
High-yield cultivation techniques of Dictyophora: planting time and cultivation methods

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, there are artificial and wild Dictyophora on the market, but the taste and smell of non-game Dictyophora is slightly better than that of artificial planting, and the market price is also more expensive. Well, how to grow Dictyophora is also a kind of technical work. Let's sort it out for you.

At present, there are artificial cultivation and wild Dictyophora on the market, but the taste and smell of Dictyophora without game are slightly better than those of artificial cultivation, and the market price is more and more expensive. That how to plant bamboo shoots is also a kind of technical work, the following for everyone to sort out the planting time and planting methods of bamboo shoots, want to try the kind of people can look carefully.

High-yielding cultivation techniques of Dictyophora japonica

1. Seed production: As long as the grower buys the raw materials of Dictyophora, he can make his own cultivation seeds in Tiantou. From late December to early January, select a corner of the field and arrange a stockpiling breeding bed. mixed sawdust 80%, wheat bran 20%, as culture medium of Dictyophora spp., water 110%, then put into woven bag, after normal pressure sterilization for 10 hours, take out and wash into bag with clean water, let it be discharged, then mix with gypsum powder 1%, pile it into breeding bed, adopt two-layer material, one-layer seed seeding method, last layer material surface sprinkle some strains, each meter of 2 beds with dry material 20 kg of Dictyophora spp. 3-4 bottles. Cultivation of 100 m 2 area, only field seed production 4 m 2, equal to 25:1. After sowing, cover with woven bag, straw shade, finally cover with bamboo bow film. After sowing, remove the film and ventilate once every 3-5 days. After culturing for 40-50 days, the mycelium is covered with a material pile, and then the Dictyophora tibetica strain is obtained.

2, raw material selection: the current cultivation of bamboo shoots raw materials are divided into four categories. One is bamboo, such as all kinds of bamboo stems, branches, leaves, bamboo heads, bamboo roots. Second, trees, such as miscellaneous wood pieces, branches, leaves and factory waste debris. The third is straw, such as bean stalk, jute stalk, chaff, rape stalk, corncob, cotton stalk, cottonseed hull, sorghum stalk, sunflower stalk, hull and so on. Fourth, weeds, such as reed, grass, Dicranopteris dichotomum, etc., the above raw materials dried standby.

3. Production season: Bamboo shoot cultivation is generally divided into spring and autumn. Spring sowing is appropriate. The temperature in the north and south of China is different, so two points should be grasped: one is that the temperature in the sowing period should not exceed 28℃, which is suitable for the growth and development of hyphae; the other is that the temperature should not be lower than 10℃ in the development period of bacterial buds 2-3 months after sowing, so that the bacterial buds can develop into fruit bodies healthily. In southern provinces, Dictyophora indusifolia interplanted crops, usually in spring sowing,"Jingzhe" began to spread materials and sow,"Qingming" began to interplant crops, and the north was postponed appropriately. 60-70 days after sowing, fruiting in summer from May to September, ending in October, production cycle about 7 months.

4. Bed arrangement: interplanting Dictyophora japonica in the space of apple, orange, grape, peach, pear and other orchards, as well as in the space of mountain trees. Flat or gentle slope, near water source, sandy loam containing humus. 7-10 days before sowing, clean up the residue or weeds, turn over the soil and sun white. Bordeaux mixture can be sprayed on fruit trees to kill diseases and insect pests. Generally, the spacing between fruit trees is 3 m ×3 m, and the empty space in the middle is used as a cultivation bed for Dictyophora japonica. Ridge width 60-80 cm, sidewalk spacing 30 cm, soil preparation not too broken, to facilitate ventilation, fruit trees next to 40-50 cm for the operation of the road.

5. Sowing and covering soil: soak the culture material before sowing, and control the water content to 60%-70% for later use. Sowing adopts one layer of material and one layer of seed, seed sowing and seeding can be adopted. 10 kg of culture medium and 5 bottles of strain are placed in 2 beds per meter, and one side of auxiliary material is achieved. Sow seeds and then cover the bed with plastic film. 15-20 days after sowing, generally do not need to spray water, it is best to open the film ventilation for 30 minutes every day, and increase the number of ventilation in the later period. Spring rain more, dig a good drainage ditch, ditch to be 30 cm deeper than the ridge, mycelium growth temperature adaptation 23-26℃. After sowing, cover a layer of 3 cm thick humus soil on the surface of the bed. The moisture content of humus soil is 18%. After covering the soil, cut it into small pieces with bamboo leaves or reeds, cover the surface, and cover the bed with thin film to prevent rain from leaching. If the crop interplanting mode is adopted, the interplanting varieties include soybean, spleen bean, sorghum, corn, pepper, cucumber, sunflower and other high-stalk or vine crops. After 15-20 days of covering soil, the seeds of crops can be planted in holes beside the ridge, and one plant can be interplanted at intervals of 50-60 cm.

6. Scientific management: After sowing, cultivate at normal temperature for 25-33 days, mycelium climbs on the material surface, and the cover film on the bed can be removed. Mycelia proliferate continuously after culture, absorb a large number of nutrients, form fungiform, climb on the material surface, turn from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, soon appear mushroom bud, and break ball single stalk to form fruiting body. At this time, it is the lush period of branches and leaves of forest fruit trees and interplanted crops, which plays a role in shading. During fruiting period, the moisture content of medium should be 60%, the moisture content of covering soil should not be lower than 20%, and the relative humidity of air should be 85%. During the mushroom bud growth period, except for rainy weather, spray water once a day in the morning and evening, and keep the relative humidity not lower than 9%. The mushroom bud swells gradually and the tip bulges, then breaks the ball in a short time, and forms the fruiting body as soon as possible. Dictyophora cultivation is very particular about water spraying, specific requirements "four look": that is, a look at the cover. When bamboo leaves or stalks and grass dry, they should spray water. Second, look at the covering soil. Cover the soil white, spray more and more frequently. Third look at the bud. Small buds, light spray, mist spray, most buds spray, heavy spray. 4 Look at the weather. Sunny, dry days evaporation should be more spray, rainy days do not spray. In this way, we can grow good buds, produce good mushrooms and have beautiful flowers.

Cultivation time and cultivation method of Dictyophora japonica

Dictyophora can be cultivated at temperature above 7℃, and it is suitable for cultivation from October to December.

1, indoor box planting

Waste wooden boxes were used as cultivation containers. Humus soil with a thickness of 5 - 10 cm is paved at the bottom of the box, bamboo sections, wood sections or other substitute materials are paved on the humus soil, and bamboo fungus cultivation seeds are inoculated on the substitute materials. 3 bottles of bacteria are used for each square meter, and finally the fertilizer soil is covered with 5 - 8 cm, water is poured through, and the bacteria are cultured at room temperature. Sprinkle water frequently to keep it moist. Under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity, hyphae can grow up to full culture medium in 4~5 months. When the temperature reaches 20~24℃, buds will form in the topsoil. At this time, the indoor air relative humidity should be maintained at more than 85%. When the bacteria ball drilled out of the topsoil, the relative humidity of the air should be increased to more than 95%.

2. Bed cultivation

Choose a leeward cool place, dig 10~15 cm deep, 100 cm wide, unlimited length bed. Leave 10 cm at the bottom of the ridge to loosen the soil, spread a layer of bamboo chips or logs (dry bamboo chips need to be washed and soaked for 8~12 hours, and the surface moisture is dried), sow 1 layer of bacteria on the bamboo chips or logs, sprinkle 1 layer of dry bamboo leaves, and cover the top with 10 cm of fertilizer soil. If shade conditions are poor, shade should be built on the bed. Water frequently to keep topsoil moist. 10-12 months from inoculation to harvest.

When to pick bamboo shoots

The harvest time of edible fungi of Dictyophora japonica is from June to September every year, with high nutritional value and large market demand. Dictyophora is parasitic in the root of dried bamboo a kind of cryptoflora fungi, shape slightly similar to network dry white snakeskin, it has dark green cap, white cylindrical stalk, pink egg-shaped fungus holder, in the top of the stalk there is a fine white net skirt spread downward from the cap, known as "snow skirt fairy","mountain treasure flower","fungus flower","queen of bacteria". Bamboo shoots are rich in nutrition, rich in fragrance and delicious in taste. They have been classified as one of the "Eight Treasures of Grass" since ancient times.

Management Technique of Dictyophora japonica

1. Water management is the key to the success of cultivation. The soil moisture should be kept 65~70% during the mycelium growth stage, and too much or too little moisture is unfavorable. If the soil is too dry, spray fine water, but do not let the soil water.

Management of all growth stages. In the growth stage of bud, the temperature should be controlled at 20~23℃ and the relative humidity of air should be 70~75%. In the growth stage of fruiting body, the relative humidity of air should be increased to 90~95%, and water can be sprayed 3~4 times a day. The window should be opened for ventilation 1~2 times a day, 30 minutes each time.

3. Management of outdoor bed cultivation. Prevent trampling by people and animals. In the process of bacteria, usually do not dig open inspection, so as not to break the hyphae.

4. Supplement soil in time. If the buried log is exposed to the soil surface, it should be covered with soil in time.

Therefore, it is not so simple to raise bamboo shoots. The so-called farmers rely on heaven for food. If heaven does not give strength, you can only rely on science and technology to support them. If you don't have them, you'd better go to the vegetable market to buy bamboo shoots honestly. It won't cost much, or you can go to the mountains to dig bamboo shoots.