
How to grow currant planting techniques and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The small fruit of currant is deeply loved by everyone, and currant will only blossom and bear fruit in summer. It is a kind of fruit with rich nutrition. At the same time, as an herbaceous horticultural crop with high yield and economic benefit, it can be planted all over the country, but some friends

The small fruit of currant is deeply loved by everyone, and currant will only blossom and bear fruit in summer. It is a kind of fruit with rich nutrition. At the same time, as an herbaceous horticultural crop with high yield and economic benefit, it can be planted all over the country. But some friends are not very clear about its planting and cultivation techniques. Let's take a look at it.

How to grow currants

Seedlings reproduce. The horizontal strip pressing method can be used. In spring, it opens into a radial longitudinal groove from the clump of plants, with a depth of about 15 cm. Select a strong one-year-old branch, bend the branch downward and lead it horizontally to the longitudinal ditch, so that the whole branch is close to the bottom of the ditch, and several branches can be placed in a ditch, but it should be noted that there should be a certain distance between them so that the new root can grow, and then fill the soil in the ditch, and the top of the branch is exposed to the ground.

As the new shoots on the pressing strip grow higher and higher, the soil is cultivated step by step to make the base of the new shoots take root. When the leaves fall in autumn, each new plant with root is separated from the mother plant to become an independent plant. The horizontal striping has the advantages of simple operation, high survival rate and strong seedlings.

Planting techniques and matters needing attention of currant

I. planting techniques

1. The choice of garden. Currants like to grow in loose and fertile soil with more humus. When building a garden on a hillside, a gentle slope with a slope of no more than 10 degrees should be selected.

2. Planting. The plant row spacing is 1 m × 1 m, the planting hole is 40 cm deep and 40 cm wide, and 5 kg farm manure is applied to each hole. When planting, put the seedling in the pit, one person lift the seedling, one person cultivate the soil, steadfast, irrigate enough water, after planting, the hole surface is required to be 8-10 cm lower than the ground, in order to maintain moisture during the growing season.

3. Pruning. Currant began to bear fruit in the second year after planting, with 2-3 fruits growing on one ear. 4-5 basal branches should be selected in the year of seedling planting, 4-5 basal branches should be left every year from the second year, and 16-20 basal branches should be retained in a clump. Each tree can form a high yield of 5-15 kg in 4-5 years. The methods are as follows: for overdense plants, thinning weak branches, retracting perennial branches and cutting off excess basal branches.

II. Points for attention

Because the branches in the clump are too dense, the ventilation and light penetration is poor, the lower part of the backbone branch is easy to be bald, the inner chamber is fruitless, and the yield is low. Therefore, in the result period, special attention should be paid to the pruning work to maintain ventilation and light transmission.

Field management

1. Topdressing:

After planting slow seedlings, combined with watering to promote seedlings, 7500 kg of rotten human feces and urine or 160kg of urea were applied in holes or ditches per hectare. After the expansion of the first fruit, the second fertilizer was applied with a compound fertilizer of 225,300kg per hectare to promote fruit development and plant growth. Fertilizer can be topdressing according to plant growth in the middle and later stage of harvest. If the base fertilizer is insufficient, topdressing compound fertilizer 300 kg. When conditions permit, apply topdressing outside the root, mix urea or compound fertilizer into 0.2%-0.3% aqueous solution, and spray the leaf surface every 3-5 days.

If the leaves are hypertrophy, the internodes are too long, and the internodes are overgrown, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed to control.

2. Watering:

When planting, pour enough fixed planting water. Slow the seedling to promote the seedling fertilizer and then pour a water, that is, the middle ploughing and squatting seedlings. After the end of squatting seedlings, properly water, keep the soil moist, one water every 5-7 days, and one water every 3-5 days in summer. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: in the early stage of planting, it is ploughed once after each watering to loosen the soil, increase the soil temperature and promote the development of root system. In the first flower and first fruit, combined with topdressing, middle tillage to cultivate the soil, so that the cultivation row into a ridge, prevent plant lodging, and conducive to irrigation and drainage.

3. Ploughing and weeding:

Weeding in time in the middle and later stage of growth.

4. Plant adjustment:

Currant has many branches and strong creeping, so it must be framed. Generally, bamboo poles are inserted into the soil to form herringbone racks or hedge ledges. The plant is tied up manually for every 30 cm long.

5. Harvest:

The fruit of currant falls off naturally after ripening and harvested manually, and its quality is the best. The mature fruit has a yellowish calyx, a light yellow fruit and a rich aroma. If the fruit is not mature enough and tastes bad, it should be ripened quickly. The fruit can be sprayed with 2000 times ethephon and stacked until it is fully ripe. For fruits for storage or transportation, it is appropriate to keep the calyx outside the fruit.

Pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of currant are powdery mildew and wing moth. Powdery mildew mainly harms the leaves. During the initial period, there is a layer of powdery mildew on the surface or back of the leaves, which changes from white to dark brown, and spreads to petioles, fruit stalks and branches.

Prevention and treatment methods: attention should be paid to reasonable close planting to ensure light transmission conditions. In the initial stage of the disease, 12.5% terrazole 2000-2500 times liquid can be sprayed continuously for 3 times. Plutella xylostella generally harms the branches, buds and leaves of lantern fruit plants with larvae, causing the damaged branches and leaves to fall off, wither and dry up. Prevention and control methods: combined with pruning, the damaged branches will be centrally burned, and malathion 2000-3000 times solution can also be used for prevention and control.

Through the above introduction, have you learned about the cultivation of currants? it is said that currant trees grow beautifully, but some people plant them in flowerpots and become an ornamental plant, which is deeply loved by growers. In this way, they kill two birds with one stone. Delicious and beautiful.