
How to plant canna seeds the planting methods and points for attention of canna seeds

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to canna, friends who don't know much about it may think it is a kind of banana. in fact, canna is a kind of flower plant, its flowers are very large and colorful, and it has high ornamental value, so it is very popular. So such a beautiful canna needs

When it comes to canna, friends who may not know much will think it is a kind of banana. In fact, canna is a kind of flower plant. Its flowers are particularly large and colorful. It has a very high ornamental value and is loved by everyone. So how does such a beautiful canna grow and manage? Let's find out together with Xiaobian below!

How to grow Canna seeds

After the fruit of this flower is fully ripe, take out the round black seeds and soak them in clean water for 7 to 10 days, but change the water every day to ensure that the water is clean.

2. Put the prepared soil into the flowerpot, not too full, and then spray water on the surface of the soil, so that the seeds can be fixed.

3. Spread the treated seeds neatly on the soil, leaving a distance of 5 mm between seeds.

4, then put a layer of fine sand on the seed, and then continue to spray it until it germinates, spray once a day.

5, about 15 days, you can see that there are small sprouts drilled from the stones. In about a week, the small bud will grow to 10 cm tall, about a month, you can grow to 12 cm tall, but also will show a better posture.

6. After that, it can be cured according to the normal maintenance method.

Canna seed planting methods and precautions

1. Light. Canna is suitable for full sunlight, too dark environment, insufficient light, will delay flowering. Flowering can be prolonged if it is kept in a cool place at flowering time.

2. Temperature. The suitable growth temperature of canna is 15℃-30℃. When flowering, canna can be placed in a place with low temperature and no light, and the environmental temperature should not be lower than 10℃. When the temperature is higher than 40℃, the canna can be moved to a cool and ventilated place. Before and after frost, potted cannas can be moved to a temperature of 5-10℃, and they can safely overwinter.

3. Watering. Canna in the growing period, need to spray 1-2 times a day to the foliage, in order to maintain humidity. Because canna is very fond of fertilizer and moisture resistance, the basin should be watered thoroughly, and the watering times should be grasped according to the actual situation.

4. Fertilization. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer before planting, topdressing should be applied 3-4 times a month during the vigorous growth period.

5. Soil. Canna is not demanding of soil, but it grows best in loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam, and fertile, clayey soil.

6. Precautions. Potted canna sometimes appear withered and yellow leaves symptoms, mainly due to excessive ferrous sulfate caused by. If the fertilizer is too thick in the summer heat, it will burn the roots of the canna and cause them to "burn". Fertilization is stopped during flowering and wintering of the plantain.

How to grow Canna plants

Water culture generally choose ceramic bowl or goldfish bowl, choose the canna variety suitable for water culture, you can use the rhizome to cultivate seedlings or plant height of about 30 cm seedlings, which is more conducive to the growth of canna.

Fix the plant in the vessel to be cultivated. If glass beads or other fillers are used, fix the roots as if they were planted in soil and let the plant stand upright.

If a planting basket is used, the roots of the plant are inserted through the holes of the planting basket so that they can be released to the nutrient solution below, and then fixed with some coarse sand, small gravel, etc.

Then add water mixed with nutrient solution to the container, but do not immerse the roots completely. Leave some space and place the container in the sun to ensure that the plants fully absorb sunlight.

Canna propagation method

1. Sowing

4-5 The hard seed coat of the seed is cut with a sharp tool in January, soaked in warm water for one day and night, sown in the open field, germinated 2-3 weeks after sowing, transplanted once when 2-3 leaves grow, and bloomed in the same year or the next year.

2. Tubers

Tuber propagation takes place in March and April. Excavate the old rhizome, divide it into blocks, keep 2-3 buds on each rhizome, and have roots, plant it into the soil about 10 cm deep, keep the plant spacing 40-50 cm, and irrigate enough water. When the new bud grows to 5-6 leaves, it is necessary to apply a decomposed fertilizer, and it can bloom in the same year.

As mentioned above, canna is a common flower plant, strong adaptability, and annual flowering, breeding is also very simple and easy, especially suitable for indoor decoration potted plants, like friends can be raised at home oh!