
Planting technique of thorn old bag

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Seedling cultivation: seedling cultivation can be carried out by three methods: seedling cultivation, short spike cutting and rhizome cutting. Transplant: thorn Laobao is afraid of waterlogging, drought and barren, suitable for planting in a slightly sour environment, should be transplanted in cloudy or sunny afternoon, reasonable close planting, apply

Seedling cultivation: seedling cultivation can be carried out by three methods: seedling cultivation, short spike cutting and rhizome cutting. Transplant: thorn Laobao is afraid of waterlogging, drought and barren, suitable for planting in a slightly sour environment, should be transplant in cloudy or sunny afternoon, reasonably close planting, apply rotten farm manure and water. Late management: timely watering in the later stage, removal of weeds and diseased plants, reasonable fertilization, and good control of plant height. Harvest: it can be harvested 3-4 times a year, prune and fix the tree properly and apply bud fertilizer.

First, raising seedlings

There are three methods of raising seedlings, which are seedling cultivation, short-spike cuttage and rhizome cuttage.

1. Cultivate seedlings

The main results are as follows: (1) the old thorn bag is usually picked in March-April, it will blossom in April-June, and the seed will mature in October-December. At this time, the pericarp will be broken, the seed is red, and the seed can be left.

(2) the mother tree with remaining seeds must choose robust plants with no diseases and insect pests, more sprouts, fewer thorns, strong clumps, purplish red or light green buds.

2. Short spike cuttings

(1) the cuttings should select 1-year-old semi-lignified branches, which require no diseases and insect pests, strong growth, less thorns, 10-15 cm cutting length and 3-5 bud holes.

(2) the upper cut needs to be flat, and the best position is at the top bud 1 cm, and the lower cut can be cut into an oblique mouth, at the base bud 0.5 cm, without lateral branches, which can reduce evaporation and increase the rooting area.

(3) in order to improve the survival rate, the lower cut can be air-dried so that the repair material secreted by the plant can be condensed in the wound and then soaked in rooting powder.

(4) generally, 1.5-17000 plants can be cut per mu, the line spacing is about 20cm, and the ground is 45 degrees, about 15cm into the ground, exposing a bud eye is appropriate, and then adjusted to the north direction, watering, as far as possible to reduce direct sunlight, too hot weather must add sunscreen.

3. Rhizome cuttage

The main results are as follows: (1) there are many axillary buds on the rhizome of the old bag, and the axillary buds can germinate into seedlings as long as their dormancy is broken.

(2) the rhizome with a diameter of about 0.5-2 cm is cut into 10 cm long and can be used as a seedling after disinfection.

(3) when cutting, the seedlings will be buried in the ground for 2/3, the naked eye can see an axillary bud is appropriate, watering, at the same time must pay attention to sunscreen.

II. Transplant

1. Ciliobao likes shade, fear of waterlogging, drought tolerance and barren resistance, so it is suitable to be planted in slightly acidic soil.

2. Generally, the transplantation is carried out in January-February of each year, and it should be carried out after 4-5pm on cloudy or sunny days, with a density of about 110-150 plants per mu.

3. Seedlings above 30 cm should be selected and the leaves should be cut off for transplanting.

4. Before transplanting, planting pits need to be dug. About 10-20 kg of mature farm manure can be applied to each pit, and then an appropriate amount of fine soil can be added. After the seedlings are fixed in the pit, the covering soil can be poured into the fixed root water.

III. Post-management

1, thorn old bag is more drought-resistant, the general survival rate can reach 60-90%, the soil is relatively dry areas must pay attention to watering, so that the roots remain moist.

2. it will begin to sprout in the first ten days of March. after the true leaves grow in the middle stage, the diseased plants and weeds should be cleared, and then fertilized.

3. When the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, the mature organic fertilizer solution can be applied, and when 5-6 true leaves grow, the second topdressing can be carried out, and when 8 true leaves grow, the third topdressing can be carried out, and the concentration of topdressing each time can be increased slowly.

4. Because the old bag has thorns, in order to facilitate picking in the later stage, it is not suitable to be too high. When the seedling grows to 1.5 meters, it needs to be topped, which is helpful to promote branching, and the plant height should be controlled at about 2 meters as far as possible. In winter, attention must be paid to covering and anti-freezing in heavy frost areas.

IV. Harvest

1. It can be harvested about a year after planting. When harvesting, we need to pay attention to fixing the tree shape and maintaining a certain tree height.

2. The old thorn bag can be harvested about 3-4 times a year, and it is stopped in autumn. Before the leaves fall in early winter, the tree shape can be pruned and fixed again, and then a bud fertilizer can be applied to increase the annual yield in the coming year.