
Planting methods and points for attention of Citrus mandarin processing methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people know Yu Ganzi, but do you know where it comes from? there is such a short story. More than two thousand years ago, an eminent Indian monk and a Chinese businessman were caught in a storm while crossing the desert. They lost their way and ran out of food and water. The eminent monk carried

Many people know Yu Ganzi, but do you know where it comes from? there is such a short story. More than two thousand years ago, an eminent Indian monk and a Chinese businessman were caught in a storm while crossing the desert. They lost their way and ran out of food and water. The eminent monk carried a bag of small fruits to satisfy their hunger. When the two were about to walk out of the desert, quicksand came. The eminent monk tried his best to save the businessman and gave the bag of small fruit to the Chinese businessman, but he fell dead in the vast desert. The businessman finally got out of the desert. After returning to his hometown, the businessman planted the bag of small fruits in his hometown. This kind of fruit has been planted ever since in the south of our country. This little fruit is Yuganzi.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of mandarin fruit

I. planting methods

1. Planting, the planting hole should be excavated according to the general technical regulations, and the depth, length and width of the hole should reach a certain width.

2. Irrigation, immediately after the seedlings are planted. For the seedlings with soil balls, the soil around the tree holes should be stirred with iron or wooden sticks, so that the soil around the tree holes can be filled with water. Generally, NAA is used as auxin. The powdered NAA is dissolved with a small amount of alcohol, and then mixed with clear water to form an irrigation solution with a concentration of 200PPm, which is irrigated for the first time. Whether planting camphor trees in cloudy or sunny days, they should be watered with rooting water in time. If you encounter dry and exposed weather, you should be permeated every 7 days or so. For 3 or 4 times in a row.

4. special technical treatment, in the process of transplanting, in order to maintain the humidity of the trunk and reduce the water transpiration from the bark, it is necessary to wrap the trunk with soaked grass rope until it reaches the top of the trunk, and if the branch is large, it should also be wound.

5, management and maintenance, usually, we should pay attention to watering, watering should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly"; we should also often spray clean water on the ground and leaf surface to increase air humidity and reduce plant transpiration.

II. Points for attention

1. Yukangzi can grow normally in sandy loam, shallow and barren hilltop or hillside, but it grows better in acid lateritic red soil with deep soil layer.

2. Yukangzi likes light and temperature, and is more tolerant to shade in its infancy, so it grows well in the sparse forest. It is very sensitive to low temperature, it is easy to fall flowers and leaves in case of frost, and even frost-damaged twigs and buds, requiring an average annual temperature of 18-20 ℃ to grow and develop normally, freezing injury below 5 ℃, annual precipitation of about 1000 mm, and an altitude of less than 1700 meters.

3. It was found that the fruit of Yu Citrus was poor when the average annual temperature was below 20 ℃, and grew fastest at 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃. The adult tree could tolerate 40 ℃ high temperature, and the average temperature in January was no less than 5 ℃, so it was only suitable for cultivation in the south of the Yangtze River in China. The method of propagation can be seed breeding and grafting propagation (rootstocks can be sown with Chongyang wood of the same family or Sapium sebiferum), and seed seedlings can be planted in the nursery for 2 years. Generally, it began to bear fruit 3 years after planting, and the yield per mu can reach 1500kg to 2000kg per mu. Hekou Town, Luhe County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, Puning City, Guangdong Province, and other places (among which Puning City is famous).

Processing method of residual citrus fruit

1. The sweet seeds are washed and boiled in a pot. After the water is boiled, you can smell a sour taste, like sour plum soup and rotten apples.

2. Remove the seeds after being taken out. A fruit can be broken into two or six lobes along the grain. I hope the honey will taste better and can be broken into small pieces.

3. After getting rid of the seeds, put them aside to dry, prepare a glass bottle, honey, rock sugar, honey can submerge the dried fruit, and then soak it in the refrigerator. Usually soak for 2 weeks, CR said I broke the small valve, soak for a week or so.

Water management technology

The main results are as follows: 1. During the sprouting and flowering period in spring, the tree needs more water. After drought and potential in winter, a large amount of water is needed to complete the process of sprouting, branching, leaf spreading and flowering in one month in order to meet the needs of tree growth and development. Therefore, it is necessary to pour the sprout water every year.

2. After flowering and female flower fertilization, the fruit enters the rapid growth period, which requires a lot of water and nutrients, which is the key period of water demand for the whole year. In times of drought, water should be thoroughly watered after flowering.

3. During the period of flower bud differentiation, the growth and development of trees is relatively slow, but the development of mandarin fruits has just begun, and sufficient nutrients and water are required to supply the trees.

4. Frozen water: from the end of October to November, the frozen water should be filled with basic fertilizer in autumn to store nutrients for the growth and development of trees after overwintering.

Fertilization skills of Yu Citrus

The main results are as follows: 1. Base fertilizer is the basic fertilizer for the growth of remaining citrus trees, which can be applied in spring and autumn.

2. Topdressing before sprouting should be carried out before fruit sprouting. In this period, nitrogen fertilizer is the main topdressing fertilizer, compound fertilizer with high nitrogen content should be applied, and urea can be added. Water can be watered again depending on the soil moisture.

3. Topdressing before flowering, several periods of flower bud differentiation, flowering and fruit setting overlap, so topdressing before flowering is very important. This time, the topdressing should be mainly phosphate fertilizer, followed by potash fertilizer, supplemented by an appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, potassium sulfate compound fertilizer can be applied, each plant 3 jin, where conditions can be watered again.

4. topdressing in the fruit expansion period, the fruit expansion period is the main period for winter trees to apply fertilizer in the whole year, which should be dominated by potash fertilizer, followed by phosphate fertilizer, followed by nitrogen fertilizer.

Yuganzi is a kind of tropical wild fruit, which is sour and astringent at first, but has a sweet aftertaste. According to Compendium of Materia Medica, Yuganzi "tonifies strong qi, relieves stone poison, main wind deficiency and heat, light body for a long time, and prolongs life." Because it has a certain medicinal value, it has become a delicious dish in the hands of industrious people. Today, the editor is going to introduce you to several common ways to eat Yuganzi. I don't know if you know how to eat it.