
The planting method of Purple Potato how to grow Purple Potato

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, We all know that purple potato, but also ate it, it is sweet, fragrant, so some people want to start a business to grow purple potato, then how to grow purple potato? What are the methods of planting purple potatoes? Let's let the editor explain it to you. Adaptability of Purple Potato

We all know that purple potato, but also ate it, it is sweet, fragrant, so some people want to start a business to grow purple potato, then how to grow purple potato? What are the methods of planting purple potatoes? Let's let the editor explain it to you. Purple potato has strong adaptability, which loosens and aerates the root of purple potato and ensures its fertility. It is better to plant it in sandy loam soil rich in organic matter.

Planting methods of Purple Potato

1. Select the seeds of purple potato

There are many varieties of purple potato, suitable for planting in Zhejiang are: Japanese Purple Potato King, Violet, Zhe Zi No. 1, Vietnam precocious and so on. First of all, the seeds should be selected, and the purple potatoes for breeding should be raised on the ground for a few more days to make the potato pieces mature, dig out from the soil and bask in the sun for two days, so as to dry the seeds and kill germs. It is best to store the whole tree in clusters, so as to reduce the trauma of potato lumps. Cellar type heat preservation technology is generally used to ensure the storage quality of seed potatoes.

2. Timely nursery

When the temperature reaches about 15 degrees in mid-March, you can come out of the cellar to raise seedlings, first make the seedbed, and choose the soil with leeward to the sun, high terrain, good soil permeability and rich in organic matter as the seedbed. The seedbed is 1.2 meters wide and 20-30 cm thick, depending on the plot. 10 loads of rotten human feces are used as base fertilizer per mu. Put the seeds horizontally on the seedling bed, generally about 15kg per square meter with seed potato, muddy tail, head-tail direction consistent, row spacing of about 5 cm, cover 2 cm thick fine soil, spray soil with sprayer, cover plastic film, cover sky film, moisturize and heat preservation, cultivate soil in time, wait until the bud grows to more than 20 cm, it can be cut and inserted into the field.

3. Parcel selection

Although purple potato is a genus and species of potato, because the growth habit of purple potato is different from that of local potato, the selection of different soil has a certain influence on the product quality of purple potato, black soil, sandy soil and yellow soil are suitable, the topography is slightly higher and sunny is better. It is very important to choose the quality and yield of land and purple potato. Generally choose the soil with fertile land and high organic matter, dig deep ridges, and ridge planting is better, which is beneficial to expand root activity and facilitate drainage and irrigation. Purple potato is an underground caking crop, it needs a good soil environment of deep, loose and living, the soil needs to be turned 25 cm 35 cm deep 15 days in advance, and it is better to reach deep ploughing and fine soil. The ridge distance is generally 60 cm 70 cm, and the ridge height is 25 cm 30 cm. Combined with deep ploughing, 47% Lexben 250g 500g with 1000 times solution was applied to the soil layer every 677 square meters, and then turned deep to control underground pests.

4. Careful planting management

Purple potato is a high-yield and high-efficiency crop, which requires a large amount of fertilizer, coupled with ridging and planting, it is inconvenient to topdressing, and the land with fertile soil is the most labor-saving to apply base fertilizer at one time. Generally, 40 kg / mu of high quality organic fertilizer [], 35 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and compound fertilizer were applied, all of which were sprinkled before ploughing and used as core fertilizer when ridging. Planting early at the right time, purple potato is generally planted once a year, and when the temperature is above 15 degrees, the earlier the cuttage, the better. Generally, spring potato is cut from late April to early May, and the field growth period is more than 170 days. There are two cultivation methods: conventional planting and plastic film mulching. Timely early cutting and plastic film mulching cultivation are helpful to increase yield, with a density of 4000 plants per mu, narrow ridge and single row, row spacing of 60 cm, and plant spacing of 30 cm. It is better for potato seedlings to be planted horizontally and obliquely, and it is appropriate to plant deeply into three nodes. Purple potato ridge while the soil is wet, apply herbicide once to prevent the growth of weeds, ploughing 2 or 3 times in 15 days after cutting, combined with middle ploughing soil to help ridge, purple potato is afraid of soiled water, excess water must be removed in time after rain. The principle of fertilization is mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer, based on base fertilizer and supplemented by topdressing. Base fertilizer accounts for 70% of the total fertilization, topdressing accounts for 30%, and the general yield per mu is 2000-2500 kg. It is required to apply 50 kg of organic compound fertilizer or 15 kg of urea + 15 kg of potassium sulfate + 25 kg of calcium perphosphonate per mu. In the early stage, we should pay attention to check the seedlings and replenish the seedlings, and in the middle period, we should timely Tito, do not disrupt the direction when Tito, and put it back in the same place after it is brought up. Due to the strong growth of purple potato vines and more adventitious roots at internodes, Titian is the key to improve the yield of purple potato.

5. Prevention and control of diseases and pests

Purple potato diseases and insect pests are less, the main diseases and pests are land tiger, small weevil, black spot, root nodule disease. Potato black spot generally occurs in the seedling stage, which can be controlled by soaking seeds for 10 minutes with 1000 times solution of carbendazim powder. Root rot, also known as root rot, can be prevented and treated with 1000 times of methyl topiramate and sprayed twice during the growing period. Ground tiger and small weevil can be sprayed with 600 times of trichlorfon.

How to grow sprouted purple potatoes

1. First of all, prepare a transparent appliance, plastic bottle (glass bottle), the size had better be similar to the size of purple potato. Because the mouth of the bottle is too small, the bottle needs to be divided into two.

2. Then fill the bottle with water and put the sprouted part of the purple potato on top. Don't put it wrong. Four or five days later, you find that the white and tender roots slowly emerge and the leaves grow out (it is best to change the water every day during the period).

3. Then day by day you will find that there are more and more roots (during which it is best to change water every day). This is taken today. I forgot to change the water and the roots are a little green. I washed them with water a little.

Seedling raising methods of Purple Potato

1. Find a small box that can raise seedlings, load it into the soil, and set it aside.

2. The germinated purple potato was cut into pieces and put into the seedling box respectively.

3. Cover the arranged purple potato tubers with soil, drench them with water, put them in the sun and wait for seedlings to emerge.

4. After waiting for the seedling to have a certain height, remove the seedling and keep more roots as much as possible.

5. When the temperature is suitable, the transplanting land should be fertilized and irrigated in time.

6. Seedlings can also be raised in greenhouse or covered with plastic film in the early stage, which can put purple potato on the market very early.

Planting time of Purple Potato

Purple potatoes are usually planted in mid-February. When the temperature reaches about 15 degrees in mid-February, you can come out of the cellar to raise seedlings, first make the seedling bed, put the seeds horizontally on the seedling bed, the row spacing is about 5 centimeters, cover the fine soil, spray the soil with a sprayer, cover the mulch, cover the sky film, moisturize and keep warm, and when the buds grow to more than 20 centimeters, you can cut them into the field. Planting purple potato is required to be harvested in mid-and late October, while fresh purple potato is delayed to early November and must be harvested before frosting. Before storage, clean the potato cellar, remove the topsoil and disinfect it. Before entering the cellar, the purple potato should be sunburned for 1 or 2 days to make the wound heal. During storage, attention should be paid to ventilation and humidity reduction in the early stage and heat preservation and moisturization in the later stage.

Sprouting purple potato, how should this be planted? The editor told everyone not to cut it open. Plant its buds, and after a period of time, it will first grow some vines, and then cut the vines into segments and then cut them into cuttings. This is widely distributed. In the north, it is necessary to raise seedlings in spring, while in some places in the south, if there is no winter, it can be planted.