
What are the reasons for grape fruit cracking? Master these six points and no longer be afraid of low output.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Grape fruit cracking mainly occurs in the mature stage, and the degree of fruit cracking varies with different varieties. Excessive fertilization and improper water control will cause fruit cracking, of course, excessive pruning of grape plants will also cause fruit cracking, so it is necessary to prevent diseases and insect pests in the process of planting.

Grape fruit cracking mainly occurs in the mature period, and the degree of fruit cracking varies with different varieties. Excessive fertilization and improper water control will cause fruit cracking, of course, excessive pruning of grape plants will also cause fruit cracking. Therefore, in the process of planting, it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and strengthen the management of grape cultivation.

Reason 1: breed problem

There are many varieties of grapes, and the degree of fruit cracking varies with different varieties, such as ruby and Jufeng, whose fruits are relatively soft, loosely arranged because of uneven growth, pulp and pericarp are not close enough, and are easy to crack. And Red Earth and other varieties, the pulp is tight and thick, the pericarp toughness is good, so its pressure resistance is strong, it is not easy to cause fruit cracking.

The second reason: fertilization is too simple.

During the period of grape growth, fertilization should not be too single, and different nutrients are needed to meet its growth needs. Pay attention not to excessive fertilization during grape ripening and fruit expansion, do not excessively apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizer, which will also lead to soil nutrient imbalance, affect growth and lead to grape fruit cracking. Attention should be paid to the supplement of trace elements such as boron, calcium, zinc and so on.

Reason 3: the moisture is not controlled properly.

During the ripening period, the grape encountered drought during fruit expansion and cloudy and rainy weather when ripening. If excessive watering, the grape plant will absorb a large amount of water and transport it to the fruit, making the pulp split too fast and the peel moving slowly, forming a strong contrast, resulting in excessive swelling and pressure of the fruit and fruit cracking.

Reason 4: improper pruning

In order to increase the fruit yield and prune the branches and leaves, it is best to leave about 2 leaves above the ear, and about 25 leaves in the normal growing branches. If the branches and leaves are pruned too much, the ability of nutrient synthesis and water condition of the plant will be weakened, and the fruit will be cracked.

Reason 5: the influence of diseases and insect pests

In the later stage, we should do a good job in the prevention and control of grape diseases and insect pests, such as green blindness and stink thrips, diseases such as gray mold and powdery mildew, which will cause grape fruit cracking.

Reason 6: improper use of drugs

In the process of planting grapes, diseases and insect pests control and promote growth, will use drugs, and these drugs will generally affect the growth of grapes, so that the grape surface fruit cracking, to the later stage of fruit cracking will be greater.