
Planting time and method of adzuki bean

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Planting time: adzuki bean is suitable for sowing around May-June. Planting method: select strong, full, disease-free varieties, sow seeds after disinfection with chemicals, plough and soften the soil, and apply rotten farm manure and compound fertilizer.

Planting time: adzuki bean is suitable for sowing around May-June. Planting method: select strong, full, disease-free varieties, sow seeds after disinfection with chemicals, plough and soften the soil, apply rotten farm manure and compound fertilizer, and then sow, the temperature after sowing should not be lower than 8 ℃, seedlings should be carried out when the seedlings grow the first true leaf, intermediate ploughing and weeding should be done before flowering, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used for topdressing in the early flowering stage.

I. selection of varieties

1. The selection of excellent varieties is conducive to the strong growth, high quality and high yield of adzuki bean, so when selecting seeds, we should carefully observe the appearance of seeds and select varieties with full grains, bright colors and strong disease resistance.

2. Then remove the withered, cut seeds and excess impurities, put the seeds outdoors in the sun for about 3 days, and then coat the seeds with Shilinshen and other chemicals to improve their disease resistance, and then air-dry them and prepare to sow them.

II. Soil preparation and fertilization

1. Adzuki bean has strong growth ability, and the demand for soil is not very high, but if we want to increase yield, we still need to choose sandy soil with convenient drainage and irrigation, strong ability of water and fertilizer conservation and humus, and the crops planted in the previous crop should not be legumes. In order to avoid serious soil-borne diseases, it is not conducive to the growth and development of adzuki bean rhizome and reduce its quality and yield.

2. The soil-falling ability of adzuki bean seedlings is relatively poor, so it is necessary to do a good job in soil preparation, leveling and raking the soil, ridging and suppressing, so as to improve the fertilizer and water conservation capacity of the soil, and then depending on the soil area and fertility, apply sufficient mature farm manure and compound fertilizer, which is beneficial to supply the nutrients needed for the growth of adzuki bean.

Third, sowing time

1. Adzuki bean likes to grow in a warm environment, the temperature after sowing should not be lower than 8 ℃, and the suitable temperature for germination is about 15-16 ℃, so it is necessary to pay attention to sowing time, not to sow too early, and the average soil temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃.

2. Generally, we can choose to sow seeds around May to June every year. When sowing seeds, we can cultivate them by ridge cultivation, sowing seeds according to the plant distance of about 12cm, the depth of holes should not exceed 4cm during this period, and we should control the sowing density to avoid that sowing too dense is not conducive to the growth of adzuki bean in the middle and later stages. After sowing, the soil should be trampled gently.

IV. Field management

The main results are as follows: 1. it is necessary to wait for time after the seedlings have grown, usually when the seedlings grow the first true leaf, during which the seedlings with strong growth should be retained, the seedlings with weak growth should be removed, and then the intermediate ploughing and weeding can be done before flowering, so as to prevent weeds from competing for the nutrients needed for the growth of adzuki bean.

2. When entering the early flowering stage, fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used to top fertilizer, mix the chemicals with water, spray them to the leaves, and water them appropriately according to the soil conditions. pay attention to the dosage during the period, watering should not be too much, and drainage measures should be taken when it rains to avoid stagnant water to rot the roots, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of the plant and reduce its quality and yield.