
How to grow peppermint planting methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peppermint has been planted in China for a long time, it is a kind of ornamental and edible plant, the effect is very high, so it is very popular in the market. Nowadays, there are also a lot of people who grow mint, but before planting, it is large.

Peppermint has been planted in China for a long time, it is a kind of ornamental and edible plant, the effect is very high, so it is very popular in the market. Nowadays, there are a lot of people who grow mint, but before planting, we should have a comprehensive understanding of its planting method.

How to grow peppermint

The main ways to grow mint are as follows:

1. Rhizome propagation: the cultivation of seed roots was carried out in late April or late August. The plants with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests were selected as the mother plants in the field and planted according to the row spacing of 20 × 10 cm. After the aboveground stems and leaves were harvested in early winter, the rhizomes were left in place as seed plants.

2. Split propagation: peppermint seedlings are about 15 cm high and should be interspersed and replenished. The seedlings were transplanted by means of interstitial seedlings.

3. Cuttage propagation: the aboveground stems and branches were cut into 10 cm long cuttings from May to June, and the seedlings were raised by cutting according to the row spacing of 7 × 3 cm on the whole seedling bed, and then transplanted to the field after rooting and germination.

Peppermint planting methods and matters needing attention

1. Planting methods:

1. Land selection and preparation: mint is not strict with the soil and can be cultivated except for over-acid and over-alkali soil. Choose the scattered land with sufficient light on the edge of the pond, house, canal and so on under the conditions of drainage and irrigation, which is fertile and flat. Sand, lack of light, dry and easy to stagnant land is not easy to plant. Land that has been planted with mint needs about 3 years of leisure before it can be replanted. The yield was affected by underground residual roots. Soil preparation, deep ploughing, application of rotten compost, soil miscellaneous fertilizer, calcium superphosphate and bone meal as base fertilizer, 37500 to 45000 kg per hectare, rake fine, shallow hoe once, turn the fertilizer into the soil, break the soil, rake flat to make the bed 200 cm wide.

2. Transplanting method: mint was transplanted before germination in the early spring of the second year, early planting and early sprouting, long growth period and high yield. When planting, dig up the rhizome, select the sturdy, short Internode and disease-free rhizome as the seed root, cut it into a small section of 7mur10 cm long, and then cut a trench 10 cm deep on the finished border surface according to the row spacing of 25 cm. The seed root is placed obliquely in the ditch to cover the fine soil, step on the soil and water according to the plant distance of 10 cm.

2. points for attention:

After the whole seedling, inter-row ploughing weeding, artificial weeding among plants, in order to preserve soil moisture, increase soil temperature, eliminate weeds and promote seedling growth. Ploughing and weeding for 2 times 3 times before closing. Remove weeds from the field before harvest to prevent the smell of other weeds from affecting the quality of peppermint oil.

How does peppermint nourish water?

1. Fertilization. The growth period of peppermint is very long, fertilizer can also be added more, but the principle is a small number of times, organic fertilizer or thin fertilizer can, pay attention to the concentration of fertilizer, so as not to burn the root system.

2. Watering. It is watered every morning and evening in hot weather to ensure that the mint leaves absorb enough water. It is a mint that is watched in a cool indoor environment. Even in summer, check whether the basin soil is moist or not, so as to avoid excessive watering. It is difficult for plants to absorb and cause waterlogging. In winter, the temperature is relatively low, the plant water absorption is also relatively poor, coupled with reduced evaporation, so mint in water management does not need too much attention, if the flowerpot is not dry, it does not need watering. Wait for the next spring peppermint to sprout before strengthening management.

How to control diseases and insect pests by mint

1, black shank disease: occurs in the seedling stage, the symptom is the stem base contraction depression, blackening, rot, plant lodging, wilting. For prevention and treatment, 70% chlorothalonil or 40% carbendazim 100ml 150 grams can be sprayed with water during the disease period.

2. Bridge-building insects: the main pest of mint is bridge-building insects, and the damage period is about mid-June and late August. In general, the population density is up to 10 heads per square meter, and the enemy can kill 15mur20mm per mu, spray it twice, or spray 1000 times with 80% dichlorvos.

There are many ways to grow peppermint, and you can choose one of them. After planting, it is necessary to strengthen conservation, in which timely fertilizer and water and the control of diseases and insect pests are the inevitable factors to ensure its growth. In the above, there are some detailed introduction, I hope it can be helpful to you.