
How to grow purple hairpin planting techniques and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, People who love to grow flowers, come here. What the editor brings today is the planting method of purple hairpin. Purple Hosta is a purple perennial herb, non-toxic and harmless, and will have a refreshing aroma, has a high ornamental value, but also can be used as medicine. Miss you

People who love to grow flowers, come here. What the editor brings today is the planting method of purple hairpin. Purple Hosta is a purple perennial herb, non-toxic and harmless, and will have a refreshing aroma, has a high ornamental value, but also can be used as medicine. Do you know how to grow it? Let's have a look with the editor.

How to grow purple hairpin

1. First plough the land with a depth of 15cm to 20cm, remove sundries such as stones and roots, then apply appropriate amount of fully mature fertilizer to the surface, and then make it fine and flat. The new plants after cutting and disinfection were planted according to plant spacing of 10 cm to 15 cm and row spacing of 15 cm. Water thoroughly and water again every 2-3 days. Purple Hosta is easy to survive after transplanting, and the effect is quick. It is watered and watered again every 2-3 days.

2. Ramets are generally propagated by individual plants, either in spring or autumn, in April-May or October-11 months. When ramets, the plants germinated on the old roots in 2023 are generally selected. Take 3 buds as a new plant, select the dividing point and cut it with a sharp knife. It is suitable for planting in shade or rock garden under trees or around buildings. It can be planted or potted.

Planting techniques and matters needing attention of Hosta purpurea

1. Planting techniques:

Purple Hosta like warm, humid climate, like shade, avoid long-term direct sunlight, strong capsule power and cold resistance, not strict requirements on the soil, the general soil can grow well. It turned green in the first and middle of April, entered the withering period from late September to early October, and the growth period was 175-185 days. When planting, the sandy loam with deep, fertile, moist and good drainage is the most suitable. Purple Hosta needs to be fertilized before germination and flowering in early spring to make the leaves flourish and increase the number of flowers. It needs to be watered thoroughly before turning green in spring and before winter, timely watering in the growing season, timely drainage in the rainy season, and cutting off the residual flowers in time.

2. Points for attention:

It is mainly because the plants are too dense and are caused by too much water in the rainy season. The epidermis of the root neck of the diseased plant showed brown water stains, with moonlight hyphae, and finally formed a white mycelium layer, shaped like white silk, resulting in the rot and lodging of the petiole base. Drug control: at the initial stage of the disease, the base was irrigated with 50% carbendazim 600-800 times or 25% gram withering 300-400 times, so as to prevent the base of the petiole from rotting.

Medicinal properties of Hosta purpurea

The whole grass is mainly yellowish in color, the leaves are egg-shaped, the apex is acute, the base is cuneate, the lateral veins are obvious, more than 7 pairs, and the petiole is slender. Flowers wrinkled into strips, intact 3.5 to 5 cm long, funnel-shaped, surface purple-brown or brown, filament 6, filament base separated from perianth tube; soft, fragile. Capsule trigonous-cylindrical, ca. 3 cm long, growing in moist places, growing nationwide.

The editor remembers that the external use of purple hairpin can treat mosquito bites, which is most suitable for hot summer. Plant it well. I'm sure it will surprise you. However, the editor of this kind of severe lazy cancer patients may not feel the fun of cultivating it. What about you? I hope today's editor's article can give you some help.