
Planting techniques of muskmelon in open field what is the latest month to plant melons

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Melons are very common in life, and for most people, this fruit is not only delicious, but also nutritious, suitable for a variety of people to eat. At present, the sales of melons are so popular in the market that many people aim at this business opportunity and even regard it as

Melons are very common in life, and for most people, this fruit is not only delicious, but also nutritious, suitable for a variety of people to eat. At present, the sales of melons are so popular in the market that many people aim at this business opportunity and even regard it as a choice to get rich. What is the method of growing it? Let's study together.

Planting techniques of muskmelon in open field

1. Soak the seeds. After selecting a good variety, you can properly dry the seeds in fine weather, and then screen them. Soak the seeds in warm soup with 55 degrees water for 1 minute, then lower the temperature to 25 degrees, then fish them out a little after 6 hours, and then accelerate the germination (the germination temperature is about 28 degrees). When the seeds germinate and show white, sow the seeds.

2. Raising seedlings. The seedling age is about 35 days (the average temperature is above 15 degrees). The seedlings can be planted in the field at the age of 3-5 leaves.

3. Planting. Transplanting in the first and middle of May, the planting density can depend on the variety. After transplanting, we should pay attention to water management, shorten the slow seedling period as far as possible, and irrigate holes, which can not only preserve the ground temperature but also provide sufficient slow seedling water. Cover with plastic film to moisturize and increase the ground temperature. Water-retaining agent can also be used when transplanting, which can reduce the number of watering, and can be watered again in the whole growing period.

4. Fertilization. Base fertilizer is fully applied at one time, ditch 30 cm away from the plant, apply 50-100 kg potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per mu, or 2-3 square of mature livestock and poultry manure. In the middle and later stage, foliar spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other supplementary regulation can also balance vegetative growth and reproductive growth and improve fruit setting rate.

5. Medication. Apply 2-4 kg of phoxim or avermectin per mu with fertilizer to control underground pests, nematode diseases or soil-borne diseases; the prevention of virus diseases should be strengthened in the process of planting management, foliar spraying once every 10 days or so.

6. Watering. Usually less watering, seize the critical period such as expanded melon water, at the same time to apply quick-acting compound fertilizer to ensure adequate nutrients of muskmelon, timely watering in case of drought.

7. Management. Choose the appropriate way of pruning and pruning according to the characteristics of the variety, such as Xiangmi 900 can grow naturally without pruning and branching, while Sabai melons need five vines to leave 3-4 melons.

In what month will melons be planted at the latest

Melon is a spring sowing crop, the requirements for the soil is not strict, it is a light-loving and temperature-loving crop, more able to withstand the sun, but do not like water, afraid of waterlogging. The longer the sunshine, the better it grows. It is generally planted in the temperate tropics and has many varieties. Spring is the most suitable time to plant melons, usually between February and April. So it needs to be planted in April at the latest.

How to prune muskmelon and pick its heart

The main results are as follows: 1. Single vine pruning, the main vine is not coring: the fruit vine in the middle of more than 4-5 nodes is selected, 2-3 leaves are left in front of the melon, and the upper vine can be allowed to grow, coring or thinning according to the growth condition of the field. Early-maturing varieties and close planting in northwest China are used.

2. Double vine pruning, one of the commonly used forms in melon production: when the main vine has 3-4 true leaves, 3 leaves are left to pick the heart, and when the vine is about 15 cm, 2 strong vines are selected, and the rest are removed from the base. Son vine length 35-40 cm, 7-8 section when picking the heart, leaving grandson vine melon. Sun Meng female flower leaves 2-3 leaves to pick the heart before smallpox. Sun Min, who does not bear melons on the vine, leaves 2-3 leaves to pick the heart. After bearing melons, the sun vine in the upper part of the vine can be allowed to grow.

3. Pruning of three vines, the most common form in the cultivation of muskmelon in North China: more seed vines, rapid increase of leaf area index in the field, more fruit nodes, early and neat fruit setting, which is beneficial to early ripening. For the early-maturing varieties in which both son and Sun vine can sit, the pruning method of early-maturing cultivation is as follows: 4 leaves of the main vine, 3 strong vines and 6-8 leaves. The daughter vine can grow the grandvine in each node, and the vast majority of the 1st and 2nd nodes of the grandvine can produce female flowers and produce melons, but the melons on the 3rd and 4th vine develop better and mature prematurely.

Matters needing attention in pruning and heart picking of muskmelon

1. Pruning and heart-picking should be arranged after 10:00 in the morning, the stems and leaves are soft, and unnecessary damage can be avoided during operation. At the same time, when the temperature is higher after 10:00, the wound heals quickly and the bacterial infection is reduced.

2. Pruning should grasp the principle of tightening in front and loosening behind. The core of the main vine must be picked in time, and only a little growing point should be pinched when picking the heart, so as not to affect the number of daughter vines. The rapid extension of the vine must be pruned in time, which is an important link to promote the growth of early sitting melon.

3. Muskmelons planted in the south are generally deep trenches and narrow compartments, with high density, small nutrients per plant, 4-5 vine branches, relatively neat and consistent sitting melons, too many melons and insufficient nutrients, which will form poor small marketability of melons, so it is best to leave 4-5 young melons with good fruit setting nodes and correct fruit shape per plant, and the rest will be thinned out.

Melon cultivation in the open field, not only the input cost is relatively low, but also relatively easy to manage, friends in need can consider it. In the process of melon planting, we should also pay attention to timely pruning and heart-picking, which can improve the fruit setting rate.