
How to raise cinnamon tree cultivation methods and precautions

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Usually we think cinnamon is the bark of osmanthus tree, in fact, cinnamon is the product of cinnamon tree, and cinnamon tree is also called peace tree. We usually search for cinnamon tree planting methods, and the information we can find is relatively small, but we can search for peace trees.

Usually we think that cinnamon is the bark of sweet-scented osmanthus trees, but it is not. Cinnamon is the product of cinnamon trees, and cinnamon trees are also called Ping an trees. We usually search for the planting methods of cinnamon trees, and there is little information we can find, while looking for safe trees can open a window for us to plant cinnamon trees.

How to raise cinnamon trees

Cinnamon is often grown in evergreen broad-leaved forests and is generally cultivated in sand dunes or sloping mountains. Like warm, humid, sunny climate conditions, good drainage, fertile weak acid red sandy soil suitable for its growth; generally, about a month after sowing can sprout, at this time should timely remove weeds, set up a shade shed to prevent hot sun exposure, should pay attention to regular watering, keep the soil moist, prevent drought.

Culture methods and points for attention of Cinnamomum cassia

1. Land selection and preparation: the yellow loam with deep soil, loose texture and good drainage is the best, and it is not suitable to raise seedlings in the soil with high groundwater level and high sandy soil. All the land preparation should be ploughed and dried. After the topsoil is whitened, the width of the bed is 1.2 meters and the width of the trench is 40 centimeters. Break the clods and push the rake flat. The slope land should be selected for planting, because the slope land is mostly yellow loam, and the soil is loose and deep, which is conducive to the growth of deep-rooted plants.

2. Seed treatment: from March to March, when the pericarp of cinnamon seed is purple-black, it can be harvested in batches. The recovered fresh fruit should be washed in a pool to remove the peel and pulp, then picked up to dry the surface moisture before sowing. Seeds should not be exposed to the sun and kept for a long time. If you go to the market to buy, you need to choose the fresh and full fruit, wash and deal with it immediately and dry the ground.

3. Sowing method: one mu of land can sow about 50 kg, can be sowed on demand or sowed, and the seed spacing is about 6 cm. After sowing, cover the surface with a thin layer of soil and cover the fern directly after being drenched with water.

4. Seedling management: after 20 days of sowing, the seedlings grow 6-7 cm high, which can remove ferns and build a 1.2-meter-high shade. After 30 days, when the leaflets of the buds are as big as fingers, potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer can be sprayed. It will be sprayed every 15 days. It can also be sprayed with insecticides and fungicides. After 80 days, when the seedlings grow 5-6 leaflets, 50 kg compound fertilizer can be applied per mu. After the Winter Solstice, when the seedlings grow to 30-35 cm high, you can uncover the scaffolding, control water and fertilizer to sun the seedlings, and let the leaf tips sun to mature wax yellow, so as to ensure a high survival rate when transplanting in February-March of the following year.

5. Planting and management: the distance between plants should be between 80 and 100 centimeters, and the plant should be covered with enough water. From now on, weeding and fertilizing will be done once every quarter. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were applied to promote growth in the first three years, and potash fertilizer was added in the fourth year. In the fifth year, the tree has reached 4m in height. When it is about 10cm in diameter, it can be harvested for the first time. After harvest, new buds will grow from the roots, leaving three sturdy trees, and the rest will be cut off. In winter, in addition to removing weeds, it is also necessary to trim drooping side branches and disease and insect branches to make the trunk straight and sturdy to ensure a bumper harvest in the coming year. From December to March of the following year, cinnamon, cinnamon twigs and leaves should be harvested in winter and spring, and the cut-off branches and fallen branches of cinnamon should be cleared out of the cinnamon field and burned to clear the garden.

6. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: cinnamon diseases mainly include cinnamon tip blight, brown spot, anthracnose, powdery mildew, etc., and pests mainly include bubble shield bug, cinnamon double-petal moth, cinnamon wood moth, weevil, inchworm (cinnamon silkworm), shell worm and so on. Cinnamon seedling stage is mainly to prevent disease, each spraying foliar fertilizer can be mixed with insecticides and fungicides. If brown spot, anthracnose, powdery mildew and so on appear after transplantation, it can be sprayed and killed by Pink 600x or Deqing 3000 times. If there are pests, you can use broad-spectrum organophosphorus compound insecticide "Shachongling" EC, or kill 2000 times, or 1500 times malathion spray. If longicorn beetles get into tree trunks or branches, you can use cotton wool to soak 80% of the DDVP solution into the wormhole and seal it with mud.

How to water cinnamon trees

Cinnamon trees need to be watered to keep the soil moist. The number of times of watering can vary according to the seasons. Basically, the surface of the soil can be watered when it is dry.

During the growth period, you can water it once a week and keep it moist, but do not accumulate water. When watering, you can first water once, and then water again in half an hour or so, so as to prevent half of the water from appearing.

The summer weather is relatively dry, watering should be increased appropriately, and you can also sprinkle water around the leaves and plants of cinnamon trees, which can improve the humidity of the air.

After the beginning of autumn, the temperature decreases gradually, and watering can be reduced appropriately, as well as in winter, but because it is drier in winter, it is OK to spray more water.

Cutting methods of Cinnamomum cassia

1. Cuttings

When cutting cinnamon trees, you need to choose the right cuttings. The sturdy semi-lignified branches of the cinnamon tree were removed and the leaves were required to be bright.

The cuttings can be cut into long strips around 15cm. Generally, 3 leaves are retained, the rest are cut off, and the bottom of the cuttings is cut into a bevel.

2. Cuttage

Before cutting, the cinnamon tree can soak the cuttings in the rooting powder solution before cutting. When cutting, you should be careful not to be too deep or too shallow, and press it gently with your fingers. Generally, one plant can be cut in a nutrition bowl. After cutting, it should be watered thoroughly, then covered with plastic bags and maintained in a cool place.

Cinnamon trees generally live in warm southern areas, especially in areas with red soil, so places such as Hunan are very suitable for planting cinnamon trees. In addition, there are many propagation methods of cinnamon trees, and cutting belongs to a method with a relatively large chance of survival and a relatively simple procedure, which is very beneficial to the production of cinnamon seedlings.