
When planting sunflower seeds, attention should be paid to watering and fertilizing.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Sowing and raising seedlings: sunflower seeds can be sown in May-August or November-December. Planting: it can be planted in the open field in the frost-free area in winter and in the greenhouse in the cold area. Soil: you can choose loose and fertile soil with a pH of 5.8-6.5 with good drainage. Light: whole growth

Sowing and raising seedlings: sunflower seeds can be sown in May-August or November-December. Planting: it can be planted in the open field in the frost-free area in winter and in the greenhouse in the cold area. Soil: you can choose loose and fertile soil with a pH of 5.8-6.5 with good drainage. Light: adequate light is needed throughout the growth stage. Temperature: like temperature and drought resistance, the temperature is not lower than 10 ℃ can grow normally. Water and fertilizer management: different growth stages require different amount of water, like nitrogen fertilizer.

First, sowing and raising seedlings

1. Sowing time: sunflower seeds can be sown in May-August or November-December. If sowing in November-December, special attention should be paid to heat preservation.

2. Sowing temperature: its seeds have a strong ability to tolerate low temperature. When the temperature is stable at 2 ℃, the seeds will germinate and take root when the temperature reaches 4-5 ℃, but when the temperature reaches 8-10 ℃, it can basically meet the conditions for seed emergence.

3. Growth period: the growth period is relatively short, which needs to be decided according to the variety and sowing date. Generally, it takes about 55-85 days from sowing to harvest.

4. Sowing method: when sowing, we usually use the method of disk sowing and raising seedlings, the spacing of sowing is about 12cm, and only 1-2 seeds need to be sowed in each hole. After sowing, the seeds need to be covered with soil, and then the soil will be watered thoroughly. In order to control its germination temperature, the temperature is about 25 ℃, about 3-4 days.

II. Colonization

The main results are as follows: 1. If the seedling plate is used for breeding, the best way to transfer seedlings is to stabilize the soil temperature at about 15 ℃ and the planting density to be 12-12 cm.

2. If it is a southerly area with no frost in winter, it can be planted in the open field.

3. If it is planted in cold areas in winter, it needs to be cultivated in greenhouse.

3. Soil

The requirement of sunflower for soil is not high, but the soil should be ploughed and raked deeply before planting, and the soil with loose and fertile, good permeability and good drainage is suitable, and the PH value is between 5.86.5. good soil is very important for the growth of sunflower.

Fourth, lighting

Sunflower likes plenty of sunshine very much, and its leaves and disk have phototropism. Sufficient sunshine is needed in the whole growth process, sufficient light in the young stage can make the seedlings strong, sufficient light in the middle stage can promote stem and leaf growth and flower bud differentiation, and sufficient light in the later stage can harvest faster.

5. Temperature

Sunflower is a kind of warm and cold-tolerant plant, which can grow normally as long as the temperature is not less than 10 ℃. But because it likes high temperature environment, the higher the temperature, the faster it grows.

VI. Water and fertilizer management

The main results are as follows: 1. Sunflowers need different amount of water at different growth stages. They need to be watered as much as possible during sowing and transplanting, and the soil should be kept moderately moist all the time.

2. from transplanting to the stage before the emergence of the bud, watering as little as possible, which is beneficial to the better growth of its root system and enhance its drought resistance.

3. A lot of water is needed during the flower bud stage.

4. In the mature period of flowers, the times and quantity of watering should be reduced as much as possible, and irrigation is needed only when it is too dry.

5. Sunflower likes nitrogen fertilizer, which is beneficial to the growth of stem. Drip irrigation system with mixed fertilizer and water is generally used in fertilization. Calcium nitrate and potassium nitrate are used alternately. The concentration of calcium nitrate is 175ppm and the concentration of calcium nitrate is 200ppm.

VII. Disease and pest control

Sunflowers are prone to leaf spot and rust. If this disease occurs, it can be sprayed with 1500 times of the wet powder. If aphids and mites appear, it can be sprayed with 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC or 1500 times of 20% Aifudin 2.