
Soilless three-dimensional planting technology of vegetables

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Aerosol culture: a soilless planting technique in which the nutrient solution is atomized into small droplets and then sprayed to the plant roots to provide water and nutrients for plant growth, and aerosol culture is beneficial to increase yield. several times as much as soil planting.

Aerosol culture: a soilless planting technique in which the nutrient solution is atomized into small droplets and then sprayed to the plant roots to provide water and nutrients for plant growth, and aerosol culture is beneficial to increase yield. several times as much as soil planting. Deep liquid flow technology: it is a kind of hydroponic culture technology which belongs to mobile nutrient layer. Nutrient liquid membrane technology: a hydroponic method in which plants are planted in a shallow mobile nutrient layer.

First, aerosol culture

1. Spray planting, also known as aerosol culture, spray culture, is mainly a soilless planting technique that uses a spray device to atomize the nutrient solution into a small droplet, and then spray directly to the plant root system to provide water and nutrients for plant growth.

2. The crop can be suspended in a closed planting trough, box and bed, and the root system needs to be exposed in the planting device, and the nutrient solution can be sprayed to the root surface after atomization through the spraying device.

3. Aerosol culture is a form in which the contradiction between water and air in the root system is well solved in all soilless planting techniques. at the same time, it is also easy to automatically control and carry out three-dimensional planting to improve the utilization rate of greenhouse space.

4. Aerosol culture can increase crop yield, but this device has to circulate liquid continuously, if the power outage time is more than 30 minutes, or if the water pump fails, it can not circulate in time, so it is easy to cause problems.

5. All kinds of aerosol planting introduced in the past are used for the cultivation of leaf vegetables and melons and fruits. A common feature of them is that the products that can be harvested for human use are the branches and fruits of the original aboveground parts.

6. Aerosol cultivation is not only beneficial to the development of roots and tubers, but also very convenient to harvest. It can be harvested in batches at any time, or selectively according to standard specifications. Some plants that use harvested roots as medicinal plants are more conducive to the formation of developed roots and greatly increase crop yields.

7. Aerosol planting of these crops is the same as other leaf vegetables, melons and fruits, which is beneficial to increase the yield, which is several times higher than that of soil planting, and its underground part can be viewed at any time, which is more conducive to observing and studying the growth of the underground part. for growers to formulate management measures, as well as planting technology research to provide more field data, such as the effect of foliar spraying paclobutrazol on potato tuber development. It is more convenient and intuitive than the observation planted in the soil.

8. when soil-cultured plants want to harvest the underground part, they usually carry out an excavating harvest, resulting in different sizes and poor quality of the plants, but when they are planted by aerosol culture, when harvesting the underground part, just like picking melons and fruits, it can be harvested in batches and selectively, and the harvested tuber bulbs are of high quality and high yield. By using this method, the overall economic yield ratio and one-time harvest should be increased by several times. This may be related to the less waste of plant nutrition and the full conversion of biological yield into economic yield.

9. In terms of the technology itself, aerosol culture is also more convenient in operation and production, and the growth and development of the underground part can be checked at any time, and liquid culture can be regulated at any time according to the growth situation. What is more important is that the underground development is completed in the air. Its morphological development is not affected by soil mechanical resistance, and its ontogeny is relatively uniform, showing the relative consistency of morphology.

10. During the planting period, there is no need to weed, loosen the soil, cultivate the soil and preserve soil moisture. The root tuber can develop without any barrier in the aerosol, and the yield is several or dozens of times higher than that of ordinary soil.

2. Deep liquid flow technology

The main results are as follows: 1. Deep liquid flow technology (DFT) refers to a kind of hydroponic culture technology in which the plant root grows deeply and is a flowing nutrient liquid layer. 5-10cm or even deeper nutrient solution can be put into the planting trough, and then the crop root system is placed in the trough. At the same time, the water pump is used to intermittently open the supply liquid to make the nutrient solution circulate, so as to supplement the oxygen in the nutrient solution and make the nutrients in the nutrient solution more uniform.

2. The deep liquid flow water culture facility is mainly composed of planting trough, planting net or planting board, liquid storage pool, circulation system, etc., which belongs to the soilless planting technology which can be developed for crop commodity production. It can grow fruits and vegetables such as Jiegu, towel gourd, muskmelon, watermelon, tomato, cucumber and pepper, as well as leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, lettuce, chives, Chinese cabbage and so on.

3. In the deep liquid flow technology, the liquid layer of the nutrient solution is deeper, and in the deeper liquid layer of the root system, each plant occupies more liquid, so the nutrient solution concentration, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and water stock are not easy to change rapidly. it provides a relatively stable growth environment for the root system.

4. The plant is suspended on the horizontal plane of the nutrient solution, which makes the root neck of the plant leave the liquid surface, and the protruding root system can touch the nutrient solution. Because the root neck is immersed in the nutrient solution, it will rot and cause the plant to die, so it is necessary to take good measures to hang the plant.

5. The circulating flow of nutrient solution is beneficial to increase the dissolved oxygen of nutrient solution, eliminate the local accumulation of harmful metabolites on root surface, eliminate the difference of nutrient concentration between root surface and extra-root nutrient solution and nutrient concentration, so that nutrients can be sent to root surface in time to meet the needs of plants more fully.

III. Nutrient liquid membrane technology

1. Nutrient liquid membrane technology, referred to as NFT for short, belongs to the hydroponic culture method of planting plants in shallow flowing nutrient liquid layers. after 1979, this technology has been rapidly popularized and applied all over the world. the traditional soilless planting technology needs to set up a deeper planting trough and put solid matrix or nutrient solution in the trough to grow crops. The planting trough needs to be made of materials such as cement, brick, wood or metal, which is bulky and expensive. At the same time, the problem of oxygen demand of root system is difficult to solve.

2. The nutrient liquid film technology does not use the solid substrate. In the inclined planting trough requiring a certain slope (about 1:75), the nutrient solution only flows through the crop roots in a thin layer a few millimeters deep, and part of the crop roots are immersed in the shallow flowing nutrient solution. the other part is exposed to the moisture in the planting trough, which can better meet the oxygen demand of root respiration.

3. However, due to the poor buffering performance of its root environment, the temperature around the rhizosphere is greatly affected by the outside world. Because the nutrient solution layer in the planting tank is shallow, the nutrient solution of 5-10 mm can be put in the planting tank, and the total amount of nutrient solution in the planting system is less.

4. Therefore, the concentration and composition of the nutrient solution are easy to change sharply, and the continuous circulation of the liquid will lead to high energy consumption. If the power is cut off for a long time or the pump fails, it is easy to cause problems if the cycle cannot be carried out in time. In the period of high temperature and peak crop production, the transpiration of plant leaves is large, and the consumption of nutrient solution is large. If the supply is not timely, it is easy to lead to plant wilting.