
Culture methods of Orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Soil requirements: orchids should choose the soil with deep soil layer, rich in organic matter and loose soil, put the plant vertically into the digging and planting pit, compact the soil and pour enough fixed root water. Water and fertilizer management: watering 2-3 times a week in spring and autumn, fertilizing once every 2 weeks, not when applying fertilizer

Soil requirements: orchids should choose the soil with deep soil layer, rich in organic matter and loose soil, put the plant vertically into the digging and planting pit, compact the soil and pour enough fixed root water. Water and fertilizer management: water 2-3 times a week in spring and autumn, fertilize once every 2 weeks, do not touch the roots. Temperature and light: the growth temperature is about 18-22 ℃, proper scattering light can be used. Pruning: timely pruning if yellow leaves are found. Matters needing attention: keep ventilated and the PH value of water quality is sour.

I. soil requirements

The main results are as follows: 1. The most basic condition of orchid culture is soil, and planting in suitable soil can accelerate the growth of orchids.

2. The adaptability of orchids is relatively strong. In order to improve the survival rate of orchids, they should be planted in soils rich in organic matter, deep, loose and permeable.

3. Before the orchid is planted or potted, the planting pit should be dug, and then the plant should be placed vertically, covered with soil, and the soil around the plant should be gently compacted and fully watered. In order to promote the growth of the orchid and improve the ornamental, it should be shaded properly during conservation.

II. Water and fertilizer management

1. Watering orchids can be increased or decreased appropriately according to seasons and climate changes. Generally, in spring and autumn seasons, watering is about 2-3 times a week and topdressing once every 2 weeks. Water with clean water quality must be selected for watering. This is conducive to the healthy growth of orchids, and the PH value is slightly sour.

2. Orchids should not be overwatered to prevent the roots from being rotted by stagnant water at the bottom of the pot. in addition, farm manure should be applied sparsely, and appropriate foliar fertilizer should be sprayed at the same time. In order to ensure the normal growth of orchids, the roots of orchids should not be directly touched with fertilizer when fertilizing. to prevent root burning, thus causing diseases and insect pests.

Third, temperature and light

The main results are as follows: 1. The suitable growth temperature of orchid is about 18-22 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it will affect the normal growth of orchid, resulting in the decrease of ornamental.

2. Orchids are suitable to grow in shady environment, so when maintaining orchids, we can ensure a certain amount of scattered light, which is beneficial to promote the rapid growth of orchids.

4. Proper pruning

The branches and leaves of orchids should be pruned properly in the process of maintenance. In order to ensure the normal growth of orchid leaves, yellow leaves should be removed in time to prevent nutrient loss. At the same time, in order to improve the absorption capacity of orchid roots, the soil can be loosened properly.

V. matters needing attention

1. The cultivation of orchids must be ventilated at all times to prevent poor ventilation from leading to a decline in air quality, which will affect the normal breathing of orchids, resulting in gradual yellowing of leaves and reduced ornamental. In addition, it is easy to cause various diseases and insect pests. Therefore, ventilation must be done well.

2. When watering orchids, we must pay attention to the PH value of water quality. Excessive alkaline water is not suitable for watering orchids. The acidity of water quality should be adjusted before watering, and then the acidity in the soil must be replenished regularly.