
How to plant seedlings of plum seeds

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Plum seedlings with good varieties, complete root system and no diseases and insect pests should be selected for plum planting, which should be planted in land with breathable soil, deep soil and good drainage, and different varieties with the same flowering period can be selected as pollination trees. base fertilizer can be applied late

Plum seedlings with good varieties, complete root system and no diseases and insect pests should be selected for plum planting, which should be planted in land with breathable soil, deep soil and good drainage, and different varieties with the same flowering period can be selected as pollination trees. base fertilizer can be applied to late-acting farm manure, topdressing can be applied nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, etc., plums need sufficient water in each period. Irrigation should be carried out before budding, young fruit expansion period and new shoot growth period, and the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests should be done well.

First, select seedlings

There are many varieties of plum trees, but it is necessary to choose plum seedlings with pure varieties, complete roots, strong and full, free of diseases and insect pests.

Second, choose soil.

Plum trees have a strong adaptability to the soil, as long as the soil is deep and fertile, no matter what kind of soil can be planted, it has high requirements for air and soil moisture, is not resistant to stagnant water, and if the orchard has poor drainage, it will lead to rotten roots, poor growth and prone to various diseases, so it is necessary to choose to plant in the land with loose soil, breathable, deep, good drainage and low groundwater level.

III. Timely planting

Plum trees need to be planted before bud germination, and the varieties should not be single. Different varieties with the same flowering period can be used as pollination trees.

IV. Rational fertilization

The main results are as follows: 1. Plum tree base fertilizer mainly applies late-acting farm manure, such as barnyard manure, compost, green manure, deciduous leaves, crop straw, etc., which can be fertilized in autumn, and 50-100kg per adult plum tree can be applied.

2. Topdressing before flowering can be carried out in early April when plum trees sprout, and each plant can apply 0.5-1kg available nitrogen fertilizer, or 25kg mature human feces and urine.

3. Topdressing of plum trees after anthesis is beneficial to reduce physiological fruit drop, and each plant can be applied 0.5kg available nitrogen and potassium fertilizer from late May to mid-June.

4. From physiological fruit drop to rapid fruit expansion, 0.5-1kg available N, P and K compound fertilizer can be applied to each plant from late June to mid-August.

5. At the beginning of fruit coloring to harvest, phosphate and potash fertilizer can be applied, and available nitrogen fertilizer can also be sprayed on the foliar surface with a concentration of 0.2-0.3%, which can be combined with spraying.

5. Drainage and irrigation

Plum trees need sufficient water in all phenological periods within a year, irrigation is needed before budding, young fruit expansion and shoot growth, and frozen water is needed before winter. Plum trees are more afraid of waterlogging, so the garden needs to repair the drainage system to avoid waterlogging.

VI. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

1. Red spot disease: when the plum tree is not blooming and when the leaf buds are unfolding, spray Bordeaux solution of 1RU 2RU 200. At the same time, remove the diseased fruit and leaves in the garden, and destroy them with fire.

2. Gum disease: it can strengthen the drainage of the garden, apply organic fertilizer, improve the disease resistance of plum trees, control branch diseases and insect pests in time, scrape the glue parts with a knife, then apply Baume 5-degree stone sulfur mixture, and finally apply white lead oil protective agent.

3. Aphids: before the leaves are rolled up in spring, spray 40% dimethoate emulsion 2000 times, or 2.5% kungfu EC 4000 times liquid. During the growing season, use 7 parts of 40% dimethoate emulsion solution, add 3 parts of water and brush around the trunk, apply about 6cm width and wrap it with a piece of paper.

4. Small heart borer: generally, the tree tray can be turned in autumn or spring, and the overwintering place of larvae can be destroyed in time, which is helpful to reduce the number of overwintering worms. 1000 times of triazophos EC can be used during the peak incubation period of small heart borer larvae. Or 2000-4000 times of Laifuling EC for spray control.