
Cultivation Techniques for High Yield of Pleurotus nebrodensis

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Firstly, aseptic operation procedures are maintained in the whole process of preparation of strains, ingredients, canning and sterilization. Then start making bacteria bags, cottonseed hull, bran, corn flour, lime, gypsum according to a certain proportion of preparation, you can start fermentation, fermentation after thorough sterilization.

First of all, the operation rules of asepsis are kept in the whole process of making bacteria, ingredients, canning, sterilization and so on. Then start the production of bacterial bags, cottonseed hull, wheat bran, corn meal, lime, gypsum according to a certain proportion of preparation, you can start fermentation, after fermentation to be thoroughly sterilized. Next is the vaccination, the speed should be fast, quickly open the quick seal. About 18-20 days after inoculation, the bacterial bag was moved to a low temperature, increased ventilation, combined with water spray to stimulate it to promote the formation of mushroom buds.

In our life, the common mushrooms are Lentinus edodes, white mushrooms, Flammulina velutipes, Pleurotus eryngii, and so on, but Bailing mushrooms are relatively strange to many people. In fact, Bailing mushrooms are the best natural green health food today, which can enhance human immunity. It is a kind of rare edible fungus with high edible and medicinal value, which is deeply loved by consumers. The following editor will take you to understand some of its cultivation techniques.

High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

Now most growers use liquid strains to produce Pleurotus ostreatus, which can greatly save production costs and shorten the time of raising bacteria. Because there are many mycelium fragments, many germination points and large dispersion in liquid bacteria, the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus can be greatly increased, thus producing more economic benefits for growers.

Planting techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Preparation of liquid bacteria in fermentor

1. Boil juice: first wash 200 grams of potatoes, peel them first, then sprout and slice them, then take the right amount of mushroom roots, and then put them into a stainless steel pot and boil over high heat, together with about 50 grams of wheat bran, then turn to low heat and boil until cooked, remove potato chips and sift through the juice.

2, ingredients: after screening the boiled juice, dissolve about 20 grams of glucose, 3 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 1.5 grams of magnesium sulfate and vitamin B1 mg into the boiled juice, mix it into a culture medium, stir a little to ensure that it can be stirred well.

3. Canning: after mixing the culture medium, scoop it into or inject it into the fermentor. The jar must be filled and covered with a closed tank, heated for 40 minutes, and the temperature should be maintained at 121min to sterilize the culture medium. During sterilization, pipelines and valves should be opened so that all gases and liquids in the culture medium can be completely sterilized as long as they pass through, so as to prevent miscellaneous bacteria infection in the later stage of seed production.

4. Inoculation and culture: after sterilization, wait for it to cool naturally or cool with cold water or to the culture temperature, and then inoculate with flame disinfection according to the aseptic operation rules. After inoculation, the culture was strictly controlled under the condition of 26 ~ 28 ℃. After 48-72 hours, the color of the culture medium changed from dark to light, and when the bacterial ball in the bacterial liquid was mixed with the liquid, it could be used for inoculation.

Second, the manufacture and cultivation of bacterial bags

1. Preparation of cultivation materials: 100 kg of cottonseed hull, 5 kg of wheat bran, 5 kg of corn meal, 3 kg of lime and 2 kg of gypsum.

2. Composting fermentation: prepare about 300 kg of composting fermentation materials, and pile a heap of about 1.3 meters high and 1.5 meters wide. The pile is not too big or too small, the pile is too small to heat up, it will lead to impermeable fermentation; too large pile will lead to lack of oxygen in the middle, and it is not convenient to turn over the pile. The humidity of fermented material mixed with water is about 60%, and 2% lime is added to make the pH value 8-8.5. After the pile is built, it needs to be drilled and ventilated, with a hole distance of 30 cm, 1 row at the top of the pile and 2-3 rows on the side. When the reactor temperature is about 55 ℃, keep the temperature constant for 48 hours, and then turn the stack for the first time. When the temperature of the stack reaches 60 ~ 70 ℃, the stack should be turned every other day and fully transposed. About a week later, when the material becomes uniform brown, and the texture is uniform, elastic, the taste is pure, and there are more actinomycetes on the material surface, it is proved that the material has been fermented successfully and the temperature can be cooled in bulk.

3. Bagging and sterilization: the fermented material must be bagged when the pH reaches 7.5-8.5 and the water content reaches 60%. The loaded material should also be sterilized thoroughly, sterilized under high pressure for 2 hours for 3 hours, or under atmospheric pressure for 14 hours for 16 hours.

4. Inoculation culture: when the sterilized bacteria bag is almost cold to 30 ℃, it can be moved into the inoculation room for inoculation. it must be inoculated under aseptic conditions, and the inoculation amount is 40ml / bag, which is suitable to cover the surface of the bag. Liquid strain inoculation speed is fast, it is recommended to arrange 4 people to cooperate with the inoculation, so as to achieve fast opening cover, fast inoculation, quick sealing cover.

5. After inoculation, first of all, the ambient temperature should be controlled at 26-28 ℃, with little or no ventilation, and try not to let the bag move. One week later, turn over the stack to check whether there is any miscellaneous bacteria pollution, and when it is found that there are miscellaneous bacteria contamination, the miscellaneous bacteria will be cleaned out. After about 18-20 days, almost the mycelium can be full, which is 8-10 days shorter than that of solid bacteria. After the mycelium is full, move the bacterial bag to a low temperature, or cover the straw curtain in the mushroom shed during the day, uncover the straw curtain at night, and increase ventilation, low temperature combined with water spray to stimulate it to promote the formation of mushroom buds.

How to prevent pests of Pleurotus ostreatus

1. It is suggested to improve the ventilation condition in the shed.

2. To avoid extreme high temperature and low temperature, the temperature in the greenhouse should be kept at 24 ℃-4 ℃.

3. Proper humidity and ventilation should be maintained in the mushroom shed, the temperature difference between day and night in the mushroom room should be reduced as much as possible, and the humidity should not be less than 70%.

4. The sanitary and clean place must be kept clean and well ventilated. When green mold occurs in the bacterial bag spot, 5% concentration of lime clear liquid is used to inject mold plaque and surrounding culture materials, so as to inhibit the growth of green mold.

5, need to strictly control the air humidity, humidity had better not exceed 90%, pay attention to the water droplets can not be in direct contact with the mushroom body. Keep it properly ventilated.

6. hang an anti-insect net at the vent to prevent the adults of mushroom mosquitoes from flying in, or hang yellow boards to trap and kill mushroom mosquitoes.

Pleurotus ostreatus is not only edible, but also has medicinal value. Pleurotus ostreatus has fresh and tender meat, rich nutritional value, and can regulate the physiological balance of the human body. it is a rare edible fungus with development potential at present, and the development prospect is very broad. I believe you have learned some techniques of planting Pleurotus ostreatus above. I hope this article can provide some help to growers.