
Reasons for the non-flowering of sweet-scented osmanthus trees and the reasons for the poor growth of sweet-scented osmanthus trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sweet-scented osmanthus tree is the most common kind of tree, not only has a certain ornamental, but also has a pleasant fragrance in the season of sweet-scented osmanthus, and is deeply loved by everyone. Basically, if there is a small courtyard at home, one or more sweet-scented osmanthus trees will be planted and bloom. Everyone will start.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree is the most common kind of tree for everyone. It not only has a certain ornamental quality, but also has a pleasant fragrance in the season of sweet-scented osmanthus. It is deeply loved by everyone. Basically, people with a small courtyard at home will plant one or several sweet-scented osmanthus trees when they bloom. Everyone will begin to use sweet-scented osmanthus to make a variety of delicacies, such as sweet-scented osmanthus wine and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. What if the hanging tree does not bloom?

The reasons for the non-flowering of Osmanthus fragrans and its solution

First, the reasons why sweet-scented osmanthus trees do not bloom

1. Dormancy is not good.

Sweet-scented osmanthus is dormant in winter, it is better to stay dormant at a low temperature of 2Mel / 4 ℃, and often dormancy is not good in an environment of more than 8 ℃. It will sprout and spread leaves ahead of time, resulting in thin branches, insufficient nutrition and poor stress resistance, resulting in less or no flowering.

2. Lack of light

Osmanthus fragrans is a long-sunshine plant, which likes sunlight. If the potted flowers are cultured in a shady place for a long time during the growth and development, the lack of light will make the plants grow soft and weak, the leaves turn pale and yellowish, affect the differentiation of flower buds and lead to no flowering.

3. Improper fertilization

When too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied during the growing period of sweet-scented osmanthus, less phosphate fertilizer is applied to promote flower bud differentiation and bud formation, plants are easy to grow, vegetative growth is too prosperous, flower bud differentiation is affected, and it is easy to cause less flowering or no flowering, even if the flowers are not fragrant.

4. Overwatering

Osmanthus fragrans are afraid of stagnant water, too much watering during winter dormancy and growing season, and often stagnant water in flowerpots, which are easy to cause rotten roots and fallen leaves, resulting in weak growth of plant branches and seriously affecting flowering.

5. Improper management

Potted sweet-scented osmanthus does not change the pot and soil for a long time, the nutrition of the pot soil is deficient, and the root system is disordered and can not be extended, so that the root system does not absorb nutrients smoothly and affects flowering. In addition, sweet-scented osmanthus has not been pruned for many years, resulting in an imbalance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, but also leads to less flowering but not flowering.

6. Soot pollution

Osmanthus fragrans avoid soot. If potted flowers are placed in an environment easily polluted by soot for a long time, they will grow poorly, and their leaves will become smaller and fall off easily, which will seriously affect the flowering of plants.

7. Diseases and insect pests

Sweet-scented osmanthus is vulnerable to anthracnose, shell insects and other diseases and pests, not timely control, also affect flowering. In addition, mistakenly cutting spring shoots will affect the flowering of the same year. Too many branches of sweet-scented osmanthus in full bloom will weaken the growth and affect the later flowering.

II. Solutions

1. Ensure low temperature hibernation. Potted sweet-scented osmanthus overwintering temperature 3-5 degrees Celsius, above 3 degrees Celsius do not need to enter the room, maintain the natural temperature; below 3 degrees Celsius, enter the room. After entering the house, it will be dormant at a low temperature so that it can thrive and flourish in the following year.

2. When you leave the room in spring, you should move out of the room on cloudy or rainy days, avoid sudden exposure to the hot sun, and make it gradually adapt to the outdoor environment.

3. To ensure long sunshine, there should be more than 10 hours of sunshine every day to meet the sunshine needs.

4. Reasonable watering. Should maintain 30% water content, hot summer, 60% water content is appropriate, not too dry and too wet.

5. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much and should be applied with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Sweet-scented osmanthus needs a lot of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can be topdressing outside the root, and 0.1% Murray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed on the leaves.

6. Prevent pollution. Fine gauze can be used to gently test the leaves to keep the leaves clean and rub them once on the 15th day to facilitate photosynthesis and make the plant grow healthily.

7. If the basin soil is too long, the basin soil should be changed. The soil of the basin is changed every 1-2 years, and a small amount of hoof can be used as base fertilizer at the bottom of the basin.

8. Proper pruning. Cut off the diseased, weak and overdense branches before leaving the room, and cut them properly according to the plant shape, so as to ventilate and penetrate the light and promote its flowering.

Reasons for the poor growth of sweet-scented osmanthus trees

The dormancy temperature of sweet-scented osmanthus is between zero and five degrees. But now many cities have central heating in winter, and the indoor temperature is mostly about 15 degrees. At this temperature, sweet-scented osmanthus will break dormancy, branch and spread leaves early, not only can not accumulate nutrients through dormancy, but also consume a lot of nutrients prematurely, resulting in false prosperity. In spring, delicate branches and leaves can not stand the beating of cold, dry and crazy, and will soon wither and dry up. If continuous for 2-3 years, the whole sweet-scented osmanthus plant will die.

What is the reason for the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves

1. The soil is too dry

The basin soil is in a state of drought for a long time, the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus is poor, the growth is worse, the leaf color is yellow and so on. During family maintenance, attention should be paid to keeping the basin soil moist and watering in time.

2. The soil is moist.

Osmanthus fragrans avoid dampness and waterlogging. If too much watering and poor drainage, it will lead to rotten roots, yellow leaves, scorched edges, leaf shedding and other phenomena, and in serious cases, branches and leaves will wither or even die.

3. Excessive alkali in soil

Sweet-scented osmanthus likes acidic soil. When the soil is alkaline, it grows poorly and the number of flowers decreases. There are often phenomena such as leaf yellowing.

Osmanthus fragrans cutting time

The cutting time should be from mid-May to mid-July and from mid-September to mid-October every year. At this time, the new shoots have stopped growing, the branches have more nutrients, the meristem capacity is stronger, and the temperature is more suitable, so it is easy to root.

As you know from the above, in fact, in all aspects of planting sweet-scented osmanthus can not be ignored. If the temperature is hot, dry and not ventilated, it is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus. So at ordinary times, you can consider spraying water around the sweet-scented osmanthus.