
How often do you water the leaves? -How often do you water the leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The heart leaf vine is a vine with leaves that look like hearts and is very elegant in appearance. Many families and public places have planted plants. Water and fertilizer are very critical parts of plant growth and are the main sources of nutrients needed for plant growth.

The heart leaf vine is a kind of vine with heart-shaped leaves, which is very elegant in appearance. Many families and public places have planted plants. Water and fertilizer is a very important part of plant growth, and it is the main source of nutrients for plant growth, so giving them proper water and fertilizer is an important step to help them grow normally.

How to water the heart leaf vine

The heart leaf green velvet likes the high temperature and humid environment, must keep the basin soil moist, especially in summer cannot lack of water, but also often spray water to the leaf surface; but to avoid the basin soil stagnant water, otherwise the leaf is easy to yellowing. Generally, the water should be watered once a day in spring and summer and once every 3-5 days in autumn. In winter, the amount of water should be reduced, but the basin soil should not be completely dry.

Fertilization method of Tripterygium wilfordii

1. When planting Tripterygium angustifolia, we need to use slightly acidic soil with good drainage, and at the same time, we need to apply some organic base fertilizer in the soil, so as to provide sufficient nutrition for its later growth and development.

2. When the vine is growing vigorously, usually from May to September, you must pay attention to topdressing, but you don't need too much. You can usually apply fertilizer once or twice a month, and you can choose some water-soluble fertilizers. Otherwise, its petiole is too long and soft to stand upright, so it doesn't look good.

3. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to apply liquid fertilizer to the heart leaf rattan every half a month, as long as the liquid fertilizer is sprayed on its leaves, which can make its leaves more dark green for a longer time and make the overall shape particularly good-looking. Greatly enhanced.

4. At the end of autumn and winter, the growth of the heart leaf vine will become very slow, or even stop growing, at this time can not be fertilized, otherwise it will break its dormancy and affect its growth when the temperature rises.

Culture method of Tripterygium wilfordii

1. The requirements of light in the culture of Tripterygium paniculata.

The heart leaf vine itself does not have a high requirement for light, but it is inseparable from it. At best, it can receive four to six hours of light a day. When the sun is not sufficient in winter, it can be exposed outside for a long time to get more sunlight. However, the cold weather in winter is very likely to cause frostbite at night, so we should pay more attention to it and treat it with a warm window if necessary. Summer, the weather is relatively hot, the sun is also more poisonous, therefore, it should be properly shaded.

2. Humidity requirements of Tripterygium paniculata culture.

The humidity requirements for the growth of Tripterygium wilfordii vary with the seasons, and less water can be added appropriately in winter, but in summer, because the sun is hot, the rate of water evaporation is faster than we imagined, so we can pour more water appropriately, but try to avoid watering it at noon, when the weather is hot and the stomata of the plant are open. At this time, watering will damage the stomata of plants and restrict the growth of heart-leaf vines.

3. Temperature requirements for the growth of Tripterygium.

The optimum temperature for the growth of the heart leaf vine is between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius. According to this habit, the heart leaf vine can be reasonably protected and shaded in summer to avoid the death of the heart leaf vine caused by the high temperature. In winter, the plants should be kept warm to avoid frostbite or even frostbite to death.

Will the vine blossom?

In fact, it will not blossom. It itself is a foliage plant, so when we raise it at ordinary times, we mainly pay attention to its leaves, because the shape of the leaves is relatively good-looking, and at first glance, they are all green and green, so it makes people feel better. So since it is a kind of foliage plant, if the leaves turn yellow, then the appreciation will be greatly reduced, so we should take corresponding measures to remedy this phenomenon.

The heart leaf vine is a kind of foliage plant, which will not blossom, so we should pay more attention to the beauty of the leaves when we breed it. In order to avoid the phenomenon of yellowing and withering of leaves, we need to give reasonable maintenance, especially in terms of water and fertilizer, in accordance with the requirements.