
How to sow Anoectochilus roxburghii Seedling

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Speaking of Anoectochilus roxburghii, I don't know if you know anything about the seeds of Clematis. It is well known that there are fewer and fewer wild Clematis, and Clematis is becoming more and more expensive, so how should we plant and cultivate the seeds of Clematis? Then let's do it together.

Speaking of Anoectochilus, I don't know if you know anything about the seeds of Anoectochilus. As we all know, there are fewer and fewer wild Anoectochilus and more and more expensive Anoectochilus. So how should we plant and cultivate the seeds of Anoectochilus? So let's learn about the cultivation techniques of golden lotus and learn to plant golden lotus together.

How do you plant seeds?

The seeds of Anoectochilus chinensis are very thin, only one embryo is not completely developed in the seeds, the germination ability is very low, and the seed coat is not easy to absorb water, so it cannot germinate by conventional methods, so it needs to supply nutrients with orchid bacteria or artificial culture medium to germinate. It is best to select uncracked fruits for sowing. After the surface is sterilized by 75% alcohol, take out the seeds, soak them in 10% sodium hypochlorite for 5-10 minutes, take out and washing with sterile wat for 3 times, sowing in a culture bottle containing culture medium, placing in a dark culture room, keeping that temperature at about 25C, germinating, and then moving to light to form protocorms. It takes six months to one year for anoectochilus to be transplanted from sowing to transplanting. Tissue culture has been successful and can be used for propagation where conditions permit.

Techniques of seedling raising of Anoectochilus chinensis

1. Preparation of culture medium: Prepare the culture medium according to the specific formula requirements, package the prepared culture medium, put it into the autoclave for disinfection, and use the disinfected culture medium directly or store it in the sterile inoculation room for use, but it should not be stored for more than two weeks.

2. Explants are cut and sterilized for inoculation: Under aseptic conditions, organs (stem tips, stem segments, leaves, buds, roots) of appropriate length are cut from superior plant mother plants, inoculated into culture medium, and placed into culture chamber for induction.

3. Induction and differentiation of plantlets: Under the illumination of fluorescent lamp with light intensity of 3000~4000Lux for 12~16 hours at the temperature of 20~28℃ in the culture room, and under the action of high concentration of cytokinin and low concentration of auxin in the culture medium, the explants were promoted to differentiate into plantlets.

4, subculture proliferation: cluster buds in the medium after a period of growth (usually 20~30 days), with the consumption of medium nutrients, must be transferred to fresh medium culture, that is, subculture. In order to enlarge the propagation rate and coefficient, the propagation rate can be significantly increased by changing the culture conditions, such as culturing at a lower temperature for a few days and then culturing at another higher temperature for a few days, or by liquid shaking culture for a certain time.

5. Rooting induction: When the buds grow to a certain height, transfer them to the rooting medium with higher auxin concentration to continue cultivation. First, culture the tender seedlings in the dark for one week, and then transfer to normal light, or shorten the light, which can take root earlier and improve the rooting rate and rooting speed.

6. Seedling transplanting and seedling refinement: move the rooted seedlings from the culture room to the outdoor soil and cultivate them into qualified afforestation seedlings.

7. Grading of seedlings: Grading of seedlings according to seedling quality index, first-grade and second-grade seedlings should be transplanted in time, and third-grade seedlings should continue to be cultured.

8, seedling training: usually with enhanced light method for about a week of seedling training, or in the medium to add a retardant, 1~2 days before transplanting the seedlings together with the culture bottle from the culture room to the greenhouse, and the stopper opened.

9. Transplanting: When the root system grows to about 1 cm, carefully remove the seedlings from the culture bottle, wash the medium with water, and avoid damaging the plants. Soak the seedlings in dilute sodium sulfate solution for a few minutes before transplanting, spray water through, and cover them with plastic film to prevent wind and moisture.

10. Management after transplantation: appropriate shade at the early stage after transplantation to prevent direct sunlight, gradually increase the time and intensity of light, control the temperature at 20~30℃, properly water and moisturize, control soil moisture, and gradually implement full light. When the seedlings have completely adapted to the natural environment after a period of time, they can be transplanted into light matrix net bags, and when the seedlings meet the standards, they can be taken out of the nursery.

How to prevent and treat diseases and insect pests

I. Pests

1. Molluscs snails and slugs. Eating soft tissues such as root tips and buds seriously affects growth.

2. Red spiders and mites. Adult and nymph absorb sap on leaves, causing yellow spots on damaged leaves, turning yellow and scorched in severe cases, until falling off and plants dying.

3. Small ground tiger. Before the 3rd instar, the larvae ate the heart leaves and leaves of Anoectochilus chinensis into small nicks or meshes. After the 3rd instar, the larvae bit off the young stems near the ground, resulting in lack of seedlings and broken ridges.

4. mole cricket. In the soil bite seedlings rhizomes, was messy broken, causing seedling death, and make the soil surface into many raised tunnels, so that seedlings root and soil separation, dehydration dry death.

II. Diseases

1. Catastrophe. It was mainly caused by Fusarium. Yellow-brown water-stained spots appeared at the base of the stem of the diseased seedlings, which soon developed to a circle around the stem. The diseased tissues rotted, dried and shrunk linearly. The disease developed rapidly, the seedlings quickly lodging and death, and the phenomenon of damping-off occurred.

2. Soft rot. It is a bacterial disease, mainly damaging the petiole of the middle and lower inner stems and near the surface leaves. It is difficult to detect in the early stage of the disease, and brown necrotic spots appear outside the epidermis about 3 cm from the stem base in the middle stage, and brown wet rot appears on the veins. The middle and lower leaves of the plant are yellow, wilting under high temperature, and the whole plant wilting in the later stage, erect and not falling, and broken by hand.

Golden Lotus planting conditions

1. Site selection and shed construction: Anoectochilus chinensis planting shall be selected in open terrain, north facing south, surrounded by tall broad-leaved forest and far away from pollution sources, and greenhouse with strong wind resistance shall be built. The roof and surrounding areas shall be covered with thin film and then covered with sunshade net to facilitate the control of temperature, light and humidity in the shed.

2, installation of iron frame: gold lotus production is usually used to plant iron frame placed planting tray, cultivation matrix placed in the tray, iron frame width 1 meter, height 1.5 meters, length according to the greenhouse and set, divided into 3 layers of planting, layer spacing 45 cm, two rows of iron frame between 60~80 cm.

3. Cropping arrangement: Anoectochilus is usually planted twice a year in production, the first season is transplanted in early March, harvested in late June, the second season is transplanted in early September, and harvested in late December to ensure that the plants grow in the soil for more than 4 months to improve the yield and medicinal composition of the products.

4. Substrate selection: Anoectochilus auratus cultivation is usually based on peat soil: rice hull: fine sand =10:1:1 to configure the cultivation substrate, after the cultivation substrate is sun-sterilized, 5~7.5 kg of hydrated lime or an appropriate amount of 50% carbendazim wettable powder is added to every 100 kg of cultivation substrate and mixed evenly.

The growth environment of Anoectochilus chinensis is very harsh, the requirements for natural trees are extremely high, and the cost of artificial cultivation of Anoectochilus chinensis is also very high. We should also pay attention to many aspects of the cultivation of Anoectochilus, in terms of seedling technology can not be learned in a day.