
Pistachio planting technique Analysis of planting conditions and benefits of pistachio

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Pistachio's shape is relatively small, the shell is white, the pulp has a layer of green skin, inside is white pulp, the taste is also very good, so it is deeply loved by consumers. Now many people want to plant pistachios to increase their own.

Pistachio's shape is relatively small, the shell is white, the pulp has a layer of green skin, inside is white pulp, the taste is also very good, so it is deeply loved by consumers. Now many people want to use planting pistachios to increase their economic benefits, so before planting, we must be most concerned about its planting technology!

Planting techniques of pistachios

1. Fruit seedling propagation: pistachios can be propagated by seed sowing, grafting, ramet, striping and root tiller.

2. Selecting land to build a garden: although pistachios are resistant to barren, drought and cold, and have strong adaptability, it is best to choose loam and sandy loam with deep soil layer and good ventilation in production. As pistachios are extremely vulnerable to late frost, we should pay attention to choose the middle of the hillside, open flatlands, valleys and south hillsides to avoid the wind, and do not build the garden on the windward side of the main wind.

3. Seedling planting: the row spacing of pistachio plants should be 3 meters × 4 meters or 4 meters × 5 meters, 33-55 plants per mu, 83-111 plants per mu in dense planting garden, and finished seedlings and bud seedlings can be used for planting seedlings. Before planting, dig a planting pit with a depth and diameter of 60 cm, plant the root flat with the ground, plant while stepping on the soil, and then irrigate through water.

Analysis on planting conditions and benefit of pistachio

I. planting conditions:

1. Soil: pistachio trees have strong adaptability to soil and can grow on almost all types of soil, especially deep, thick, light or dry calcareous sandy loam and yellow loam, in clay loam, sandy gravel soil, shallow chestnut soil, light loam, slightly salinized soil, etc., pH7.7-8.0, it can also grow and bear fruit in gravelly, thin mountain and semi-desert land, and it needs trace elements such as potassium and iron, and the fruit is not tolerant to saline-alkali. Cannot grow in places that are too wet and stagnant.

2. Moisture: pistachio trees are suitable for planting in the range of 200-400 mm annual precipitation, which grows well and bears full fruit, while in areas with annual precipitation below 80 mm, they can also stubbornly grow, blossom and bear fruit, but the lack of water in the sensitive period of summer water demand will lead to no harvest of fruit grains.

3. Temperature: pistachio has strong adaptability to temperature. In Shufu County, Xinjiang, it can withstand 42 ℃ high temperature and-26 ℃ low temperature limit. In Sicily, the summer temperature is 23 ℃, the average temperature is 7.8 ℃, and the low temperature-3 ℃ has no harm to the tree. In the United States, it can tolerate a low temperature of-14.5 ℃, while in Iran, from-9.5 ℃ to 42 ℃, and in some parts of the former Soviet Union, Iran is the most suitable place for pistachio growth. The average January temperature variance in 7 years is-15 ℃, and the average temperature is 7.2 ℃.

Second, benefit analysis:

Chinese people like to eat pistachios, importing about 20, 000 tons every year, accounting for about 1 of the world's total output. The import price is as high as 6000 US dollars per ton, and the retail price is as high as 60 yuan per kilogram in China's market, which has a very attractive development prospect.

How are pistachios fat and watery?

1. Fertilization: young trees apply base fertilizer once a year, about 20 kg per plant, fruit period trees 2-3 years, generally divided into 3 times a year, the first time should be in early spring or autumn and winter, mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, the second time in the fruit expansion period, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, the third time after fruit harvest, mainly compost, barnyard manure and other organic manure, usually combined with deep ploughing in autumn.

2. Irrigation: winter irrigation before winter, the effect is better.

Common diseases and insect pests of pistachios and their control

1. Root rot. Strengthen garden management, increase the application of organic fertilizer, so that pistachio trees grow strong, so as to enhance disease resistance. For the diseased trees and the surrounding plants that may be infected, the roots were irrigated with 300 times of copper sulfate solution.

2. Brown helmet wax scale. Remove the female shell from the branch with a rag before the adult lays eggs. Before the pistachio sprouts, spray with stone sulfur mixture.

When planting pistachios, we must do a good job in site selection, and the temperature and moisture conditions need to be achieved. Then timely fertilizer and water is also the key to ensure its growth. Only with good work in these aspects can pistachios grow healthily.