
How do you plant apricot seeds? Apricot grafting time and method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In rural areas, every household will basically plant some crops, or fruit trees. Peach trees, orange trees, date trees and so on are fruit trees that people often see. Of course, there are also some people who will plant some apricot trees at home. So, we buy them back.

In rural areas, basically every household will plant some crops, or fruit trees. Such as peach tree, orange tree, jujube tree and so on, are all fruit trees that people often see. Of course, there are some people who plant some apricot trees at home, so how should we plant the seeds of apricot trees we bought? What are the time and methods of grafting apricot? Next, the editor will introduce it to you.

How to plant apricot seeds

1. To breed apricot trees with seeds, apricot kernels are generally soaked in clean water for 24 hours before winter. The seeds can be directly planted in the ground, sowed deep into 5~8CM, then watered thoroughly, and then covered with soil after the water seeps down. It can be covered with plastic film for heat preservation and moisturizing. Before the seed comes out, pay attention to keeping the soil moist and not too dry. Generally speaking, seedlings can emerge at the beginning of April of the second year.

2. Apricot kernels can also be soaked in water for 24 hours in November, buried in wet sand for germination, and then planted in the field after the seeds germinate in the spring of the following year. Sprouting in wet sand, in winter to prevent the temperature is too low, avoid freezing, at the same time to keep the sand wet, can spray water irregularly, but can not cause stagnant water.

3. Some varieties are difficult to sprout with dry seeds, so they need to keep fresh and moisturized with fresh apricot kernels in a cool year, sprout according to the conventional breeding method before winter, and sow in the next spring.

4. in order to speed up the breeding time, the shell of apricot can also be broken and seeds can be used to accelerate germination, which is faster than the above two methods. Some varieties can enucleate fresh and ripe apricots in the same year, put them in wet sand at room temperature for sprouting, sow seeds from June to July, and become seedlings in the same year.

5. After the emergence of apricot trees in spring, the soil should be kept moist to prevent from being too dry and wet. At the same time, topdressing should be carried out appropriately according to the growth of the seedlings, mainly applying fully mature organic fertilizer or cake fertilizer, strengthening ventilation, and timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Generally speaking, apricot seedlings can grow to about 1.5 meters in that year, and begin to bear fruit in about 4-5 years.

When will the apricot tree be pruned

At the end of May and the beginning of June, 7-12 shoots with better angle were selected, and the rest were erased. When the new shoot is 40 cm long, 2-4 key points are selected for V-shaped or happy-shaped pruning, the rest of the new shoots are pruned twice, the upright shoots on the back are repeatedly peeled off, and too many dense branches are wiped off. Spraying urea in early November promotes early defoliation.

Grafting time and method of apricot

Grafting time of apricot trees

Apricot grafting can be divided into three periods, namely, spring, summer and autumn. In summer and autumn, bud grafting is generally used, and the grafting period is from June to September, but the rainy season in July should be avoided. Drought and high temperature in mid-June was the first suitable period for grafting in North China, and the second suitable period was in early August after the rainy season. The bud grafting in summer and autumn should be carried out on a sunny day, which is helpful to the healing of the interface and has a high survival rate.

2. Grafting methods of apricot trees

1. Select the branches of apricot trees with healthy growth, cut 5-8 cm as scions, retain 2-3 strong buds at the top, and cut the other end into a slope.

2. Insert the apricot scion into the cut of the rootstock and tie it tightly with a plastic bag.

3. Check the survival of grafted apricot seedlings. Check after grafting for about 10 days, if the buds are fresh, it shows that the growth is good. If it falls after touching the petiole, it means it has survived. The bud shrinks and blackens or the petiole touches but does not fall, indicating that it has not survived and needs to be reconnected in time.

4. Apricot trees should be watered before and after grafting to promote the flow of sap and improve the survival rate of grafting.

Pruning method of Apricot in full Fruit period

1. Short cut to promote fruit

In the early pregnant stage of apricot, some vegetative branches and elongated branches need to be properly trimmed and truncated properly to promote the plant to grow new shoots and fruit branches. It must be cut short at the right time. If the cut is too light, although more fruit branches will be produced, it will also lead to weaker growth of new branches, which will make the growth of fruit trees out of balance, reduce the overall growth, and shorten the fruit-bearing years of apricot trees.

2. Pruning fruit branches

Although fruit branches can bear fruit effectively, if these fruit branches are allowed to grow arbitrarily, it will disturb the shape of the tree, and even the backbone branches will form a competitive trend, as shown in the diagram of how apricot trees are pruned. This is not conducive to the overall development of apricot trees, so it is necessary to change the extension direction of fruit branches through reasonable pruning, which is conducive to long-term use for fruit.

3. Pick the heart in vain

In the process of apricot growth, there will be relatively prosperous overgrowth branches, if not treated in time, it will take away a lot of nutrients and slow down the growth trend of the whole plant. If it is useful to grow a branch, it should be dealt with in time. If it is a useless branch, it can be pruned directly.

In the above article, the editor also introduced some planting methods of apricot trees. In fact, if there are conditions at home, you can also plant some crops or fruit trees appropriately. After all, there are really too many hidden dangers in food safety in our country. After all, everything we grow is healthy and safe.