
When will the wheat return to green water?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The time for wheat to return to green water is usually in late March, when the temperature begins to warm up and the wheat enters the green period. The specific time can be determined according to the growth of wheat. if the wheat seedlings grow well, they can be irrigated back to green water later so as not to overgrow the wheat.

The time for wheat to return to green water is usually in late March, when the temperature begins to warm up and the wheat enters the green period. The specific time can be determined according to the growth of wheat. if the wheat seedlings grow well, they can be irrigated back to green water later, so as to avoid lodging caused by wheat growing too fast. if the wheat fields with late sowing and poor cultivated land quality need to be irrigated back to green water in time. When pouring back green water, it can be combined with fertilizer to promote the growth of wheat seedlings and increase yield.

When will the wheat be watered back to green water

1. Generally speaking, after late March, the temperature begins to warm up, and with the rise of the temperature, the wheat will soon enter the green period.

2. Watering back to green water should be decided according to different conditions. If the wheat seedlings are suppressed in winter or early spring, the wheat seedlings can be watered later, so as to avoid the wheat growing too fast and the plants exuberant and causing lodging.

3. If the wheat is sown late and the quality of cultivated land is poor, the wheat field should be irrigated back to green water in time.

4. Pouring back green water should be based on the weather conditions. If the temperature of the week around the weather forecast is relatively high and sunny, the daily average temperature of 3 ℃ can be poured back to green water, which is beneficial for wheat to turn green and grow into strong seedlings.

5. If it is an ordinary wheat field, watering should be delayed or not returned to green water, and then the green water should be postponed to the stage of getting up or jointing.

6. For the wheat fields with small population and poor growth, about 10 kg of urea can be applied when pouring green water, which can promote the growth of wheat seedlings and increase the yield.

Second, how to judge that the wheat has turned green.

1. Due to different climatic conditions in different places, the time of wheat turning green is also different.

2. Generally, the time for wheat to turn green is from late February to late March.

3. Turning green means that after wheat overwintering, the overwintering leaves and heart leaves of wheat seedlings recover and turn green gradually.

4. During this period, the seasonal temperature is unstable, it is easy to be cold and hot, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large. Pouring green water needs flexible control to avoid frostbite of wheat seedlings.

5. when the temperature is stable, you can begin to pour green water, but the amount of water should not be too large, and the wheat field should appropriately increase the amount of phosphorus and potash fertilizer, and the humidity in the field should be controlled.

6. For the seedlings with more seedlings, it is not necessary to apply fertilizer.

Does wheat need to be fertilized when it is watered back to green water?

1. Returning to green water and fertilizer should be carried out according to the growth of wheat and the capacity of the field.

2. Fertilization is carried out in most areas during the period from the end of February to the beginning of March. For wheat seedlings with weak growth and small leaves per plant, it is necessary to water and fertilize them in time during the turning green period.

3. For the wheat fields with normal growth of wheat seedlings, watering and fertilization can be postponed to the end of jointing stage.

4. Fertilization in the green stage has certain benefits to the growth of weak seedlings and the increase of the number of ears, so it is necessary to apply fertilizer in time for weak seedlings caused by lack of soil fertility.