
Planting technology of hanging melon where is the producing area of hanging melon?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For hanging melon, many people may not know what it is, because it is not very common in life. In fact, hanging melon is also a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, which is not only very delicious, but also has a bad cosmetic effect. At present, more and more people are growing hanging melons.

For hanging melon, many people may not know what it is, because it is not very common in life. In fact, hanging melon is also a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, which is not only very delicious, but also has a bad cosmetic effect. At present, more and more people are planting hanging melons, but they want to grow hanging melons with high yield and good varieties, but it is a great test of everyone's planting skills.

Planting technique of hanging melon

1. Field selection

The sandy loam with sufficient light, deep soil layer, fertile and loose soil and good drainage is the best, and the value is slightly acidic.

2. Digging holes to apply fertilizer

Generally, 20-22 acupoints are dug every 667m2, the distance between acupoints is 5-6m, the diameter of each acupoint is 80-100cm, and the acupoint depth is 60cm. For clayey soil and yellow loam with shallow soil layer and poor soil quality, it is best to fill the hole with sandy fertilizer and apply sufficient base fertilizer. Organic fertilizer 50kg and vegetable cake 1kg are applied in each hole, and appropriate amount of compound fertilizer 1kg can also be added, then the soil is covered with the ground and fermented fully.

3. Rational planting

It is usually planted around March 20 and carried out before the root sprouting. The number of plants planted in each hole can be determined according to the size of the root tuber. The root of 1-2-year-old hanging melon is small, and 2 plants can be planted in each hole. If the root diameter is larger than 3cm, one plant is planted in each hole, covered with 3-5cm thick and fine soil, watered and moisturized, and it is best to spread a layer of rice straw around to preserve soil moisture.

4. Erection of scaffolding

The scaffolding material should be made of solid cement products, and the iron wire should be drawn on the top for vine climbing. The distance between the scaffolding columns is generally about 3m, and the height of the scaffolding is 2.2-2.5m. For the hanging melon seedlings planted in the same year, you can first build a simple scaffolding for climbing.

5. Pruning

After sprouting, when the rattan length is 20-25cm, the small bamboo pole should be inserted in time to introduce the vine to the scaffolding, leaving 1-2 main branches to remove the excess rattan branches. For the melon vines that have been put on the scaffolding, it is necessary to top the main vines, strive to distribute the melons and vines evenly on the shelf, and deal with the hanging branches in time.

6. Fertilizer and water regulation

Hanging melon has a long growing period and needs a large amount of fertilizer, so it is necessary to re-apply base fertilizer, good melon fertilizer, skillful application of anti-decay fertilizer, and pay attention to the combined use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer.

Where is the origin of hanging melons?

Distributed in Liaoning, North China, East China, Central and South China, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. Born under forests, thickets, grasslands and fields beside villages on hillsides at an altitude of 200-1800 meters. Because this species is a traditional Chinese medicine Trichosanthes and Trichosanthes kirilowii, it is widely cultivated inside and outside its natural distribution area. Distributed in Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Laos.

The rhizome of hanging melon is thick, cylindrical and the bark is yellow. It has the effects of relieving fever and relieving thirst, diuresis, antitussive and expectorant. Seeds contain fat flower oil; fruits contain triterpenoid saponins, organic acids, resins, sugars and pigments; roots contain proteins, saponins and acids.

Pest control of hanging melon

1. Spodoptera litura: the larvae often eat on the surface of the stem and enter the inside of the stem after the 3rd instar. The cells in the injured part of the stem are stimulated to grow and expand, which seriously causes the stem and leaves to die.

Control methods: the 1st-2nd instar larvae can be sprayed with biological pesticide matrine 500x or 40% poison 1000 times; after the larvae eat into the human stem, the stem can be cut open a crack, and the cotton ball can be applied with a good proportion of biological pesticide solution to control the larvae in the stem.

2. Red spider: adult, nymph and young mites suck sap on the back of the leaves and form a silk web. When it is serious, it is covered with white dots, the fruiting period is shortened and the yield is reduced.

Prevention and control methods: you can choose 45% sulfur gel suspension solution, or 20% pyridazine parathion EC 1000 times solution, or 5% nisolone EC 2000 times solution and other spray prevention and control.

Control methods of Fusarium wilt of hanging melon

The main results are as follows: 1. The remnants of diseased plants were removed before winter and concentrated treatment in order to reduce the source of infection in the field. At the same time, disinfectants were sprayed to disinfect the melon garden, and new high-fat membrane was sprayed to enhance the efficacy.

2. Strengthen cultivation and management, replenish water and fertilizer in time, at the same time, spray Zhuangguatiling in flower bud stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage to increase nutrient transport, improve plant anti-virus ability and promote rapid development of melon body. during the growth cycle, there is no flower drop, no fruit drop, no fruit crack, and increase the yield of hanging melon.

3. According to the principle of pest control, disease treatment and prevention, 50% carbendazim wettable powder, 40% DuPont Foxing EC and 800-fold solution of new high-fat membrane were sprayed in the early stage of the disease to prevent the spread of Fusarium wilt.

The planting method of hanging melon is not very difficult, as long as you master its growth habits, you will feel that everything is so handy. However, diseases and insect pests are indeed the main factors affecting the growth of hanging melons, so we should pay attention to guard against them during the planting period.