
Muskmelon yield per mu in open field

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The yield per mu of muskmelon planted in open field is about 3000-4000 jin, and the yield will be affected by varieties and planting conditions, muskmelon is generally planted in the middle of March to the end of March, in order to increase yield, you can choose the advantages of early maturity, good fruit setting and strong disease resistance.

The yield per mu of muskmelon planted in open field is about 3000-4000 jin, which will be affected by varieties and planting conditions, and muskmelon in open field is generally planted from the middle of March to the end of March, in order to increase yield, high-quality varieties with early maturity, good melon setting and strong disease resistance can be selected for planting, reasonable close planting and good field management.

I. muskmelon yield per mu in open field

The yield per mu of muskmelon will be affected by varieties, planting conditions and other factors. Generally, the yield per mu of muskmelon is about 3000-4000 jin.

Second, planting melons in the open air

1. Select varieties

Before planting melon, we should choose melon varieties with good sitting ability, beautiful shape, early maturity, good quality and strong disease resistance, such as Sharon, Ruoren, Elizabeth and Xuefengmi No.2, etc.

2. Select soil

Muskmelon should be planted in a fertile, loose, deep soil layer and relatively high terrain, which requires good ventilation, good drainage and irrigation conditions and pollution-free environment.

3. Rational planting

The main results are as follows: (1) when muskmelon is planted in greenhouse in early spring, the planting time is from the middle of March to the end of March, which can avoid late frost and go on the market in advance.

(2) in order to increase the ground temperature 15-30 days before planting, the greenhouse can be closed, and the seedling bowl should be watered thoroughly in the afternoon or evening before planting, which is beneficial to bring tuo to the ground. After soil cultivation, the pit surface should be slightly concave, the planting density row spacing is about 90cm, and the plant spacing is about 50cm.

4. Pruning

When the main vine grows to six leaves, the heart is removed, leaving only 3-6 interleaf vines, and the vines between 1-2 leaves are removed, leaving 1-2 melons per vine.

5. Rational fertilization

The main results are as follows: (1) rational fertilization is needed in the growth process of muskmelon. In order to increase the sugar content of muskmelon, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be increased, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied alone, which will affect the sugar content.

(2) after waiting for melons to sit on melons, about 10 kilograms of potassium sulfate can be applied per mu, and the sweetness of melons will be increased by 1-2 degrees. 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed at the initial stage, or 5 kilograms of phosphate fertilizer can be applied per mu during vine extension.

6. Timely irrigation

The main results are as follows: (1) in order to increase the yield and improve the quality of melon during the expansion period, irrigation can be carried out properly.

(2) if melon leaves appear in the daytime, the method of furrow irrigation can be used for irrigation, and the amount must be controlled during irrigation. 500 times peracetic acid can be selected after irrigation is completed.

When is the best time to plant melons

1. Muskmelon is a kind of crop that is taboo to Rain Water. When planting muskmelon in open field, we must choose the sowing date. In Jianghuai region, the sowing time is from the first middle of February to the beginning of March, and the autumn sowing time of Guangdong, Hainan and Yungui is from the beginning of July to the end of July.

2. In autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large, the sunshine is sufficient, and the air is relatively dry, which is especially suitable for fruit expansion and ripening of muskmelon. The muskmelon planted in this way not only has a good variety, but also has a long storage period, thus increasing the income.