
Planting and cultivation techniques of Rumex Control methods of common diseases of Rumex

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Time: spring and autumn when the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees. Land selection: fertile land is the most suitable, and certain irrigation conditions are needed. Land preparation: flatten the land, make the field border, control the distance and the number of rows. Sowing: soak the seeds for one day, each acupoint

Time: spring and autumn when the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees. Land selection: fertile land is the most suitable, and certain irrigation conditions are needed. Land preparation: flatten the land, make the field border, control the distance and the number of rows. Sowing: soak the seeds for a day and put 6 to 7 seeds at each acupoint. Fertilization: before planting, use diammonium phosphate as base fertilizer and spread it evenly in the field. Density: according to the germination rate, usually the sowing amount per mu is about 15 grams, and the depth is about 2-3 cm.

Rumex is widely distributed in the east, north and south of China. It is a very medicinal plant that can detoxify and defecate. It can also be used as a vegetable or fodder. If we plant Rumex, we usually need to pay attention to a lot. Temperature control and humidity control are all very important. Let's take a look at the cultivation of Rumex.

Cultivation techniques of Rumex

I. selection of planting plots

Need to choose a piece of fertile land, fertile soil is very important for growing plants, and also need certain irrigation conditions, when there is drought, irrigation at any time, water can be drained when there is a lot of water, remember not to plant in barren places, otherwise it will affect growth.

Second, apply sufficient bottom fertilizer to prepare the land.

1, each mu of land needs to eat 3000 to 4000 jin, fertilizer, with 20 kg of diammonium phosphate as the base fertilizer, evenly scattered in the field, and then later treatment.

2. Flatten the land, make the field border, control the distance and design the number of rows, so that it can be carried out by tractor or manual.

Third, sowing seeds

1. Sowing season: it is possible to sow seeds in spring and autumn. It is not suitable to sow seeds if the ground temperature exceeds 35 degrees.

2. Sowing rate: the amount of sowing is determined according to the germination rate at that time, which depends on the density of seedlings, usually about 15 grams per mu of field.

3, sowing depth: the seed of life is not very large, it is a kind of dicotyledonous plant, the characteristic of the plant is basically the emergence rate is relatively low, therefore, the sowing depth must be controlled well, generally the depth is about 2 to 3 cm, not too deep, according to the planting method of sowing vegetables.

4. Sowing method: soak the seeds in clean water for one day and one night before sowing, then fish them out to dry, and then find a good weather hole to sow seeds. Put 6 to 7 seeds at each point, so as to facilitate seedling emergence.

5. Seedling transplanting: the number of seedlings needs to be determined according to the active area, and the method of raising seedlings is usually the same as that of ordinary vegetables, which can be raised with nutritious sports seedlings or directly underground, but it should be noted that if you choose seedlings with few leaves to transplant, the survival rate will be low, so you need to choose more leaves of seedlings, generally 6 to 7 pieces is very appropriate.

IV. Field management

1. Ensure the whole seedling: the nutrition of the soil must be good, and choose to emerge at the appropriate temperature, and there will grow 4 to 6 leaves in about a month. At this time, you need to pay attention to the protection of the seedling, which requires water. Because this period is not resistant to drought, it is irrigated in time according to the situation. The seedling stage is usually when the seedling grows to six leaves, and the general plant spacing is about 20 cm. 3 to 4 plants are placed at a point.

2. Weeding in the middle ploughing to ensure the whole seedling: Rumex usually grows after a month, during which some weeds grow in the field and coexist with Rumex, but weeds usually grow faster, resulting in malnutrition of Rumex seedlings, so weeds must be removed to give the seedlings a good environment.

Control methods of common diseases of Rumex

When Rumex needs to control bird damage after emergence, you can also make some props, such as straw tied into a human shape and placed in the field to prevent birds from coming. From July to September, pest control is needed at this time. It is usually dominated by cabbage insects and nocturnal moths. When the larvae are willow, 90% of crystal trichlorfon or 80% of dichlorvos can be used to eliminate these larvae as a control method.

In the first three days of acid mold planting, we need to keep the soil moist, and at the same time, when selecting seeds, we need to get rid of some dry and bad seeds, so as to improve the survival rate. The most important thing to pay attention to during the whole seedling stage is moisture. Everyone will plant a good acid mold when we control it well.