
The cultivation technique of Taiwan long fruit mulberry, pruning can increase the yield

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Site selection: it is appropriate to choose a place with deep and fertile soil layer and convenient drainage and irrigation. Cultivation requirements: dig planting ditch and apply base fertilizer, the row spacing of each plant is determined by the degree of soil fertility, and root water is needed after planting. Moisture: large water demand in the sprouting period after spring and summer shearing. Fertilizer: chicken

Site selection: it is appropriate to choose a place with deep and fertile soil layer and convenient drainage and irrigation. Cultivation requirements: dig planting ditch and apply base fertilizer, the row spacing of each plant is determined by the degree of soil fertility, and root water is needed after planting. Moisture: large water demand in the sprouting period after spring and summer shearing. Fertilizer: chicken manure, bean cake, compound fertilizer and urea. Plastic pruning: fixed drying of seedlings and coring of new shoots. Pest control: disinfect with stone-sulfur mixture, omethoate plus methyl topiramate to control mulberry caterpillar, brown spot and so on.

Taiwan long fruit mulberry, also known as super fruit mulberry and purple golden honey mulberry, is an excellent variety improved by Taiwan experts after pollination of big fruit mulberry and several other wild long fruit mulberries. Its growth is very exuberant, the leaf is medium, the maturity period is early, the mature long fruit mulberry color is purple-black, the long fruit mulberry length is 8cm-12cm, the longest can reach 18cm, the ripening period is about one month.

I. site selection

The main results are as follows: 1. Long-fruit mulberry can be planted on all kinds of soil in hilly and plain areas, and its requirements on soil quality are not strict.

2. In order to establish a high-yield garden, the land should be planted in the land with deep soil layer, convenient drainage and irrigation and fertile soil fertility.

II. Cultivation requirements

1. Before planting, the planting ditch should be dug, the depth of the ditch is about 50cm, the width is about 60cm, and the bottom of the ditch should be covered with a layer of 20cm-30cm straw or crop stalks, and covered with topsoil around 10cm.

2. when livestock, poultry or human manure and compound fertilizer are applied to the topsoil, 0.5 tons of rice straw, 0.5 tons of manure, 50 kilograms of compound fertilizer and about 1 ton of high-quality mature farm manure are used per mu.

3. The row spacing of long-fruit mulberry planted in fertile land is 2m × 3m, and it can plant about 110 plants per mu, and about 63 plants per mu when the row spacing is about 3m × 3.5m.

4. The row spacing of long fruit mulberry is 1m × 2m in poor land, sloping land and sandy wasteland, with about 333 trees per mu.

5. When planting, we should first put the plant into the filled planting ditch, then straighten out the root system, let it stretch around freely, and finally step on the cultivated soil and irrigate the fixed root water.

6. In areas with severe drought, water should be watered many times to ensure that all cultivation can survive at one time, and then cover the bottom of the tree with a layer of straw or plastic film to prevent soil from polluting mulberry fruit.

Third, moisture

Long mulberry fruit is mainly in the sprouting period after spring shearing and summer shearing, these two periods need water very much, so it is necessary to replenish water in time.

IV. Fertilizer

The main results are as follows: 1. After the last autumn fruit is harvested every autumn, ditches should be made in the middle of the planting line to re-apply next year's base fertilizer, farm organic fertilizer and human and animal manure should be re-applied, and then assisted by 50kg compound fertilizer per mu, which can promote the differentiation of flower buds and lay the foundation for high yield in the coming year.

2. After pruning in early June, it is necessary to re-apply organic fertilizer, mainly chicken manure and bean cake, assisted by imported compound fertilizer and urea per mu 20kg, which can effectively promote flower bud differentiation and formation.

3. After each harvest, the top of the ear should be compressed and pruned immediately, and each plant should be treated with compound fertilizer 0.2kg, potash 0.3kg and manure 5kg. When the shoot turned green for the first time, paclobutrazol or other shoot-promoting agents should be sprayed to make it blossom.

4. In the flowering stage and young fruit stage, the mixture of 0.25% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and natural brassine should be sprayed on the leaf, respectively, which can increase the sugar content of long-fruit mulberry, make the fruit mature early and increase the yield of long-fruit mulberry stably.

5. Shaping and pruning

The main results are as follows: 1. The seedlings should be cut and dried at the place where the seedlings are 20cm-25cm from the ground after planting.

2. In the first year, each plant of long fruit mulberry can germinate 5-6 new shoots, and when the new shoots grow to 20cm, they should be coring, which can produce a lot of fruiting branches.

3. After the fruit is harvested in the second year, the summer pruning should be carried out according to the shape of the whole tree, and the excess drooping branches should be cut off while controlling the height of the trunk. The resulting mother branch can keep 2-3 buds short, so that the new shoots can be used as mother branches in the coming year.

4. When pruning in winter, the weak branchlets germinated in summer and the degenerated mother branches should be properly cut off, and the 20cm-25cm at the top of the branches should be cut off.

VI. Pest control

The main diseases of long fruit mulberry are brown spot, anthracnose, powdery mildew and so on. the main pests are mulberry inchworm, mulberry caterpillar, diamond leafhopper, mulberry longicorn beetle and so on.

1. Mulberry caterpillar and brown spot: in the hot and rainy season from July to September, spray with 1200 times of omethoate or 2000 times of dimethoate plus 1200 times of thiophanate or 75% chlorothalonil every 10-15 days.

2. Mulberry longicorn beetles: the larvae can be killed by injecting wormholes or stuffing them with drug swabs, and the adults can be caught manually.