
Culture and cultivation methods of generation orange

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Select potted soil and seedlings: select purple sand flowerpots with good permeability, plants with exuberant root system, strong growth, loose and fertile soil, rich in nutrients and good water permeability. Pot: in March-early April or October-November. Reasonable water and fertilizer: suitable for summer and autumn

Select potted soil and seedlings: select purple sand flowerpots with good permeability, plants with exuberant root system, strong growth, loose and fertile soil, rich in nutrients and good water permeability. Pot: in March-early April or October-November. Reasonable water and fertilizer: summer and autumn can appropriately increase the amount of water and times, spring and winter can be a small amount of watering, fertilizer should be a small number of times. Changing pots, pruning roots and pruning: properly pruning roots, according to bonsai modeling, blooming and fruiting requires pruning.

First, select potted soil and seedlings

The main results are as follows: 1. The flowerpot should be selected before planting, and the purple sand flowerpot with good appearance and permeability should be selected, and its size should be adapted to the plant size, so that the root system of the plant can be fully extended.

2. The plants should be planted with strong growth, exuberant roots, uniform distribution of lateral roots and more fibrous roots, and the soil requires acid mountain yellow soil with loose fertility, good permeability, rich nutrients and organic matter.

2. Upper basin

The main results are as follows: 1. the generation of tangerine is generally put on the pot in March-early April or October-November in spring, first put some broken tiles out of the bottom hole of the flowerpot, pour into a small amount of basin soil, and then put the plant into the pot, it is appropriate to take the soil for transplantation, and then cover the pot soil.

2. First, straighten the plant, and then compact the basin soil of the seedling root so that the root system is in close contact with the soil. It is appropriate to add the basin soil to 80% full, pour enough fixed root water, place it in the place of scattered light for maintenance, and keep the soil moist. Avoid direct light and heavy rain.

Third, rational water and fertilizer

1. Potted generation tangerine can appropriately increase the amount of water and times in summer high temperature and autumn drought, and a small amount of water can be watered in winter and spring. Each watering requires watering the basin soil thoroughly, and the basin bottom can exudate water. Wait until the surface of the pot soil is dry and white, and then water it. In case of rainy season, it is not appropriate to be exposed to rain for a long time, lest the humidity of the basin soil is too high, resulting in rotting roots and dead trees.

2. the fertilization of generation orange can be in accordance with the principle of a small number of times, organic fertilizer such as vegetable cake or acidic compound fertilizer can be applied in early spring and autumn and winter, extra-root topdressing can be carried out during the period of growth and flowering and fruiting, and some phytonutrients that can promote flowering and fruiting can be properly sprayed. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied excessively, which can easily lead to overgrowth of plants and the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits.

IV. Changing soil, pruning roots and pruning

1, generally in early spring and late autumn to change the soil, because the generation of orange growth is more exuberant, the root system is very developed, about 1-2 years need to turn the basin to change the soil.

2. When turning the pot, it is necessary to prune and prune, cut off all the roots hovering in the inner wall of the flowerpot, and then properly cut back the long main root and lateral root, keeping about 1/3 of the fibrous root.

3. In order to make the tree shape of the generation tangerine beautiful and suitable for pruning, pruning can be carried out according to the requirements of bonsai modeling, blooming and hanging fruit, first of all, the thin and weak branches and aging branches are cut off, and at the same time, the prominent backbone branches and long branches are trimmed back, which is conducive to the renewal of the crown and the control of plant size, so as to achieve the effect of shaping a beautiful tree shape.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main diseases and insect pests of orange generation are coal disease, acariasis, leaf spot, scale insect, whitefly, etc., which can be controlled by manual killing, manual scraping, cutting off the branches of diseases and insect pests, or using chlorothalonil, topiramate and other pesticides.