
Solidly promote the reform and development of land reclamation in the new period

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The Northern Wild Land in August. On November 27, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the opinions on further promoting the Reform and Development of Land Reclamation, which made comprehensive arrangements for the reform and development of land reclamation in the new period. Recently, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu proposed that it is necessary to accurately grasp


The Northern Wild Land in August. Data picture

On November 27, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the opinions on further promoting the Reform and Development of Land Reclamation, which made comprehensive arrangements for the reform and development of land reclamation in the new period. Recently, Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu proposed that it is necessary to accurately grasp the background, ideas, goals, and patterns of the Fifth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, fully understand the new situation and challenges facing agricultural and rural economic development during the 13th five-year Plan, and plan agricultural and rural economic development in the overall economic and social development situation. In the next step, the national land reclamation should be based on the overall situation of agricultural and rural economic development, seize the historical opportunity of the central government's issuance of agricultural reclamation documents, resolutely implement the five major development concepts, give full play to its unique advantages, and implement various policies and measures. solve reform bottlenecks and development problems, and form a new pattern of reform and development that is positive and steady, overall innovation, and go hand in hand.

Bear in mind the history and mission, and sum up the experience of land reclamation reform and development comprehensively and systematically.

Reviewing and summarizing the long development process of land reclamation, the achievements are not easy to come by, and the experience is very precious. First, always adhere to obedience to and serve the strategic needs of the country. The development of land reclamation is determined by the state-owned nature of land reclamation and by the basic economic system, special national conditions and strategic needs of our country. Whether it is to cultivate and defend the border to maintain the stability of the border areas, or to develop agricultural production to support the country's economic construction, whether it is to resettle demobilized officers and soldiers and young intellectuals, or to ensure the supply of important agricultural products such as grain and rubber. Whether in special periods such as revolutionary wars and natural disasters, or in emergency moments such as SARS and the Wenchuan earthquake, land reclamation resolutely implemented the decision-making departments of the central authorities and completed the state directives at the first time. It has played a role of grasping, adjusting, and urgently deserving the national team, and provided a strong foundation for maintaining overall stability. The second is to always adhere to the market reform direction of enterprise, collectivization and industrialization. With the deepening of reform and opening up, land reclamation clearly put forward the reform orientation of enterprise, collectivization and industrialization. We will carry out a pilot project for the construction of modern enterprise system at the farm level, take the reform of the property rights system as a starting point, reorganize and integrate field-run enterprises on a large scale, straighten out the relationship between government and enterprises, actively promote collectivization reform, and build the management system of parent and subsidiary companies at the farm level. constantly improve the corporate governance structure; adjust and optimize the industrial structure at the industrial level, build the whole agricultural industry chain, and explore the comprehensive operation of agriculture, industry and commerce. At present, 17 collectivized reclamation areas such as Beijing have become the concentrated representative of the core competitiveness of land reclamation and the main force to fulfill the national mission of land reclamation. Third, it is always an important duty to lead the construction of modern agriculture in our country. Agriculture is the foundation of land reclamation and the foundation of development. For a long time, land reclamation has always adhered to the historical responsibility and mission of demonstrating and leading the construction of modern agriculture, adhering to the word "agriculture" to become stronger, better and bigger, and actively explore the effective way for land reclamation to take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization. by first trying agricultural science and technology, strengthening the construction of material equipment, building agricultural industrial system, cultivating modern agricultural enterprises, and so on, we will constantly promote the transformation and upgrading of modern agriculture. In particular, we will vigorously develop agricultural socialized service industries, such as land trusteeship, ploughing and seed generation, and technical services, to show and lead farmers in the aspects of mechanization, intensification, industrialization, scale and standardization, which has played an important exemplary and leading role in the surrounding rural areas. Fourth, always adhere to the protection and improvement of people's livelihood as the starting point and foothold of land reclamation reform and development. Land reclamation has always been closely centering on the interests of the masses of workers, earnestly increasing infrastructure construction, strengthening the function of community service, and promoting the development of a new type of urbanization in the reclamation area, which not only makes the people of the reclamation area share the fruits of reform and development, but also makes the reform and development of land reclamation a steady stream of endogenous power. Long-term practice has proved that only by persisting in reform and development and relying on the masses of workers can we achieve a virtuous circle of economic development and improvement of people's livelihood.

Emancipate the mind, innovate ideas, and conscientiously work out the economic and social development plan for land reclamation during the 13th five-year Plan.

The national land reclamation system must further emancipate the mind, break through the obstacles of systems and mechanisms, innovate working methods and methods, and plan the economic and social development plan of land reclamation during the 13th five-year Plan in accordance with the reform and development goals set in the opinions on further promoting the Reform and Development of Land Reclamation.

First, we should adhere to innovative development and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of land reclamation economy. Land reclamation should strive to innovate the ideas of industrial development, effectively integrate various factors of modern agricultural production, and create a whole agricultural industry chain with traceable quality from the field to the dining table. It is necessary to actively create an industrial development pattern, actively cultivate product supply capacity and market competitiveness on the basis of comprehensive production capacity, and form a development pattern in which large reclamation area groups drive industrial companies, state-owned farms, new business entities, and traditional farmers.

The second is to adhere to coordinated development and strive to optimize the industrial structure of the land reclamation economy. Land reclamation should actively guide the effective allocation of funds, technology, information, talents and other resources, integrate various reclamation areas and farms through capital operation, and form a shared responsibility and interest community. to achieve coordinated development between different reclamation areas and different farms. It is necessary to gradually straighten out the relationship between social enterprises through various forms of reform, achieve separate internal accounting, promote external development, and achieve coordinated economic and social development in the reclamation area.

The third is to adhere to green development and strive to improve the ability of sustainable development of land reclamation. Agricultural reclamation should strengthen the innovation of agricultural science and technology, strengthen the popularization and application of new technologies such as soil testing, formula fertilization and precise scientific application of pesticides, strictly control the use of agricultural inputs and pollution to the environment of the producing area, and create a large-scale green and safe production mode. improve the production safety level of agricultural products in an all-round way. It is necessary to promote the transformation and upgrading of the traceability work of land reclamation quality, expand the applicability of the traceability system and the coverage of traceability products, and achieve full traceability coverage of key reclamation areas, key enterprises, and key products. On the basis of scale and standardization, we should strengthen the green development of the production side and the brand construction of the market side, ensure safety on a large scale, realize security by standardization, consolidate security by greening, and maintain safety by branding. Establish a set of large-scale, standardized, green, brand production system to ensure the sustainable development of land reclamation.

Fourth, adhere to open development and strive to promote win-win cooperation in land reclamation. Land reclamation should have an open mind, adhere to the development concept of win-win cooperation, and break through the "bottleneck" of social influence and market control. we should strive for a greater market voice in many ways, such as the combination of direct and indirect, the combination of capital and contract, and the combination of international and domestic. It is necessary to strengthen the promotion of "going out of the reclamation area", improve new models of land reclamation cooperation such as "government + farm + farmers", promote the orderly flow of factors of production between farms and rural areas, and enhance their attractiveness and driving force to the surrounding rural farmers. It is necessary to seize the favorable opportunity for the country to implement the "Belt and Road Initiative" and other development strategies, make full use of both international and domestic markets and resources, and take the lead in the layout of processing, warehousing, logistics, and channels, so as to deepen international cooperation in agriculture.

Fifth, adhere to shared development and strive to protect the legitimate rights and interests of land reclamation workers. It is necessary to steadily promote the pilot reform of capitalization and capitalization of land resources for land reclamation, actively invigorate land resources, and fairly share land dividends. Scientific planning, effective implementation, strict supervision, active application of various policies that benefit farmers, policies on people's livelihood and policies on the reform of state-owned enterprises, and scientific sharing of policy dividends should be made. It is necessary to improve the modern enterprise system, improve the system of linking the interests of farms and workers, encourage workers to participate in industrial management through various forms, and activate vitality in farms through their own entrepreneurship, innovation, and creation, so as to effectively improve the level of industrial development and share industrial dividends with mutual benefit. It is necessary to increase the income of staff and workers through various channels and share the dividends of land reclamation development.

Unite and cooperate, strive for something, and fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the central government.

First, it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central document meeting and promote various policies and measures of the central government to take root. The administrative departments at all levels of land reclamation should bear the main responsibility for the implementation of the reform measures and put in place the requirements put forward by the central authorities that "we should personally grasp both the reform arrangements and the supervision of the reform, one level at a level, and transmit the pressure layer by layer." In the concrete implementation of the relevant important reform arrangements, we should adhere to the bottom line thinking, adhere to the problem orientation, get rid of the traditional path dependence, focus on investigation and research, problem feedback and practical innovation, and pay attention to overall planning and coordination. ensure that reform tasks coordinate with each other, reform processes link up with each other, and reform achievements complement each other; we must resolutely break through the "last public mile" promoted by reform. In the light of the different actual conditions of various localities, we should take measures in accordance with local conditions, proceed step by step, take advantage of both the situation and the reality, follow closely step by step, and constantly accumulate experience for the next step of exploration in practice. When supervising the reform work, we should inspect and evaluate in time, check and fill gaps in key work in time, collect feedback on major suggestions in time, analyze and study square cases that need to be improved, and point out and correct existing problems in a timely manner.

The second is to comprehensively deepen the reform of land reclamation and speed up the reform process of farm industrialization and collectivization of reclamation areas. Along the path of enterprise development, we should gradually realize the industrialization of the economic function of the state-owned farm and the localization of the social function, and make the farm become the real market main body. It is necessary to steadily promote the separation of government and social enterprises in state-owned farms, separate all social functions that can be transferred, and realize the separation of internal government and social enterprises in farms that do not have the necessary conditions for the time being, and straighten out the functions of enterprise operation, social management, and public services. It is necessary to continue to improve the agricultural two-tier management system, which is based on the family operation of workers and workers, with large farms as a whole and small farms as a whole, actively promote appropriate scale operation, and strengthen the unified management and service functions of state-owned farms. In accordance with the direction of collectivization reform, we should straighten out the management system and management mechanism of the reclamation area, build a parent-subsidiary management system linked by capital, improve the modern enterprise system, and improve the corporate governance structure. constantly improve the enterprise's internal management level and market management ability. In the reclamation areas that already have a collectivized management structure, it is necessary to stabilize and improve the management system, speed up the establishment and improvement of a corporate governance structure with coordinated operation and effective checks and balances, and realize the collectivization of the whole organizational system as soon as possible. When state-owned farms belong to the reclamation areas managed by cities and counties, we should actively create conditions, adopt market-oriented means, and set up professional and regional modern agricultural enterprise groups.

The third is to speed up the construction of modern agriculture and cultivate competitive modern agricultural enterprise groups. Land reclamation should give full play to the unique advantages of high degree of organization, outstanding large-scale characteristics, and sound industrial system, and continue to be in the forefront of the country in the popularization and application of scientific and technological achievements, the level of agricultural mechanization, and the ability of industrial management. At the same time, we should vigorously develop new agricultural management models such as "group company + farm + family farm" to strengthen the role of radiation and demonstration in the modernization of agriculture. It is necessary to speed up the implementation of the joint venture strategy of the joint alliance, set up the prefix "China Reclamation" joint stock company with emphasis on the rice industry, dairy industry, rubber, seed industry, and circulation, and use capital as the link to speed up the layout of the whole industry chain with strategic coordination, promote the effective connection of agricultural production, processing, circulation, trade and marketing, and speed up the transformation from a "big granary" to a "big grain merchant." Take the agricultural product quality traceability platform as the foundation, take the construction of China's land reclamation brand as the starting point, promote the integration of resources and the adjustment of industrial structure, speed up the construction of the food safety guarantee system from the field to the table and the modern agricultural industrial system with "resources, science and technology, capital, brand" as the core. (Wang Shoucong is the director of the Agricultural Reclamation Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture.)