
The cultivation methods and cultivation techniques of Cymbidium, the watering method varies with the season, pay attention to overwintering.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Ink orchid likes the warm and humid environment, requires that the best ambient temperature is 20-28 ℃, avoid direct sunlight and stagnant water in the basin, and that fertilization should be light and thick, and in the case of cold winter weather, it is necessary to move indoors or build plastic sheds to help survive the winter and watering.

Mulan likes the warm and humid environment, requires that the best ambient temperature is 20-28 ℃, avoid direct sunlight and stagnant water in the basin, and fertilization should be light and dense, and when the weather is cold in winter, it is necessary to move into the room or build a plastic shed to help survive the winter, and the watering method should vary according to the season, watering in the morning in winter and spring, once a week, and in the evening in summer and autumn, once every 3 days.

First, the culture method of Cymbidium.

1. Ventilation and humidity: consider the ventilation of the orchid when cultivating it indoors. The orchid likes a warm, humid and well-ventilated environment, and the air humidity is preferably between 50% and 80%. If the humidity is low, you can use the high-foot orchid basin to set the water requirement of the basin by the bottom of the basin, the water depth is about 2 cm, so you can increase the local air humidity. In addition, you can spray the leaves several times a day to increase humidity.

2. Watering: although ink orchid needs a lot of water, it is afraid of waterlogging, otherwise it is easy to rot stems and leaves. Water properly unless the soil in the basin is very dry. There is no need to water on cloudy and rainy days. In addition, it should be noted that there is no watering or spraying within three days after spraying.

Watering water temperature: the temperature of the water and the soil temperature should not be too different. When watering with tap water, the water should be naturally dried for two or three days before it can be used.

Watering time: water in the morning in winter and spring, and start after sunset in summer and autumn.

Watering frequency: the frequency varies according to season and soil conditions. Generally, it is watered every 4-7 days in low temperature season in winter and spring, and once in 2-3 days in summer and autumn high temperature dry season. At the same time, attention should be paid to the flexible judgment of dry and wet condition of basin soil, cloudy and sunny weather and air humidity.

3. Pay attention to avoid direct sunlight. You can bask in the sun for about 2-3 hours in winter and spring mornings, but it is best to avoid direct sunlight in summer and autumn.

4. In the process of growth, it is necessary to ensure its environmental temperature, and the most suitable temperature for its growth is between 20-28 ℃. Too low temperature will lead to freezing injury. The flowering period and growth of Cymbidium are closely related to the growth environment.

5. When choosing planting soil, we need to choose the soil with good drainage, do not apply excessive fertilizer at one time when applying fertilizer, and should apply thin fertilizer frequently.

Second, the cultivation techniques of Cymbidium.

1. The ink orchid is afraid of exposure to the sun. The cuticle of its leaves is very thin, and it is very easy to burn the leaves after direct sunlight.

2. Ink orchid likes to be wet and afraid of waterlogging and dry, and ink orchid likes the environment with high air humidity. If it is planted in the north, it should increase the air relative humidity as much as possible to create the most suitable growth environment for ink orchid.

3. It likes warmth and is afraid of freezing damage, and the lowest temperature it can withstand is 5 ℃, so in China, in addition to the warm southern regions such as Hainan, Taiwan, Guangdong, Fujian and Guangxi, which can be planted outdoors all the year round, most areas should carry out indoor maintenance when planting.

4. Applying thin fertilizer frequently and planting in large pot, because the plant of Magnolia is relatively tall and the root system is developed, the demand for fertilizer is relatively large, but when fertilizing, do not apply excessive fertilizer at one time, need to be carried out a small number of times; in addition, its developed root system determines the need to use a relatively deep and large pot to plant.