
How to plant a potted mango tree? what about the dried leaves of a potted mango tree?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mango is a common and popular fruit in China. In the past, mangoes were planted in the ground, but now some people like to make mangoes into potted plants and maintain them at home, so that they can be enjoyed and eaten, which is still very good. So potted.

Mango is a common and popular fruit in China. In the past, mangoes were planted in the ground, but now some people like to make mangoes into potted plants and maintain them at home, so that they can be enjoyed and eaten, which is still very good. So what are the techniques for planting potted mangoes? Let's take a look at it together.

How to plant potted mango trees

1. Prepare a standard planting soil in the flowerpot, then bury the seed half in the soil, and the germ end of the seed goes down into the soil, so as to facilitate the germination of the seed and protect the germ from being bitten by ants or snails.

2. after planting, put the flowerpot in a warm, humid and sunny place, pay attention to take care of and keep the soil moist. Under the right conditions of normal temperature and humidity, you can see that the top of the seed begins to sprout five or six days after planting, and grows day by day.

What about the dried leaves of mango trees planted in pots?

1. There is too much water. The young leaves at the top of the flowers are yellowish, the old leaves are gradually yellow, and the new shoots are shrinking. This is due to too much watering, rain or too much watering, resulting in excessive wetness in the basin, lack of oxygen in the soil and rot of the beard roots. The right thing to do is to loosen the soil often and control watering.

2. Lack of water. The color of the top leaves of potted flowers is normal, but the lower leaves gradually dry and fall off upward. This is generally due to the fact that the basin soil is too full to water for a long time, resulting in the aging of the branches of the lower leaves. The excess basin soil should be properly removed and properly watered to keep the soil moist.

3. Lack of fat. The leaves of flowers are thin and tender and yellowish, which is generally due to the fact that the flowers are big and the pots are small or have not changed the soil for a long time, and the fertilizer is insufficient. Fertilizer and water should be increased gradually, but be careful not to be too thick. Potted flowers change pots once a year or two. Bonsai trees are changed every two or four years. When changing the basin, add a small amount of base fertilizer to the bottom of the basin, and change part of the new soil.

Maintenance of potted mango trees after planting

1. Temperature: mango likes warmth and is not resistant to frost. The optimum temperature for growth is 25: 30 ℃, which grows slowly below 20 ℃. Leaves and inflorescences will stop growing below 10 ℃, and nearly ripe fruits will suffer cold damage. The effective temperature for growth is 18-35 ℃, the optimum temperature for shoot growth is 24-29 ℃, and the daily average temperature for fruit setting and young fruit growth is higher than 20 ℃.

2. Illumination: mango is a light-loving fruit tree. Sufficient light can promote flower bud differentiation, blossom and fruit setting, improve fruit quality and improve appearance. Usually, the single plant in the sunny or open environment of the crown blossoms more, the fruit setting rate is high, there are too many branches and leaves, the crown is closed, the mango with insufficient light blossoms and bears less, and the appearance and quality of the fruit are poor. Through shaping and pruning bentgrass, the light conditions in the garden and trees can be improved to increase the yield and prolong the high yield period.

3. Moisture: mango grows well in the area with annual rainfall of 700mm to 2000mm, and the uneven distribution of annual rainfall in South China often affects the growth and development. In the florescence and early fruiting stage, if the air is too dry, it is easy to cause falling flowers and fruit, and too much Rain Water leads to rotten flowers and poor pollination and fertilization. rainfall in summer is too concentrated, which often leads to serious fruit diseases, and the autumn drought after harvest affects the germination and growth of autumn shoot mother branches.

4. Soil: mango has no strict requirements on soil, and mango can be cultivated in areas below 600 meters above sea level. However, the soil layer is deep, the groundwater level is less than 3 meters, good drainage, slightly acidic loam or sandy loam is better.

Insect pests of potted mango trees and their control

1. Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera litura. It mainly eats mango shoots and inflorescences, resulting in withered shoots and inflorescences, affecting growth and flowering. The main control agents are: 90% trichlorfon, 50% aldicarb, 15% aldicarb dose 800 times, and so on.

2. Mango flat-beaked leafhopper. It is mainly harmful to flowers and young fruits, leading to falling flowers and fruits, and causing serious soot disease. The main insecticides are: 50% cicada powder 1000-1500 times, 2.5% 1500-2000 times. Spray for 1 or 2 times in the inflorescence extension period.

3. Longicorn beetles. The larvae eat the wood of the mature branches, causing the branches to be hollow and dry, which seriously threatens the growth of mango. Mainly use 100 times dichlorvos to inject into the hole and seal it.

When planting potted mangoes, we must pay attention to the choice of soil, and after planting, we also need to do a good job in the management of temperature, light, moisture and so on. If there is a yellowing of leaves, do not panic, find out the root cause of the problem, and then thoroughly solve it.