
How long does it take to grow taro? Master technology and management methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting taro is usually sown in the open field in March, but if plastic film cultivation is chosen, it can also be advanced to February, and the harvest is usually carried out around October in autumn, and the growth cycle of taro is about 7 months. Taro likes a warm and humid climate.

Planting taro is usually sown in the open field in March, and if plastic film cultivation is chosen, it can also be advanced to February, and the harvest is usually carried out around October in autumn, and the growth cycle of taro is about 7 months. Taro likes a warm and humid climate and has high requirements for environment and temperature, so it is necessary to master planting techniques.

How long will it take to grow taro

Taro is generally cultivated in January-March in spring and can be harvested in late summer or autumn, that is, from August to October, with a growth cycle of about 7 months. Taro has high requirements for environment and temperature, so he likes warm and humid areas, so he is suitable for growing in a high-temperature and humid environment, while requiring a very humid soil environment.

Second, the planting technology of taro

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

It is suitable to grow taro with rich, deep and strong water retention clay. The land will be ditched and fertilized, with a row spacing of about 90 cm, a ditch width of about 50 cm and a depth of about 35 cm, and then sprinkle a sufficient amount of fertilizer into the ditch. Fertilizer is mainly high-quality organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer needs about 2000 kg per mu, compound fertilizer is 48% potassium sulfate, about 60 kg per mu.

2. Sowing seeds

When sowing, try to choose disease-free and wound-free taro, spread out and dry for 3-4 days, then spread them indoors, and then cover them with wet sand to control the room temperature at about 23 ℃. Buds of about 3-4 cm can grow after about a month, and can be planted when the outdoor temperature is stable at about 12 ℃. When planting, the distance between plants is about 35 cm, with about 5000 plants per mu.

3. Fertilization

Taro likes fertilizer, sufficient fertilizer can increase the yield of taro, before planting, it is necessary to apply enough base fertilizer, usually using organic fertilizer or biogas fertilizer. At the same time, topdressing should be carried out for several times, and topdressing should be carried out in the early stage of seedling, in the early and middle stages of corm growth, and the amount of fertilizer should be paid attention to when applying fertilizer, and gradually increase the amount of fertilizer in the future.

4. Watering

Taro likes water during the growing period, but it is not suitable to water it during seedling emergence, otherwise it will affect its rooting and seedling emergence. However, taro should keep the soil moist throughout the growth period, and choose morning and evening when watering it, so as to avoid watering at noon in the hot season. Watering should be controlled during harvest and cannot be irrigated 10 days before harvest.

5. Pest control

Taro diseases are mainly fungal diseases, which often occur in the midsummer season and plum drought season, harming the leaves and bulbs of taro, such as brown disease spots on leaves, corm rot and so on.

6. Harvest and storage

Harvest: it can be harvested when you enter the Frosts Descent season, and it is best to choose a sunny day. You can't irrigate it about 20 days before harvest. If the taro used for keeping seeds must be fully mature before it can be harvested, the upper part of the ground can be cut off and wait for the wound to heal before harvesting.

Storage: after a day of drying, the taro can be stored, when the taro has been naturally air-dried, put the taro upside down, each layer of taro is covered with a layer of sand, if the taro has damage or disease should be taken out in time, so as not to infect other taro, the best storage temperature is 10-15 ℃.