
When does soybean hit Daizhuangsu? what kind of pesticide is used in soybean root rot?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the continuous improvement of people's economic living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for the choice of food. Many people will choose pure natural, pollution-free and healthy food when choosing food. So the prospect of the planting industry is also very good. With all of you today

With the continuous improvement of people's economic living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for the choice of food. Many people will choose pure natural, pollution-free and healthy food when choosing food. So the prospect of the planting industry is also very good. Today, I told you that a kind of crop is a very popular soybean. So what do soybeans fight against sturdiness? What pesticide does soybean root rot use? Next, the editor will answer for you.

When will soybeans be short and strong?

1. According to the weather and the growth of soybeans, it is not necessary to spray on soybean. generally, it is because the planting is too dense or there are too many cloudy and rainy days, resulting in slender branches at the seedling stage, and it is usually sprayed more than ten days before flowering.

2. Daizhuangsu can be used in soybean, which can make soybean short and strong, developed root system, thickened leaves, deepened leaf color and enhanced photosynthesis, so as to promote reproductive growth, increase pod setting rate, improve quality, and increase yield and drought resistance, cold resistance and saline-alkali resistance. 3. Generally, when there are 4 compound leaves of soybean, 0.1% dwarf solution is sprayed per mu, and 0.5% dwarf solution is sprayed once at the early flowering stage, with 50 kg per mu each time.

What kind of pesticides are used in soybean root rot

1. 50% Anke wettable powder and 25% metalaxyl wettable powder were mixed according to 0.2% of the seed weight. After the disease occurs in the field, spray control can be carried out with 1500 times of 50% Anke wettable powder and 25% metalaxyl wettable powder, once in 7 days and 3 times in a row.

2. Root rot is mainly harmful to fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, crops and so on, which is mainly caused by Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Candida albicans and other bacteria. The pathogen spent the winter in the soil and on the residual body, usually from late March to early April, and entered the peak period in May. In recent years, its harm degree has been continuously strengthened, the prevention and control is difficult, and the recurrence rate is high, which directly affects the economic benefits of farmers. The main symptoms of root rot are as follows: scorched leaf margin, capping of new shoots, wilting of leaves, green and dry leaves, etc., which is easy to occur under the condition of high temperature and humidity in summer.

How to control soybean root rot

1. Strengthen quarantine and use disease-free seeds.

2. Disease-resistant varieties with resistance to local races were selected.

3. Strengthen field management, cultivate soil in deep and middle ploughing in time, and remove stagnant water in time to prevent moisture retention after rain.

4. Because the bacteria only infects soybean, the rotation time should not be less than 4 years in the diseased land.

Soil conditions for high yield of soybean

1. Soil condition is the basis of high yield of soybean. Soil water status, nutrient status and some physical properties of soil are important factors affecting soybean yield.

2. Soybean seeds need more water to germinate than cereal crops. The young roots of soybean are tender and have high water content, and the suitable soil moisture conditions can promote the young roots to grow in depth. The main root of the plant can reach about 1 meter, and the parallel expansion of the lateral root can reach about 0.5 meters. 3. When the soil moisture is insufficient, it will affect its vertical and horizontal expansion growth.

4. Soybean root is very sensitive to the change of oxygen in soil. Under the condition of hypoxia, the root growth decreased obviously. Therefore, moderate soil water content, deep plough layer and moderate tightness can provide good water content and aeration conditions, which will promote the growth and development of roots.

5. In pedology, soil compactness is regarded as the physical property index of soil moisture and aeration in the soil plough layer, which is generally expressed by bulk density (grams per cubic centimeter of dry soil). The suitable soil capacity of soybean is 1.0-1.4. Loam is the most suitable for soybean growth, clayey loam, clay loam and sandy loam can also grow normally; sand and clay, weak water holding capacity or poor ventilation is not conducive to growth.

In the above, we can know that dwarf can be used in soybeans, so that soybeans can become short and very strong, the roots become well developed, the leaves will be thickened and the leaf color will be deepened. Therefore, dwarftin has a lot of effects on soybeans.