
How do tequila flowers are watered (how often) how do tequila leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Has anyone ever raised tequila? the editor recently bought a pot of tequila, but he didn't. I don't know. I was surprised when I raised a plant. I didn't expect to have so many points for attention when I raised a plant. Now let the editor introduce you to the tequila plant.

Has anyone ever raised tequila? the editor recently bought a pot of tequila, but he didn't raise it. I didn't know it. I was shocked when I raised it. I didn't expect that there were so many points for attention in raising a plant. Here, let the editor introduce the matters needing attention for raising tequila. Follow the editor to learn about it, just for reference.

How to water tequila (how often)

1. Watering is very important for any flower, which is related to whether it looks good or not. from the watering requirements, tequila watering principle is that it would rather be dry than wet, so it does not need to be watered frequently, but when the soil feels dry, it needs watering. Watering should be thoroughly watered, but no stagnant water. If you leave it outdoors, pay more attention to drainage on rainy days. In addition, in the winter dormant period, tequila should not be irrigated too much water, otherwise it is easy to cause root rot, resulting in death.

2. If you plant tequila at home, the number of times it is watered is different. Medium-sized tequila raised indoors is usually watered about once a month, less in cloudy or winter, and more water in sunny or summer. Water should be watered every ten days or so, and appropriate more water should be watered when hot and hot. It depends on the situation, and you can't irrigate too much.

What if the tequila leaves turn yellow?

1. Pruning in time

Sometimes it is due to natural reasons, resulting in drying up and yellowing. In autumn and winter, the old leaves will turn yellow and dry for natural reasons. At this time, just cut off the withered leaves, control the temperature, bask in the sun, and spray some medicine to kill bacteria, so that the flowers have vitality again.

2. Increase the illumination

Tequila is a kind of flower that needs sunlight, so we should pay attention to that it is a plant that likes to grow in a semi-cool place, but adequate sunlight is also essential, the lack of sunlight will cause the leaves to turn yellow and dry. Do not put directly in the sun in spring and autumn. Shade is needed when the sun is particularly strong in summer. Excessive light may cause yellowing.

3. Rational watering

Tequila is more afraid of water, do not like water, if the soil planted has been very wet, it is very easy to cause root rot, once the root rot, the leaves will turn yellow. At this time, take it out of the soil, wash the rotten place, bask in the sun for a day, replace it with new soil, and replant it. The soil in the basin is moist and should not accumulate too much water.

4. Prevention and control of diseases

Tequila leaves turn yellow and dry, which may be caused by insects or anthrax. Light green spots appear on the leaves at the onset of the disease, and gradually turn dark brown in the later stage, resulting in the yellowing and decay of the whole leaves. When this problem occurs, it is necessary to use drugs to treat anthrax in time, put it in a cool and windy place, increase nutrients rich in phosphorus and potassium, to improve its ability to resist the disease, and remove decaying leaves in time to prevent and control pathogens affecting other healthy branches and leaves, so once found must be solved.

Does tequila bloom?

According to relevant data, tequila used to grow in the Americas and usually blossoms only once for more than a decade or even decades. The huge inflorescence, which can be as high as 7 to 8 meters high, is the longest inflorescence in the world, with hundreds of white or yellowish bell-shaped flowers that die after flowering. The reason why tequila dies after it blossoms is that the process of blooming and fruiting consumes too much energy to sustain its own life. Tequila blossoms and dies. The flower saying is "give everything for love". Most tequila blossoms only once in a lifetime, and only a few species can survive after flowering, which is very precious.

The leaves of plants are usually yellowed because of the sun for too long or lack of water, so we can transfer tequila to the shade or pour a little more water. Remember not to water too much. Plants will die if there is too much water. The editor also learned it because he raised tequila.