
What fertilizer should be applied to pomelo? when is the sweetest pomelo bagged?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grapefruit is a very common fruit in life, not only fresh taste, but also very good taste, the most important thing is that its nutritional value is very high, proper consumption can be good for people's health. Grapefruit is more planted in the south of China, but

Grapefruit is a very common fruit in life, not only fresh taste, but also very good taste, the most important thing is that its nutritional value is very high, proper consumption can be good for people's health. Grapefruit is widely planted in southern China, but there are still many people who do not know much about the planting skills of grapefruit. It will be described in more detail below.

What is the sweetest fertilizer for grapefruit?

1. Increase the application of calcium and potash fertilizer

According to the study, the content of calcium in soil is related to the acid content of pomelo. Calcium can not only neutralize the organic acids in pomelo, but also increase the weight of a single fruit. Pinghe honey pomelo soil is mostly red loam, the general pH value is less than 5.0, the soil is generally lack of calcium. Potassium fertilizer can increase photosynthesis, increase carbohydrates, and greatly improve the sweetness of pomelo.

2. Unbiased application of chemical fertilizer

A large amount of chemical nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can promote vegetative growth, delay fruit coloring, lighten color and thicken pericarp, so too much nitrogen application is not conducive to improve sweetness.

3. Increase the application of organic fertilizer.

In the production of honey pomelo, all kinds of organic manure (barnyard manure, compost, retting fertilizer, straw, green manure, cake fertilizer) can not only supplement part of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium needed for the growth of honey pomelo in time, but also supplement magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum and other trace elements, but also improve soil acidity and bulk density, increase fertilizer utilization efficiency, prevent or correct pomelo deficiency symptoms, improve soil fertility, thus increase its sweetness.

4. Change "winter fertilizer" to "fruit drop fertilizer".

Pomelo farmers are used to applying base fertilizer in winter. In winter, low-temperature pomelo enters the eye rest period, no matter how much fertilizer is applied, honey pomelo can not be absorbed. Nutrition is not made up, and fertilizer is wasted. The base fertilizer based on organic fertilizer should be applied in autumn after picking. The temperature is relatively high in autumn, which is easy to be fermented and decomposed by organic fertilizer, which is beneficial to the decomposition and transformation of organic fertilizer and continuous release of nutrients.

When will grapefruit be bagged

1. Bagging is carried out after the fruit is fixed (about the first and middle of May).

2. Soak about 5 parts of the bag the night before bagging.

3. After being completely softened, the excess moisture at the mouth of the bag is thrown away, and the mouth of the bag is placed upright in bundles upward and covered with wet cloth.

4. A spray must be used to prevent diseases and insects before bagging, and begin to cover after the medicine is dried. Bagging is completed within 2 days, and unfinished trees need to be re-sprayed.

5. Bagging should be combined with fruit thinning, and only one fruit is covered in each paper bag.

6. Tighten the open aluminum wire when bagging to avoid the entry of water, germs and insect pests.

What's the advantage of bagging grapefruit?

1. Reduce the times of spraying pesticides and save the expenses of pesticides.

From spraying before bagging in June and July to harvesting pomelo fruit in October, the times of spraying can be reduced by 3 to 4 times, pesticide cost and spraying work can be saved, and environmental pollution can be reduced.

2. Reduce pesticide residues and produce pollution-free fruits

From spraying pesticide before bagging to the end of harvest in October, the bagged fruit field does not need to spray pesticide, there is no pesticide residue, and the fruit can reach the standard of pollution-free food.

3. Prevent insects and diseases and improve the quality

Comparison between bagged fruit and unbagged fruit: the skin of bagged fruit was bright and uniform, the color of pericarp was consistent, the rate of disease and insect pests was less than 8%, the rate of sunburn and fruit cracking was less than 3%, and no harm of "heart-eating insects" was found. Under the comparison of pesticides for many times, the fruits without bagging were 25% of diseases and insect pests, 12% of sunburn and split fruits, 30% of "heart-eating insects" (fruit-eating flies), and more than 85% of serious fruit farms.

What should you pay attention to after bagging grapefruit?

1. Within 15 days after bagging, it is necessary to do another pest control work, mainly aimed at shell insects and rust wall lice.

2. Check whether there are diseases and insect pests after bagging, and open the bags regularly (10 days) to avoid some diseases and insect pests occur before bagging, and then harm the fruit.

3. After bagging, the fruit grows very fast, and the nutrients that need to be absorbed will increase. Therefore, after bagging, we should also pay attention to the management of fertilizer and water to ensure that it can meet the needs of the growth of pomelo. Strong fruit fertilizer (mainly compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) can be applied to pomelo in June and early July.

4. After bagging, targeted control measures should be taken according to the characteristics of different diseases and insect pests, and pesticides with high toxicity or high agricultural residues should not be used in the process of prevention and control to avoid affecting the fruit.

During the growth period of grapefruit, proper fertilization is very helpful to its growth. And to a certain degree of growth, it is best to bag the grapefruit, which not only reduces insect pests, but also reduces the expenditure on pesticides.