
How to cultivate lily orchids culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The lily orchid may not be familiar to many people. The lily orchid is actually a very valuable spice plant, which is not common in life. Its flowers are very beautiful and the color is pure white, which is of high ornamental value. At the same time, its flowers can also be extracted.

Lily of the valley may not be familiar to many people. Lily of the valley is actually a very expensive spice plant. It is not common in life. Its flowers are very beautiful and beautiful. The color of the flowers is pure white. It has extremely high ornamental value. At the same time, its flowers can also extract high-grade aromatic essential oils. The whole grass can be used as medicine. So how does the lily of the valley grow?

How to raise lily of the valley

1. Reproductive methods

The propagation method of lily of the valley can be selected by sowing or ramets. The seeds of lily of the valley are very small. When sowing, you can mix the seeds with fine sand, and then sprinkle them in the flowerpot together. After sprinkling, you don't need to cover them with thin soil. They will germinate and take root in about 1 week. After 2 weeks, you can do planting treatment.

The roots of lily of the valley are creeping and spreading underground. After a long time, they can germinate on the rhizomes and grow new plants. At this time, the newly grown plants can be dug out and planted in other pots. The plants are generally divided in spring and autumn.

2. Selection of soil flower

Lily of the valley flowers like loose sandy soil, we can use river sand, garden soil, humus soil in the preparation of soil according to the ratio of 2:1:0.5 preparation, flower should choose a wide long pot, so as to ensure the normal growth of the roots of lily of the valley.

3. Appropriate lighting temperature

Lily of the valley is a flower that likes long sunshine very much. It is not tolerant of shade environment. The sunshine duration is more than 8 hours per day. If you want to make it bloom ahead of time, you can increase the light duration appropriately. The best growth temperature of lily of the valley is 20-28 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature in winter should not exceed 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will affect the growth of next year.

4. Water and fertilizer management

Lily of the valley likes a warm and humid environment, especially in the early stage of sowing, but also to maintain a humid environment, adult plants should also keep the soil moist, especially in summer, more attention should be paid to the supply of water, two weeks watering 3 times permeable water is appropriate, usually available spray pot on flowers to keep the environment moist.

Lily of the valley cultivation methods and precautions

1. Application of fertilizer:

1, lily of the valley in early spring and late autumn each time fully fermented topdressing, after 10~15 days gradually to the light, room temperature to 20℃, bottom temperature 22℃, and increase watering and topdressing, after 3 weeks can bloom.

2. Management of lily of the valley should apply sufficient basal fertilizer. After sprouting in spring, dilute decomposed cake fertilizer is poured once every 7~10 days, and liquid fertilizer is applied once when pedicels and flowers appear and after autumn.

Second, watering points:

1. Pour water thoroughly after planting lily of the valley, and pay attention to watering when it is dry.

2, lily of the valley like wet soil environment, not resistant to early, to often spray water to the environment to maintain a high air humidity, the water used is preferably soft water.

Third, pruning essentials: lily of the valley after flowering should be cut off as soon as possible, Yang so that nutrients concentrated supply rhizomes.

Four, note: lily of the valley potted plant more than choose fertilizer and large rhizome buds, each potted 4~5 buds, need to change the pot once a year.

How to maintain the lily after flowering

If you want the lily of the valley to bloom, you have to prepare the environment and nutrition it needs.

The first is the temperature, because the lily of the valley likes cool and semi-shade, so keep the temperature moist and not dry, not higher than 20 degrees and not lower than 17 degrees. In short, the temperature should not be too high.

Secondly, the soil should be kept moist, do not accumulate water, and the soil should also contain humus or sandy soil.

Then there is the management of water and fertilizer. Fertilization is carried out once every half month. Fertilization should be stopped after the lily of the valley is sprouted, and then topdressing.

Finally, potted lily of the valley needs to be replaced once a year, pay attention to weed removal and loose soil.

Growth Habits of Lily of the Valley

Love semi-shade, humid environment, good cool, avoid hot and dry, cold resistance, rich in humus loam and sandy loam requirements. Wet place under forest or ditch edge on shady slope, altitude 850~2500 m.

Lily of the valley and clove can not be put together, otherwise the clove will quickly wither, even if the distance of 20 cm, such as the lily of the valley removed, clove will return to its original state; lily of the valley and narcissus can not be put together, otherwise it will hurt both.

The above is a small series for everyone to introduce the maintenance skills of lily of the valley, I hope to help everyone. Lily of the valley surprised peerless, fragrant charming, like friends can be at home breeding bell orchid potted oh! Absolutely beautiful.