
How to raise oil lily culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Oil lily is a kind of flower variety introduced and cultivated from abroad in our country. It likes temperature and light, so it grows best in a warm environment. Oil spot lily has a high ornamental value, so there are many people who want to raise it now. But before breeding, I want to

Lily is a flower variety introduced from abroad. It likes temperature and light, so it grows best in warm environment. The lily has a high ornamental value, so there are many people who want to cultivate it now. However, before breeding, I think what everyone wants to know most is its breeding skills!

How to raise oil lily

1, just bought back oil lily to strictly control watering, to prevent excessive growth of stems and leaves or root rot, especially after flowering, pot soil to keep a little moist, dry air can be sprayed to the leaves. Germination of new leaves, can be applied 1 diluted cake fertilizer water.

2, oil lily likes light, but do not let direct sunlight. If the light conditions are sufficient, the leaf color is healthy dark green, and the stripes are also obvious; the plants in the weak light are weak and excessive, the leaves are narrow and long, and the leaf color stripes will also fade. In severe cases, it will also lead to plant lodging and leaf falling. The new leaves can be observed at ordinary times. If they are wider and lighter than the old leaves, they are insufficient light. Water supply, because of its drought-resistant fear of moisture, soil dry and then watering.

Oil lily cultivation methods and precautions

1. Breeding methods:

1. Temperature control. Lily is a kind of relatively cold-resistant plants, the most suitable growth temperature is about 20℃~30℃, below 10℃ will stop growing, so in our country when breeding, winter needs to move to indoor or greenhouse, in order to ensure the safety of lily overwintering.

2. Light requirements. Oil-spotted lilies like to grow in a sunny environment. Light is closely related to growth morphology. The more light there is, the fatter the plant will be. If there is insufficient light, the plant will grow excessively. In the process of conservation, we can judge whether the light supply is sufficient by observing the new leaves. If the new leaves are wider than the old leaves and lighter in color, it means that the plants are not enough light, so we need to move them to a place with more sufficient light in time.

II. Precautions:

Choose soil with good drainage for planting, and it is best to choose wide and shallow pots for potted plants. It should be noted that as the plant grows, many lateral buds will grow, causing overcrowding, mutual shielding, affecting light and causing excessive growth, so it is best to divide plants regularly to maintain the beauty of the plant.

How do you get fat?

1. The demand for fertilizer water by oil lily is not high. Generally, as long as enough base fertilizer is added when changing pots, it is basically unnecessary to apply additional fertilizer.

2, oil lily is bulb root, watering to do "see dry see wet", keep the basin soil basically wet, control the amount of water, avoid standing water in the basin. In summer, when the temperature is high, water can be poured once every two days, or spray can be used to increase the humidity of the surrounding air. You can also judge whether to water by observing the growth status of the leaves. If the leaves of the oil lily look a little drooping, they are not as upright as they used to be, and the color of the leaves is dim, you can water them properly.

Common Diseases and Control of Lilium oiliflorum

1. Red rot. Control methods: combined with spring for pot pruning, will be cut off diseased branches, waiting for germination of new branches. Spray with 12.5% diniconazole WP 2000~3000 times solution.

2. Rust. Control method: spray 70% thiophanate wettable powder 1000 times before planting for prevention. If there is wound on tubers, apply sulfur powder after drying for disinfection.

3. Decay disease. Prevention and control methods: ensure that the air is fresh, pay attention to air circulation. Early winter, early spring, plum rain season ahead of time spray pesticide sterilization. Chlorothalonil is sprayed to kill after the disease, and the specific use method can be according to the drug description.

The method of lily cultivation is actually not difficult, in the breeding time must ensure its light, and then low temperature must do a good job of protective measures. Fertilizer and water are also very important when breeding. Only by doing these jobs well can the lily grow healthily.