
The planting method and daily management of Pueraria lobata, fertilizer and water management is the key to ensure high yield and high quality.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Seed selection: select the stem of Pueraria lobata which is disease-free and stout and full of bud eyes. Site selection: Xiangyang, good drainage and irrigation, deep soil, loose and fertile red loess or sandy soil for planting. Planting: from mid-February to late April every month, with a distance of 1 meter, single row and single plant

Seed selection: select the stem of Pueraria lobata which is disease-free and stout and full of bud eyes. Site selection: Xiangyang, good drainage and irrigation, deep soil, loose and fertile red loess or sandy soil for planting. Planting: from mid-February to late April every month, the distance between plants is 1 meter, single row and single plant, planting 600-700 plants per mu. Management: do a good job of seedling replenishment, hedgerow, topping, vine trimming, bud picking, fertilizer and water, etc. Storage: the suitable humidity is 55% Mi 65%. Pueraria lobata and Pueraria lobata are separated by sand.

What is Pueraria lobata?

Pueraria lobata, also known as kudzu vine, is a leguminous plant of the genus kudzu, its starch content is as high as 40%, has a certain nutritional and medicinal value. Radix Puerariae is rich in 13 kinds of amino acids and trace elements such as iron and calcium, as well as isoflavones such as daidzein and puerarin, which can clear the heart and clear eyes, lower blood pressure, fight cancer, dilate blood vessels, and sell well in domestic and foreign markets.

Planting method and daily management of Pueraria lobata

First, select superior varieties and raise seedlings

From December of each year to February of the next year, among the harvested Pueraria lobata, choose the disease-free and stout vine with full bud eyes. A month before planting, cut the vine into seedlings with 1-2 nodes and insert them into fertile seedling soil. When the Beginning of Spring season the weather warms up and grows buds, it can be transplanted and planted.

II. Land selection and preparation

It is appropriate to choose sunny and well drained and irrigated red loess or sandy soil, which is deep and loose and fertile, and the flat ground is ridged by 1-1.2 meters of furrow, 50 cm high and 50 cm wide. In the center of the ridge, open a small planting hole with a planting distance of 1 meter or pack mud in a black plastic bag.

III. Planting time and specifications

It is planted every year from mid-February to late April, the specification is 1-1.2 meters (including ditches), the distance between plants is about 1 meter, and a single plant is planted on a single row, about 600-700 plants per mu, and the seedlings are inserted into the hole at an angle of 30 degrees with a depth of about 3 centimeters. Then use both hands to compact the soil, drench enough root water.

IV. Strengthen daily management

1. Replenish seedlings and hedges. Five days after transplantation, human and animal manure can be properly diluted for root determination, and attention should be paid to check whether there are dead seedlings. If dead seedlings are found to be replanted in time, when the seedlings grow to about 50 cm, a bamboo hedge of about 1.8-2 meters is inserted between the two rows, and two strong seedlings are selected to stay, and the rest are removed, and then two thick seedlings are introduced to the bamboo hedge, so as to ensure ventilation and improve photosynthesis.

2. Topping, pruning and sprouting. This is an important measure to control the growth of the aboveground part of Pueraria lobata, promote the growth of the underground part, and let the root tuber form rapidly. When the main vine grows to about 1.5 meters, the top can be removed, leaving 3-5 lateral vines, remove the lateral buds, and then pick the lateral buds every 15 days or so.

3. Fertilizer and water management. Fertilizer and water management is a key step to ensure high yield and good quality in the later stage of Pueraria lobata. Generally, the first topdressing is made about 20 days after planting, and the ternary compound fertilizer of 0.3-0.5 is applied. After that, about 25-50 grams of ternary compound fertilizer is applied in the next 1-2 months, and then the amount of fertilizer is gradually increased in the later stage. If it is required to be washed and applied in sunny days, it can be applied in holes in rainy days. Pueraria lobata is resistant to drought and waterlogging, and it is better to be slightly dry than too wet. Timely drainage should be carried out after continuous rainy days.

V. Storage insurance

Pueraria lobata can be preserved for as long as 1 year, and its flavor and nutrition are basically unchanged, and the humidity required for storage is 55%, 65%, which can be adjusted by spraying water. The requirements for storage of Pueraria lobata are fresh Pueraria lobata harvested between December and February of the following year, and they are dug in rain-free weather. The specific method is to spread the bottom layer of about 15 centimeters of thick sand, and then a layer of Pueraria lobata. GE and GE are stacked with sand apart, not more than 1.5 meters high. Keep 20 centimeters of sand around and at the top, and finally cover a layer of about 5 centimeters of straw for moisturizing.