
When to plant broad bean in greenhouse planting techniques of broad bean

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe that many aunts and mothers like to pick some broad beans to cook at home when they go to the vegetable market. Do you know when broad beans were planted? Although there are greenhouses now, when is the best time to grow broad beans? And do you know the planting technology of broad bean in greenhouse

I believe that many aunts and mothers like to pick some broad beans to cook at home when they go to the vegetable market. Do you know when broad beans were planted? Although there are greenhouses now, when is the best time to grow broad beans? And do you know what the planting technology of broad bean in greenhouse is? Let's take a look at the cultivation of broad beans.

When will broad beans be planted

The time of planting broad bean: it is the main producing area of broad bean in China. Including Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi and southern Shaanxi provinces (cities and autonomous regions), sowed from October to November and harvested from April to May. Mainly the later cropping of rice, rotation with wheat and rape in winter. Spring sowing broad bean planting areas: including Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Shanxi, northern Shaanxi and northern Hebei, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Xizang and northwest Sichuan provinces and autonomous regions, generally sowing from March to April, harvest in August, one crop a year.

Planting technology of broad bean in greenhouse

1, seedling stage management: in the seedling stage according to the seedling situation to control water or irrigation to achieve strong seedlings, so that the seedlings are neat, uniform, strong, glue-stained mud bean fields, and cover the grass to keep warm and moisturize in time after sowing.

2. Medium-term management: do a good job in the prediction and forecast of diseases and insect pests, timely control the harm of diseases, insect pests and rodents, do a good job of water management, prune seedlings in the field, pull out thin plants and diseased plants, and ensure the healthy growth of the population.

3. Post-stage management: to ensure the demand for moisture during the filling period, to keep the soil water content at 20-25% and less than 18-20%, it is necessary to irrigate immediately, high-yield fields and late-maturing fields, and to top and core at the final flower tip stage, which is conducive to ventilation and light, increase grain weight and promote precocity.

4. Rational fertilization: after sowing, cover 1500-2000 kg / mu of high-quality barnyard manure or cover appropriate amount of rice straw, apply 30 kg / mu of calcium and 10-15 kg / mu of potassium sulfate in the leaf stage of bean seedlings.

5. Drought and waterlogging prevention: broad bean is very sensitive to water, afraid of both drought and waterlogging. if the field drainage is poor, the root system is poorly developed, and it is prone to blight and rust. In case of drought, especially at the flowering and podding stage, the effect on yield is more serious. Therefore, according to the growth needs, timely drainage and irrigation to ensure a bumper harvest.

6. Timely harvest: broad beans are ripe, starting from the lower pods. If green beans are harvested as vegetables, they can be harvested 3 to 4 times from bottom to top. If the mature seeds are harvested, the pods in the middle and lower parts of most plants should be harvested once. After harvesting, the fresh broad bean seedlings should be turned and retted in time to maintain nutrients.

Techniques for increasing production of broad bean

1. Remove the main stem: remove the main stem in time to concentrate nutrients on the secondary stem before winter, so as to promote the secondary stem of broad bean to blossom and bear more fruit in the second year. The time to go to the main stem is in early January, by cutting it from the main stem 10 cm off the ground with a knife, and finish the work by mid-January at the latest.

2. Remove invalid branches: the branches of broad bean after the Beginning of Spring rarely blossom, even if they bloom, they are easy to become flashy, and compete for glory, water and fertilizer with the effective branches that occurred a year ago. Therefore, in the early flowering stage of broad bean in March, these small branches and tender branches should be removed to promote the collection of broad beans. Apricot plum left  haze ?

3. Pick the top: the flower of broad bean is a lateral short raceme, and the flowering time is as long as 20-30 days. During flowering and podding, nutrients can not be concentrated to supply the needs of flowering and podding, which often leads to flower drop and pod drop, and sterile flowers are often formed at the top of the branch. therefore, timely removal of the center in the later stage can control plant growth and increase yield. This operation should be carried out around April 10. In addition, when using the above techniques, we should grasp flexibly according to the growth and growth of the plant. When going to the main stem and invalid branches, it should be carried out on a sunny day, and the action should be light.

Methods of accelerating germination of Vicia faba seeds

1. Seed soaking and sprouting dry broad bean seed coat is thick and hard. Generally, the seed soaking time is 36 hours, washing and changing water every 3-4 hours. When the broad bean is full, no wrinkles, no wrinkles, no white heart in the cut section, and no cracking in the shell at the flat mouth, the seed soaking ends. Put the soaked broad bean in a net bag, put it in 3% lime water, soak for 5 minutes, then rinse it with clean water twice, drain the water, wrap it in a wet sack or cotton cloth, and put it into an incubator to promote germination. One day later, when 80% of the beans were exposed, they were taken out and washed and transferred to cultivation. If you want broad bean seeds to germinate as soon as possible, you must maintain the humidity of broad bean seeds, and keep broad bean seeds breathable when accelerating germination, so that they can germinate as soon as possible.

2. After sprouting, it is necessary to transplant at the right time. In order to manage broad bean seedlings in the field, we should pay attention to the early stage of broad bean seedlings according to the situation of seedlings to control water or irrigation to achieve sturdy seedlings, so that the seedlings are neat, uniform and strong. Glue-stained mud bean fields should be covered with grass to keep warm and moisturize in time after sowing. Medium-term management measures: do a good job in the prediction and forecast of diseases and insect pests, timely prevention and control of diseases, insect pests and rodents, and do a good job in water management. The seedlings were pruned in the field, and the thin and diseased plants were pulled out to ensure the healthy growth of the population. Management measures in the later stage: ensure the demand for moisture during the filling period, keep the soil water content at 20 / 25%, less than 18 / 20%, and must be irrigated immediately; high-yield fields and late-maturing fields should be topped and cored at the final flower tip stage, which is conducive to ventilation and light transmission, increase grain weight and promote precocity. It should be harvested at the right time after maturation, and when the tender pods of broad beans are harvested at the right time, they can be harvested in different times, from the bottom up, each time for about 7-10 days. The mature seeds can be harvested in the leaves of broad beans withered and the middle and lower pods fully mature, dried and threshed and stored in the sun.

Therefore, broad bean should be planted within the above time. Although it is now possible to change the planting environment and planting time, it was originally planted at that time, and the planting technology of broad bean in the greenhouse still needs to be improved. After all, this is the effect of a greenhouse.