
After the completion of the 200 million mu deep pine task, we need to do five things quickly.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Not long ago, the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture released information: as of November 30, the country had completed 203 million mu of subsoiling land preparation area, exceeding the task of 200 million mu of agricultural machinery subsoiling land preparation. This is indeed a beautiful report card, to be congratulated. Deep loosening operation can be effective.

Not long ago, the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture released information: as of November 30, the country had completed 203 million mu of subsoiling land preparation area, exceeding the task of 200 million mu of agricultural machinery subsoiling land preparation. This is indeed a beautiful report card, to be congratulated.

Deep loosening operation can effectively break the bottom of the plough, increase the ability of soil water storage and soil moisture conservation and crop yield, which is an important way to store grain in the land, technology, and improve the yield and efficiency of agricultural production. The task of deep loosening of agricultural machinery next year is still arduous, so we need to make good ideological preparation, plan carefully, start as soon as possible, and start again at a new starting point. At present, we need to do a good job in five things:

First, comprehensively sum up experiences and lessons. We should carry out "looking back" in a timely manner and conscientiously sum up successful experiences and lessons learned from failures, so as to lay a solid foundation for doing a good job in deep loosening next year. Look at the gains and losses of the work. The attitude towards work and the strength of work measures determine the progress and effect of deep loosening work. After the deployment of the agricultural machinery deep loosening land preparation task at the beginning of the year, the vast majority of areas took active action, decomposing the task indicators layer by layer, implementing funds, implementing machinery, implementing land parcels, implementing the main body of the operation, dispatching and reporting the progress in a timely manner, and actively popularizing the deep loosening tester. We will strengthen the supervision of operation quality, work closely linked to each other, and grasp firmly and firmly. There are also individual units in individual areas that wait and see passively, and everything will be all right after sending a message to open a meeting. funds, machinery, land, and the main body are not implemented, the progress is ignored, the implementation of operation subsidies is afraid of taking responsibility, and the task is not satisfactorily accomplished. These areas and units should find out the crux of the ineffective work and strive to overcome it. Look at the success or failure of machine selection. To carry out deep loosening operation, the selection of suitable, reliable, power matching, efficient power machinery and subsoiling tools is the basis and premise. It depends on whether the selected machines and tools are suitable for local soil conditions, crop types, fault-free operating time to meet the basic operational needs, the types of failures and the degree of difficulty of maintenance, and whether spare parts are easy to buy. whether the subsoiling machine and the tractor are matched, the speed of the machinery in the field, the operating cost, and whether it is economically worthwhile and accounting. It depends on whether the capital is strong or weak. Operation subsidy is a strong boost to carry out deep loosening of agricultural machinery. According to preliminary statistics, the area of subsoiling operations subsidized nationwide this year has reached 79 million mu, accounting for about 39.5% of the total amount of tasks completed. Some local agricultural machinery departments not only strive for subsidies for deep loosening of agricultural machinery, but also strive for special funds for publicity, training, and supervision, providing a strong financial guarantee for the development of deep loosening of agricultural machinery.

Second, do a good job of comparative monitoring. The comparative monitoring of deep loose block and non-deep loose block is an important basic work. To do a good job of comparative monitoring, we should achieve the "four have": the situation is followed. Arrange special personnel to track and record the soil moisture, crop growth, diseases, pests and weeds in the deep pine plot and the control plot in time. The problem has been solved. Soil, crops, climate and environment are a complex system. Subsoiling itself is a measure to resist drought, preserve soil moisture, stabilize yield and increase production, but if it is not used properly, problems of one kind or another may occur. For the problems that occur, professional and technical personnel should be assigned to the field in time to guide and solve them. In case of major and difficult problems, relevant experts such as agricultural machinery, agronomy, seeds, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and meteorology should be summoned to promptly feel the pulse and consult to solve them, so as to ensure that the deep pine land is always managed by people, and that it will not reduce production and increase production. The information has been collected. Arrange special personnel to collect, classify, file and file the data, photos and videos of comparative monitoring at any time, and establish relevant rules and regulations such as filing and consulting, so that the data are collected completely and without loss. The effect is based on evidence. Set about establishing and improving the comparative monitoring of subsoiling operations by big data. We should strengthen the analysis and utilization of data and give full play to the important role of comparative monitoring results in improving operating standards, publicizing and guiding the masses, and striving for funding policies.

Third, make use of agricultural leisure to carry out training. Practice has proved that the same machines and parcels are operated by different agricultural machinists, and the operation results are very different. Strengthening the training of farmers is very important to improve the quality of subsoiling operation and ensure the effect of subsoiling operation. At present, it is the idle season in winter and spring, so it is necessary to actively carry out training for farmers so as to lay a mass foundation for the smooth progress of deep pine next year. Take the deep pine technology as the main training content. Agricultural mechanization schools and socialized institutions of agricultural machinery should take deep loosening technology as the key content of training, and explain the mechanical principle, operation technology, fault judgment and maintenance knowledge. Backbone agricultural machinery production enterprises and qualified agricultural machinery dealers should actively assume social responsibility, make use of their own machinery, personnel, and technical advantages to do a good job in deep loosening technical training, so as to achieve win-win social and economic benefits, and win-win for enterprises and users. Members of cooperatives should be taken as key training targets. Compared with ordinary agricultural machinery farmers, agricultural machinery cooperative has a high degree of organization, more machinery, strong working ability and guaranteed quality, and is the main undertaker of agricultural machinery subsoiling task. The Ministry of Agriculture has also stressed many times that financial policies such as subsidies for agricultural machinery operations give priority to arranging pilot projects in agricultural machinery cooperatives. Therefore, the focus of agricultural machinery deep pine training is to train members of agricultural machinery cooperatives and put the limited training resources "good steel on the cutting edge". Take the acceptance of farmers as an important training standard. At present, the vast majority of land is still managed separately by the broad masses of farmers, and whether farmers accept it or not, to a large extent, determines whether the subsoiling technology can be pushed forward and smoothly. The training work should take into account the psychological, needs, cultural and other characteristics of farmers, so that they want to hear ideologically, love to hear, and be acceptable at the cultural level.

Fourth, carry out publicity with great fanfare. Some farmers do not understand the subsoiling subsidy policy, have doubts about the effectiveness of the subsoiling operation, and some grass-roots agricultural machinery cadres have no idea about how to do a good job of subsoiling, which are all obstacles to the development of subsoiling and soil preparation. Ideological problems should be solved by strengthening propaganda. Publicize the subsidy policy of deep pine. Where are the pilot projects, what are the subsidy standards, who can apply for the deep pine subsidy, and how to apply? all these issues should be explained in detail through publicity and in a language that ordinary people can understand. Publicize the effectiveness of deep loosening operation. The process of publicizing the effectiveness of subsoiling operations is also a process of popularizing subsoiling techniques, and agricultural machinery cadres, especially those responsible for land preparation, should be good propagandists of the results of subsoiling operations. What are the advantages of deep pine, whether it can increase production and how much it can be increased, whether it can preserve soil moisture, what the effect is, whether it can improve soil fertility, what the experts say, what is the evidence, and whether the increased operating costs and benefits of deep pine are compatible with those of non-deep pine? it is necessary to guide the peasants to calculate with their fingers, go into the field and have a look, convince people with reasoning, and win the hearts and minds of the people with benefits. Promote the advanced model of deep pine. We should make good use of radio and television, newspapers and magazines, and information networks, especially the media in the agricultural mechanization industry, deeply excavate the advanced units and pioneer models that have emerged from the deep pine work, actively publicize their practices and achievements, and tell the "deep pine story." drive the face-to-face work.

Fifth, strive for continuous subsidy policy. In 2011, some provinces and regions concentrated the new agricultural comprehensive subsidy funds to support grain basic capacity building, gave priority to supporting land subsoiling operations, and carried out land subsoiling operation subsidies, which achieved good results and were welcomed by the broad masses of farmers. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, it was not implemented in 2012, and pilot projects were only carried out in a few areas in 2013 and 2014. the subsoiling machinery purchased by some farmers was left idle and their enthusiasm was dampened. This year, from the central to local party committees and governments, they attached great importance to deep loosening and land preparation, included in the government work report, increased subsidies, and strengthened work promotion, supervision and inspection, which rekindled the enthusiasm of the masses of farmers to participate in and promote deep loosening of agricultural machinery. In order to make further progress, it is suggested that agricultural machinery departments at all levels should take the initiative to report to the party committee and the government, actively strive for the expansion of the pilot scope of subsidies, the increase of subsidy funds, and the early arrangement of work funds. we will strive to maintain policy stability and continuity, constantly push the deep pine work further, and make new contributions to the realization of national land fertilisation and ensuring that "Chinese grain in bowls and Chinese grain is produced in China."