
How to plant virgin fruit planting methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Virgin fruit, also known as cherry tomato, is a relatively small variety of tomatoes. People usually eat this kind of tomato as fruit or make fruit salad. It is a kind of fruit and vegetable that is more popular with female friends. Although virgin fruit is available on the market

Virgin fruit, also known as cherry tomato, is a relatively small variety of tomatoes. People usually eat this kind of tomato as fruit or make fruit salad. It is a kind of fruit and vegetable that is more popular with female friends. Although virgin fruit is available on the market, growing it yourself is not only more fulfilling, but also safer.

How to plant virgin fruit

1. Prepare the virgin fruit before planting

First of all, high-quality soil should be prepared. after bringing the soil, it is best to sift out the large clods and particles with a sieve, and disinfect the soil if possible. The second is the preparation of the seeds, which should be soaked and disinfected before planting.

2. Planting of virgin fruit

Put the germinated virgin seeds in the prepared soil, cover them with a loose layer of soil, and water them to keep the soil moist. It is best to keep the growth temperature between 20 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius. Do not water too frequently, wait until the soil is dry.

3. Transplanting virgin fruit

When the leaves of the virgin fruit are about 4 or 5, you can transplant, dig the seedlings out of the original soil, dig a small hole in the larger pot soil, put the seedlings into the small holes, and then water them. After transplanting, try not to water it, but if it is too dry, it depends on the situation.

4. Virgin fruit

About 15 days after transplanting, the root of the virgin fruit has been planted, and after it begins to blossom and sit, it is necessary to water and fertilize it. It is best to loosen the soil and keep the temperature at about 20 degrees Celsius. When it grows to a higher level, it is necessary to make a support so that the plant can cling to the support to grow, prune the side branches in the growth process, so as not to affect the growth of the fruit. You can see the rich virgin fruit in about three months.

Planting methods and points for attention of Virgin Fruit

First, the planting method of virgin fruit

1. The best breeding time: the sowing time of virgin fruit in spring can be about November-December, and the sowing time of virgin fruit in autumn can be stipulated in February-April.

2. The best growing soil: the requirement of soil moisture is 60mur80 {bf}, and the slightly acidic soil with deep, loose and fertile soil and PH of 6mur6.5 is suitable.

3. The best growth temperature: the virgin fruit likes the temperature, the suitable temperature for growth and development is 23 ℃ 28 ℃, and the night temperature is 15 mi 18 min.

4. The best growth light: the daily average temperature is between 18 and 21 ℃, the daily maximum temperature is between 20 and 24 ℃, and the average sunshine is 5 hours per day. The climatic conditions are very suitable for the growth and ripening of virgin fruit.

II. Points for attention

1. Fertilizer application: to pay attention to the quality of virgin fruit, we should pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer and control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. 2500 kg of manure per mu, or 2000 kg of human and animal manure or 100kg of vegetable cake, 30kg of compound fertilizer and 50kg of superphosphate were applied as base fertilizer to regulate the growth through water management. In the pre-harvest fruit, each harvest 2-3 Peng fruit, according to the growth strength, topdressing liquid fertilizer 2-3 times, but an appropriate amount of potash fertilizer.

2. Watering points: Virgin fruit belongs to vegetable crops that blossom and bear fruit continuously. After entering the flowering stage, watering should grasp the principle of seeing wet and dry (that is, watering once thoroughly, and then watering the second time when the soil is almost dry. Its function is to prevent excessive watering leading to rotten roots and diseases and insect pests caused by moisture), not more watering, nor drought, otherwise it will cause falling flowers and fruits and physiological cracking.

3. Pruning essentials: for varieties with limited growth, try to promote their growth, always leave two strong lateral branches in the upper part to make them grow upward, pay attention to the balance between the number of leaves and fruits, if the growth is too weak, part of the buds can be removed, and the infinite growth type does not aim at prematurity, but can be pruned with two stems because of the high seed price. But multi-line single pruning in production. In order to improve the quality, enhance the light, promote ventilation and prevent diseases, the old leaves below the ear can be removed.

Harvest method of Virgin Fruit

Virgin fruit trees are dwarf plants, but with a bumper harvest, bracket measures should be taken in advance to avoid crushing branches and leaves. When harvesting, the virgin fruit should be red and fully ripe, and secondly, after picking, it will be in a period of rapid decay and difficult to preserve, so at the same time of picking, the roots and leaves of the fruit can be harvested together, and then you should choose to use a cardboard box to wrap it. On the cardboard box, there should be a specific vent to maintain air circulation, which can prevent crushing or fruit juice infiltration.

Is virgin fruit a genetically modified food?

No, tomatoes have been so small since ancient times.

After it spread to China from Europe a hundred years ago, people gradually fell in love with this kind of persimmon from foreign countries. But at that time, the tomatoes were all the size of cherries, how could there be enough for so many people to eat? After the improvement of the variety, we have the big tomatoes we often eat now.

In fact, it takes a considerable amount of money to study a genetically modified variety, and products such as tomatoes, which are not in great demand, are simply not worth genetically modified. Only crops such as grain and soybeans can be genetically modified.

The planting of virgin fruit should not be difficult, because many people have some experience in growing tomatoes, so we can rest assured that we can operate boldly. In addition, in reality, the food that the virgin fruit is genetically modified is not credible, so we must have a certain ability to distinguish.