
Where is Panax notoginseng suitable for planting? Wenshan, Yunnan is the main producing area.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panax notoginseng is suitable for planting in Yunnan and Guangxi, Panax notoginseng likes to live in a cool and humid environment, it is suitable to be planted on hillsides with an altitude of 700-1500 meters, Dongyang and a slope of 10-20 °, the suitable growth temperature is 18-25 ℃, and the annual average temperature in the planting area is

Panax notoginseng is suitable for planting in Yunnan and Guangxi, Panax notoginseng likes to live in a cool and humid environment, it is suitable to plant in the hillside with an altitude of 700-1500 meters, Dongyang and slope of 10-20 °, the suitable growth temperature is 18-25 ℃, the annual average temperature in the planting area is 18-19 ℃, the loose and deep sandy loam with many humus layers is the best, and the ph value should be between 5.5-7.0. The soil moisture should be 25-30%.

Where is Panax notoginseng suitable for planting?

The main planting areas in China are Wenshan County, Yanshan County, Maguan, Xichou, Guangnan, Malipo, Funing, Qiu Bei, etc., as well as Tianyang, Jingxi, Tiandong and Debao in Guangxi. Panax notoginseng is a shade-loving plant. I like to grow in a cool environment in winter and summer, and it is neither cold nor heat-resistant.

1. Soil: Panax notoginseng likes moisture but is afraid of stagnant water, and the planting soil should be loose and deep. It is suitable for sandy loam with a lot of humus. The soil water content should be 22%, 40%, and PH should be between 5.5 and 7.0.

2. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Panax notoginseng is 18-25 ℃. It is best to grow in areas where the winter is warm and summer is cool, the temperature difference among the four seasons is small, the annual average temperature is 18-19 ℃, the summer temperature is no more than 35 ℃, and the winter temperature is no less than minus 5 ℃.

3. Lighting: Panax notoginseng is overcast, sensitive to light, and avoid direct light. It is best to plant them in a shady environment where the sun is not strong, or build a shade shed. The best degree of gloom is 40-60% in spring and autumn and 60-70% in summer.

4. Moisture: Panax notoginseng is afraid of drought and waterlogging, and its growth environment is required to be moist. It is best to plant in areas where the soil moisture is 25-30% and the air relative humidity is 70-80%.

5. Area: Panax notoginseng should be planted on the hillside with an altitude of 700-1500m, Dongyang and a slope of 10-20 °; diseases and insect pests are more serious in low mountain areas or hilly plains above 400m above sea level, and Panax notoginseng is easily harmed by diseases and insect pests. and the leaves often fall off in the early stage.

Matters needing attention in planting Panax notoginseng

1. Planting site selection

It is best to plant Panax notoginseng in mountainous areas with high topography and convenient drainage and irrigation, and the loam with strong drainage capacity is better.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Ploughing should be carried out before sowing, and the depth of ploughing should be about 25-30cm. After ploughing, fertilizer should be applied proportionally, and then the bed should be made.

3. Sowing seeds

If it is planted in the north, the best sowing time is March-April; in the south, the sowing time is between the end of October and the end of November.

Select the pest-free, full, neat and red seeds, soak the selected seeds in 30% benzimidazole 44 solution for 15 minutes, then take the soaked seeds to a dry place to dry, then mix the dried planting and plant ash evenly, put them in a place of 25-28 ℃ for germination; wait for more than 90% of the seeds to germinate. Hole sowing was carried out on the finished border surface according to plant spacing of 10-15cm, row spacing of 15-20cm, and bamboo with a height of 2.5m and fist thickness was inserted every five holes after sowing, and then a layer of sunshade net was covered on the pillar.

4. Daily management

Carry out the work of seedling intercropping, fertilization, drainage, watering and weeding in time, and harvest every October when the fruit is full.

5. Disease control

Black spot: at the initial stage, the stems and leaves of the diseased plant will slowly appear brown spots, and finally spread to the whole plant. The planting can be disinfected before planting, and at the initial stage of the disease, 80% chlorothalonil powder 1000 times solution can be sprayed on the diseased plants for prevention and treatment.

Blight: usually occurs at the base of the stem, the base of the stem will show yellow spots in the early stage of the disease, and the diseased part of the stem will be broken in the later stage. 35% Likuling 800 times solution can be sprayed on the diseased stem for control.