
Seize the historical opportunity of agricultural transformation and upgrading

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, Last year, corn was planted, but this year, rotation planting of soybeans has been implemented, with a reduction of 100 jin of fertilizer per cropland, and the role of nitrogen-fixing soybean fields has also been brought into full play, greatly improving the soil fertility. Xing, chairman of Xinrong Cooperative of Yangjia Village, Bei'an City, Heilongjiang Province, which has been growing corn continuously for many years.

"Corn was planted last year, and soybean rotation began to be implemented this year. The fertilizer application was reduced by 100 jin per field. The role of soybean in fixing nitrogen fertilizer field was also fully exerted, which greatly improved soil fertility." Xing Haijun, chairman of Xinrong Cooperative in Yangjia Township, Bei 'an City, Heilongjiang Province, who has been planting corn continuously for many years, has a particularly profound experience of the changes brought to black land by "changing grain into beans."

Since the beginning of this year, especially after the National Conference on Accelerating the Transformation of Agricultural Development Mode was held in July and the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Transformation of Agricultural Development Mode was issued, the transformation of agricultural development mode has become a hot topic in the agricultural field. Agriculture has ushered in a historical opportunity for transformation and upgrading after years of rapid development and continuous increase in total grain output records.

It has reached the stage where it has to be turned, and it has to be turned.

Transforming the mode of agricultural development is not only a problem of agricultural production, but also a major problem related to the overall situation of national economic and social development. It has reached the stage of non-transformation and non-transformation. This has become a consensus.

All localities and departments at all levels quickly unified their thinking, concentrated their efforts, and issued detailed plans in combination with local realities, so that there was impetus and basis for transforming the mode of agricultural development. Jiangxi, Hebei, Hunan and other provinces conveyed the relevant spirit at the standing committee of the provincial party committee or the provincial government, while Gansu and other provinces carried out large-scale discussions and investigations on "what to turn" and "how to turn" in the agricultural system. At the same time, Jilin, Guangxi, Shanghai, Henan and other places held provincial (district) conferences on accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode, Sichuan, Jiangxi and other places issued implementation opinions on accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode in the name of provincial party committee or provincial government.

In terms of financial support, assessment mechanism and other measures, all localities have actually pushed forward the work of transforming the mode of agricultural development, so as to make the transformation of agricultural development mode have thrust and conditions. Sichuan plans to integrate financial funds and start the construction of demonstration areas for transforming agricultural development modes. Jiangsu Province plans to arrange special funds for major technology promotion subsidies such as zero growth of pesticides and fertilizers, saving seeds, water, medicine and fertilizer, etc. in the reform of agricultural subsidies. Jilin Province will strengthen the protection of cultivated land quality, implement straw returning to the field, promote the special rectification of agricultural product quality and safety and other important indicators of transformation mode, and incorporate them into the key contents of performance management extended by special work of grass-roots government.

We regard improving the quality and efficiency of agricultural development, improving agricultural competitiveness and sustainable development capacity as the key objectives of the transformation work, and regard the development of modern agriculture with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation and environmental friendliness as the key task, which has been transformed into concrete and operable measures. All localities are making steady progress on the road of transforming agricultural development mode.

Strive to explore, break through and seek progress in practice

The transformation of agricultural development mode is the core and key of modern agricultural construction. We must innovate agricultural development mode and walk out an intensive and connotative agricultural development road in line with China's reality.

We should demand and guide the transformation and upgrading of grain production and modern agriculture with the concept of sustainability, so as to provide continuous impetus and lasting support for the development of the whole country. 30 pounds of fat saved and 60 pounds of grain increased.

Wei Shilian, a large grain grower in Changgang Village, Jinchuan Town, Xingan County, Jiangxi Province, which vigorously promoted the establishment of high grain yield and green production increase mode, quickly calculated the cost benefit of late rice per mu this year. Around the protection of agricultural resources and environment, Hebei has further promoted the pilot work of comprehensive treatment of groundwater overexploitation.

We should develop various forms of moderate scale management, which is the core and main line of transforming the mode of agricultural development. Focusing on the cultivation of new-type agricultural operation subjects, Zhejiang Province actively promotes financial and financial support policies to tilt towards new-type subjects, and carries out the establishment of demonstration family farms and the cultivation of cooperatives. At present, there are more than 20,000 family farms and more than 40,000 farmers 'professional cooperatives in Zhejiang Province. On the basis of certification and summary of various practices and successful experiences, Shandong Province puts forward eight forms of moderate scale operation, such as land circulation, trusteeship service, organization promotion and stock cooperation.

We should enlarge and strengthen the agricultural industry, vertically extend the industrial chain and value chain, horizontally expand the various functions of the industry, and at the same time make good use of new technologies, new formats and new models to accelerate the improvement of the comprehensive benefits of agriculture. Therefore, Xinjiang launched the courtyard economy pilot project in the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang to support the development of leisure agriculture in pilot villages. Jun County and Shan County, two pilot counties selected by Henan Province, will build and perfect 716 village-level information service stations by the end of the year to realize one village and one station.

We should vigorously promote the adjustment of agricultural structure, open up new ways to promote the depth and breadth of agriculture, and release greater development potential and efficiency. Heilongjiang Province has carried out in-depth grain-to-bean and grain-to-economic pilot projects to strengthen policy support; ten thousand mu of "grain-to-feed" demonstration fields in Tongyu County of Jilin Province have enjoyed a bumper harvest.

We will speed up key work and plan major policies

At present, the national work of accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode has made a good start, but it still faces some deficiencies in concept and mechanism. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture will strengthen work guidance and supervision in the next step. We will continue to do a good job in tracking and guiding the work of accelerating the transformation of agricultural development methods in various localities, and promote the introduction of supporting policies in combination with actual conditions. At the same time, we will complete the division of labor plan together with relevant ministries and commissions as soon as possible, clarify the division of responsibilities, and form a joint force for promotion.

Accelerate the key work of changing the mode. In accordance with the requirements of implementing cultivated land quality protection and improvement actions, establishing functional areas for grain production, fighting non-point source pollution, carrying out zero-growth actions for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, starting and implementing demonstration projects for resource utilization of agricultural wastes, implementing grain-to-feed and grain-to-bean rotation pilot projects, etc., carefully study and formulate plans, strengthen efforts, strengthen measures, ensure implementation, and strive for positive progress within the year.

Plan a major policy to change the way. In combination with the preparation of the "13th Five-Year Plan" for the Promotion of National Agricultural Modernization, with accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode as the main line, a number of major engineering policies are planned around the key areas of consolidating grain production capacity, cultivating new business entities, promoting the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, promoting sustainable agricultural development, and ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products, so as to provide support for accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode.