
Key points of Management Technology of Wheat

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Due to seedling system, flower protection fertilizer and jointing fertilizer should be applied in high yield fields, while jointing fertilizer should be used in weak gluten wheat. Clear ditches and manage soil moisture: it is necessary to clear ditches and manage soil moisture in time to ensure smooth drainage, and attention should be paid to drought prevention after spring of dry stubble wheat. Chemical weeding: intensification

Due to seedling system, flower protection fertilizer and jointing fertilizer should be applied in high yield fields, while jointing fertilizer should be used in weak gluten wheat. Clear ditches and manage soil moisture: it is necessary to clear ditches and manage soil moisture in time to ensure smooth drainage, and attention should be paid to drought prevention after spring of dry stubble wheat. Chemical weeding: strengthen the work of "one spray and three prevention", control the harm of weeds and strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Prevent frost injury: wheat seedlings should be fertilized as soon as possible to remedy the frost injury. Prevent lodging: wheat fields with lodging risk should be strengthened to control prosperity and prevent lodging.

First, due to the seedling system, apply jointing fertilizer.

The main results are as follows: 1. the focus of spring management is to promote tillering, which can be used with fast hair and 30 jin of ammonium nitrate phosphorus per mu.

2. The jointing fertilizer should be applied well, and the seedlings should be checked in time at the beginning of spring. For the wheat seedlings that are too small and the number of ears may be insufficient when turning green, and for the wheat fields with serious yellowing and yellowing, jointing fertilizer should be applied early to promote the weak seedlings to become strong and strive for sufficient ears.

3. When the leaf color fades normally, the first Internode of the plant is close to the fixed length, the second Internode elongates 1~2cm, and the remaining leaf age is about 2.5, topdressing the jointing fertilizer in the wheat field with suitable tiller number of the population is beneficial to the cultivation of strong stalk and large panicle.

4. Jointing fertilizer can generally apply 5kg urea per mu and 10kg / mu ternary high efficiency compound fertilizer (15% each of N, P2O5 and K2O).

5. For the wheat field where the population is too large and the leaf color does not fade normally, the application of jointing fertilizer should be postponed appropriately, and the leaf color should not fade and not be fertilized.

6. High-yield fields also advocate the application of flower-protecting fertilizer, also known as booting fertilizer, which can increase grain and weight significantly when the flag leaf (flag leaf) is half exposed, and urea can be applied to 5kg / mu.

7. For weak gluten wheat, nitrogen application should be moved forward, jointing fertilizer should be mainly applied, and flower protection fertilizer should not be applied.

2. Clearing ditches and regulating soil moisture, preventing waterlogging and drought

1. After sowing, wheat seedlings should timely clear the ditches and manage the soil moisture, dredge the ditches inside and outside the field, ensure smooth drainage, and make sure that the fields are dry and there is no stagnant water in the ditches.

2. In Huaibei wheat area, especially dry stubble wheat after spring, attention should be paid to drought prevention, and three ditches should be cleared in time to facilitate the irrigation of jointing and booting water in the middle and later stage.

Chemical weeding should be carried out at the right time

1. Chemical weeding and weed control should be carried out in time according to the growth of weeds in spring, and attention should be paid to the safe use of drugs and prevention of freezing damage.

2. We should pay attention to strengthen the prevention and control of wheat sheath blight, powdery mildew, scab and other diseases and insect pests, and use drugs in time if diseases and insect pests appear.

3. Powdery mildew and sheath blight are mainly to prevent and cure too late, and the key to scab is to give medicine scientifically.

4. It is necessary to highlight and strengthen the work of "one spray and three prevention". Combined with the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, we can spray more than one spray, protect green and prevent premature senility, protect grains and gain weight.

IV. Prevent frost injury and remedy as soon as possible

The main results are as follows: 1. The risk of freezing injury in spring is relatively high. If freezing injury occurs in wheat, the freezing degree of young spikes should be investigated 2-3 days after the occurrence of frost injury, and fertilizer should be applied as soon as possible for wheat fields with a frozen mortality rate of more than 10%.

2. The wheat fields with 10%-30% freezing mortality rate apply about 5 kg urea per mu, 30%-50% wheat fields apply 7kg urea per mu, and the wheat fields with freezing mortality rate above 50% apply 12kg urea per mu to strive for small tillers and high node tillers to form spikes, in order to recover the loss of yield.

Fifth, prevent lodging

The main results are as follows: 1. For the wheat fields with excessive population and lodging risk, the vigorous control and lodging prevention should be strengthened, and the fertilization in early spring should be strictly controlled.

2. Before jointing, vigorous seedlings should be suppressed again, generally once, and the control effect is about one week.

3. Wangmiao is pressed once every 10 days or so and pressed for 2 or 3 times in a row. It is not suitable to suppress when the soil is too wet, dewy, frozen, saline-alkali soil and so on.

4. Wheat after jointing can not be suppressed; chemical control, spraying growth inhibitor on the first leaf from the 5th leaf to the 4th leaf can control the growth and prevent lodging.