
How to water the Phoenix tail bamboo (how often) how to prune the Phoenix tail bamboo

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The moonlight is hazy, open the window, feel gentle and lubricated, comfortable still, the breeze gently brushes the face, like the lover's breath blows on my face, has the faint fragrance, feels special fresh. The Phoenix tail bamboo in the moonlight has a different grace and elegance.

The moonlight is hazy, open the window, feel gentle and lubricated, comfortable still, the breeze gently brushes the face, like the lover's breath blows on my face, has the faint fragrance, feels special fresh. The Phoenix tail bamboo in the moonlight has a different style, elegant, moving and moonlit. Although the cultivation of Phyllostachys pubescens is simple, don't forget to water it.

How to water the Phoenix tail bamboo (how often)

Phyllostachys pubescens likes to be wet and afraid of stagnant water. it should be watered thoroughly for the first time after the basin is installed, and the soil in the basin should be kept moist after that. Do not water too much, otherwise it is easy to rot the root. From the basin to the survival stage, we should also often spray water to the leaves. If the basin soil is short of water, the bamboo leaves will curl. At this time, the bamboo leaves will expand again if they should be watered in time. On average, it should be watered once a day in summer and less in winter, but the basin soil should be moist to prevent "dry freezing".

How to prune Phoenix tail bamboo

Phyllostachys pubescens will continue to pull out tender culms from the rhizosphere in the growing season, and if it is too high and affects the overall composition, the overhigh part can be cut off. Phoenix tail bamboo bonsai pay attention to posture and charm, its skills must be stooping, dense and elegant, high and low. When there are too many stalks, there will be a sense of dense air blockage, which will affect the ornamental effect of bonsai. The overdense branches should be thinned according to the growth situation, and the weak ones should be cut off.

How to fertilize Phoenix tail bamboo

1. Regular fertilization

This kind of plant prefers fatter land, but not all fertile fertilizers are suitable for it, so generally speaking, this is a kind of plant that likes fertilizer and is particularly picky about fertilizer. For this kind of plant, which likes fertilizer, it is usually chosen to apply fertilizer regularly, but the so-called regular period does not mean such a long time in a month, but refers to how many times of fertilizer should be applied regularly in a month. For this kind of plant, it is usually necessary to maintain a semimonthly frequency during its growing period, at least. But what should be paid special attention to in autumn and winter is that there is no need to fertilize this plant at all. Remember, it is not necessary at all, that is, to stop fertilizing.

Second, apply according to the growth stage:

1. Before planting. Many people will think where plants need to be fertilized before planting, but in fact, this is a very wrong understanding. The soil should be prepared before planting, but for some fertilizer-loving plants, such as this one, they cannot be planted directly with ordinary soil, which is not conducive to their growth. Therefore, the soil used for planting must be fertilized with basic fertilizer before planting. The so-called basic fertilizer should choose organic, you can choose incinerated ash, living pond mud and so on.

two。 Prophase of growth. During the growing period, there are more requirements for fertilizer, and fertilization is mainly to make plants look healthy, so this greening plant medicine looks very healthy, the most important thing is to be green. Therefore, at this stage, it is mainly to apply fertilizer that contains more nitrogen.

3. In the middle of growth. The main purpose of fertilization at this stage is to grow more prosperous, so it is more appropriate to apply fertilizer with phosphorus as the main element at this stage.

4. Later stage of growth. Fertilizer with potassium as the main element should be applied at this stage, because the plant growth has been basically completed at this stage, and what needs to be improved is its quality, so it is appropriate to apply some fertilizer to improve its resistance to cold and disease at this stage.

Propagation mode of Phyllostachys pubescens

Phyllostachys pubescens can be propagated by ramet, seed and cuttage. However, because it is difficult for bamboo to get seeds and it is difficult to root by cuttings, ramet is the main method of propagation. Ramet can be carried out in early spring (February-March) combined with basin change. When ramets, the overgrown clumps of plants are poured out of the basin, cut with a knife from the rhizome, and put on the basin. Be careful not to hurt the roots. When slicing, at least let each shoot bud with an old bamboo, and try to retain the fibrous root, in order to ensure survival. The new plants should be planted in a medium-sized basin, cultivate fertile soil, pay attention to irrigation, keep moist, and keep them in a semi-shady place, and the bamboo shoots will grow rapidly.

The green plant at home adds a lot of interest to the family, it is vitality, is smart, is lively, is the profound story behind the Phoenix tail bamboo, the joy of raising a plant lies in, a little bit of understanding, a little bit of habit, more, in this day-to-day relationship, understand that the meaning of life is to rely on each other, all the way, take care of each other.