: before storing the bulbs, select them and throw away some thin and sick bulbs so as not to infect other bulbs during storage. Handle it gently and minimize the wound during storage. Ensure that the storage environment is well ventilated, disinfect before storage, and the storage temperature is controlled at 1-4 ℃. Check regularly and remove the rotten corms in time.

2. Leaf spot. Prevention and treatment: remove the diseased plants in time to avoid infecting other plants. Strengthen maintenance, pay attention to timely ventilation, do not face the blade directly when watering. Spray from the early stage of the disease to prevent the spread of the disease. The commonly used agents are 50% topiramate 1000 times, 70% mancozeb 500 times, 80% mancozeb 400,600 times, 50% carbendan 500 times, etc., pay attention to the alternate use of the two agents during spraying to avoid drug resistance.

Colorful taro must pay attention to light when breeding, it is a light-loving plant, so timely light can make it grow better. Also need to carry on the temperature control, when the summer high temperature must pay attention to shade. Then the work of fertilizer and water and pest control should be done in place.