
Planting of Spring sowing garlic in North China

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Spring sowing garlic in northern China is generally sown and raised in greenhouse in early spring and can be harvested in summer. Spring sowing garlic should be planted on flat land, and the soil should be fertile, loose, well drained and rich in organic matter, and then prepare the soil for bed. To sow seeds, choose garlic.

Spring sowing garlic in northern China is generally sown and raised in greenhouse in early spring and can be harvested in summer. Spring sowing garlic should be planted on flat land, and the soil should be fertile, loose, well drained and rich in organic matter, and then prepare the soil for bed. Sowing should choose garlic with large cloves, white appearance, no damage, no light skin, and then sow according to reasonable spacing after drying, timely watering in the later stage, reasonable fertilization, timely ploughing and weeding to prevent diseases and insect pests in advance.

Planting time of garlic

Garlic can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing. Garlic is suitable for growing in a cool environment. According to the different regional climate and quality, we can choose the appropriate time to sow.

1. In the northern region, it is suitable for spring sowing, the autumn and winter season is relatively cold, the temperature is relatively low, and the seedlings are easy to be frostbitten, so it is not suitable to sow in autumn. Generally, sowing and raising seedlings are carried out in the greenhouse in early spring and can be harvested in summer.

2. In the southern region, it is suitable for autumn sowing, the autumn and winter season is relatively warm, and the temperature is relatively stable. Sowing seedlings in autumn can survive the winter smoothly, so generally sowing in autumn.

II. Land selection and preparation

The main results are as follows: 1. Garlic does not have high requirements for soil. In order to ensure high yield, garlic should be planted in relatively flat land, and the soil should be well drained, fertile, loose and rich in organic matter.

2. After selecting and planting, the soil can be prepared, ploughed deeply for about 20-25cm, then the soil will be fine and raked flat, there is no obvious clod, and then the bed can be made. The border with a length of about 1-1.5m and a width of about 4m can be adjusted according to the specific conditions.

Third, sowing seeds

1. Seed selection: garlic with good color and large size should be selected before planting, and then peeled and broken manually, all the stem plates and trays of garlic should be removed and graded according to a certain size. garlic cloves with no damage, larger seeds, no light skin and relatively white appearance should be selected as seeds, each of which should be at least about 5 grams. The bigger the seeds, the higher the yield.

2. Seed drying: in order to improve the germination rate before sowing, seed drying should be carried out first, which should not be carried out during the period of high temperature, and the seeds are easy to die in the sun. It should be chosen when the climate is relatively warm and the temperature is about 15-17 ℃.

3. Sowing: first of all, the furrow spacing is about 20cm, the row spacing is about 16cm, and the depth of the ditch is about 4-5cm. Each ditch can sow 1-2 seeds. After sowing, it can cover a thin layer of soil, and then water thoroughly.

IV. Post-management

1. Watering: garlic needs a lot of water during the growth period, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist so as to promote plant growth. Generally, the whole growth process needs to be watered about 4 times. In order to promote germination, watering once after sowing, watering once at seedling stage, watering once at seedling stage, watering once at sprouting stage in order to promote the growth of garlic moss, and watering once in the period of phosphorus stem expansion in order to increase the swelling moisture of phosphorus stem.

2. Fertilization: in order to increase the yield, we must apply fertilizer in time. Generally, about 5000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer can be applied per mu, together with a small amount of compound fertilizer, and then deep ploughing can be carried out to make it evenly mixed with the soil, and finally watered.

3. In the later stage, in order to improve the soil permeability, we should plough and weed in time to avoid nutrient loss and do a good job in preventing diseases and insect pests in advance.