
How to grow passion fruit planting techniques and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Passion fruit is a kind of fruit that many people like to keep in good health. if it is eaten directly, the taste is very sour. Most people drink it with passion fruit. If it is passion fruit and honey, it tastes excellent. It can also produce a certain amount to the human body.

Passion fruit is a kind of fruit that many people like to keep in good health. if it is eaten directly, the taste is very sour, and most people drink it with passion fruit. If it is passion fruit and honey, it tastes excellent. It can also produce certain benefits to the human body, which can help digestion and refresh the mind. So how to grow passion fruit? let's have a look with the editor.

How to grow passion fruit

The easiest way is to dry the seeds of the finished passion fruit directly into the basin and soak for 1 to 2 days before entering the basin. If you want to increase the rate of budding, you can first cultivate it in a small vessel and wait for it to sprout and put it into a large basin. If you want to choose the method of cutting, the requirement is an one-year stick, find it in a small basin with sand, sprout and move into a large basin. Pay attention to keeping the soil moist after entering the basin. Passion fruit is a vine plant, so pay attention to setting up scaffolding when entering the basin.

Planting techniques and matters needing attention of passion fruit

I. planting techniques

1. Watering: the root system of passion fruit is a shallow root plant, which likes to be moist, that is, avoid stagnant water and fear drought. First of all, drainage ditches are set up in the greenhouse to prevent stagnant water in the greenhouse. The principle of watering should be based on the principle of dry and wet, watering once or twice a month.

2. fertilization of newly planted seedlings: nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the early stage, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, in order to promote plant growth. 10-15 days after planting, human feces and urine or 0.3-0.5% urea water were applied to promote branch growth, once every 10-20 days, 2.5-3 kg of rotten human feces and 0.05 kg of compound fertilizer were applied, and 0.1% urea + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed on the leaves every 15-20 days to accelerate plant growth.

II. Points for attention

1. Moisture: keep the soil moist at the seedling stage, drench five jin of water per plant for four consecutive days of high temperature and drought, prepare for drainage in advance of the rainy season, and no stagnant water within one meter in diameter of the planting pile.

2. Fertilization: the newly planted seedlings began to extract seedling fertilizer ten days later, mainly barreled water soluble fertilizer and mixed compound fertilizer. The first application was diluted according to the maximum multiple of barreled water soluble fertilizer, and then one jin of mixed soluble compound fertilizer per 100 jin of water fertilizer was mixed well, and then irrigated to the root (for example, it was 300 UV 400 times, diluted 400 times for the first time, and the application ratio was adjusted the second time. Mix and release the mixed soluble compound fertilizer according to the minimum dilution multiple of 300 times, and the proportion of the compound fertilizer does not need to be adjusted) once every four to seven days for a total of four times. Release time in the evening, cloudy and rainy days, when the rainy season is approaching, high temperature weather is not suitable for fertilization.

Insect control measures of passion fruit

1. Pruning in time, keep the orchard ventilated and transparent, reduce the degree of shade; after heavy rain, remove stagnant water in the orchard, prevent stagnant water in the orchard, reduce the occurrence of wounds, and pay attention to the prevention and control of underground pests and nematodes. Increase the application of organic fertilizer and bacterial fertilizer, the growth period combined with organic bacteria potassium stimulant root application type, and urgent amino melon sugar combined with root watering to improve the soil environment.

2. Arrange the dense planting, adopt hedge-shaped frame and shed-shaped frame to increase the ventilation and transmittance of the garden. Strengthen the work of garden cleaning and pruning during the growing period in winter to reduce pathogens and do a good job of drainage in the rainy season. Actively do a good job of prevention, pre-flower spray one by one urgent prevention and control at the initial stage of the disease.

3. Good seedlings should be controlled from the source, and diseased plants should be removed in time when they are found in the seedling stage. Through bacterial potassium to enhance the tree potential, improve the ability of disease resistance. Scientific pruning, while spraying 1% Sophora flavescens printing to do a good job in the prevention and control of aphids, mites and other vectors. The chemical control effect of passion fruit is poor after the occurrence of virus disease, so it is recommended to eradicate it directly in order to eliminate the disease.

Management of passion orchard

The main results are as follows: 1. The newly planted passion fruit is mainly nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage to promote plant growth. The root system began to grow 10-15 days after planting, 0.5% dilute urea or rare human feces and urine could be applied, and then every 20 days, each plant was treated with mature human feces and urine 5kg or compound fertilizer 0.1kg. Farm fertilizer 20~30kg, urea 0.6~0.7kg, phosphate fertilizer 0.6~0.9kg and potassium fertilizer 1.2~1.3kg were applied to each plant every year. Farm manure and phosphate fertilizer were applied in the furrow before and after the Beginning of Spring, urea and potash fertilizer were applied once a month during flowering and fruiting, and mixed fertilizer 0.3~0.4kg was applied to the plant.

2. Irrigation, passion fruit is a shallow root plant, which likes to be moist, avoiding stagnant water and being afraid of drought. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to open a good drainage ditch to prevent stagnant water in the orchard; at the same time, spread weeds to conserve water, and irrigate once when it is not raining for 15 days.

3. Soil management: after clearing the garden in winter, the whole garden should be turned over, and the weeds and residual branches and leaves should be buried at the same time. Then sprinkle lime 25~30kg per mu.

Eating passion fruit can fill your stomach, at the same time, female compatriots can take care of their beauty, and it is also of great help to men who drink alcohol. It is called the king of fruit juice by many people, and its seeds can be used to extract oil and be used in industrial production. Passion fruit has so many uses, you might as well buy more and try it.