
Economic value and cultivation techniques of bergamot

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Economic value: bergamot is usually used as traditional Chinese medicine and vegetables, the yield of bergamot melon is high, 100 plants per mu, the yield can be as high as 3000-5000 kg, and the income is tens of thousands of yuan. Cultivation techniques: bergamot is usually planted in March or August-September, soil requirements

Economic value: bergamot is usually used as traditional Chinese medicine and vegetables, the yield of bergamot melon is high, 100 plants per mu, the yield can be as high as 3000-5000 kg, and the income is tens of thousands of yuan. Cultivation techniques: bergamot is generally planted in March, or August-September, the soil requires good drainage and irrigation, fertile acid soil, the suitable growth temperature is about 20-25 ℃, fertilizer and water according to the principle of a small number of times, branches and leaves need to be pruned reasonably all the year round.

I. Market price

Bergamot prices vary according to regions and varieties. The general market price is about 2-5 yuan per catty. In addition, the three common varieties of bergamot are relatively cheap, about 1.5 yuan per catty. Watermelon is about 2-3 yuan per jin, and the price of white-skinned bergamot is slightly more expensive, about 5 yuan per jin.

II. Planting prospects

1. Bergamot is generally used as traditional Chinese medicine, can also be used as fresh fruit, can also be eaten as vegetables, its shape is more strange like two palms together, has the meaning of Buddhist blessing, has a certain ornamental value, so it is very popular among people.

2. The yield of bergamot melon is relatively high, and it can blossom seven times a year. As a result, 100plants per mu can be planted three times, and the yield per mu can be as high as 3000-5000 kg. Its income can reach tens of thousands of yuan, which is higher than that of ordinary fruits and vegetables. It's a good planting project.

3. Planting methods

1. Planting time

The main results are as follows: (1) there are three main planting methods of bergamot: seed propagation, cutting propagation and striping propagation.

(2) seed propagation, generally sowing around March, cutting propagation, generally planting in March and August-September, pressing propagation, planting time and cutting time are about the same, in addition, according to different regional climate, the appropriate planting time can be reasonably selected.

2. Soil requirements

Bergamot has better adaptability, but there are still certain requirements for soil. It is better to choose acidic soil with good drainage and irrigation conditions, strong permeability and fertile soil, but not in alkaline soil.

3. Temperature

(1) bergamot requires relatively high temperature, the suitable growth temperature of bergamot is about 20-25 ℃, the highest temperature should not exceed 32 ℃ or so, otherwise bergamot will be burned or even die, the lowest temperature is not less than 5 ℃, the temperature is too low, it will affect its growth.

(2) in many areas of China, the four seasons are relatively distinct, and the temperature difference varies greatly, so we should pay attention to keep warm and keep warm in winter and cool down properly in summer.

4. Fertilizer and water

The main results are as follows: (1) bergamot is a shallow root plant, and its ability to absorb water and nutrients is relatively poor, so it should be carried out in accordance with the principle of applying more and less water and fertilizer.

(2) during the growing period of bergamot in spring, fertilization can be applied every 7 days, which can be combined with ploughing, weeding and watering. Summer is the peak growing season of bergamot, and the water demand is relatively large, so we should appropriately increase the intensity of water and fertilizer, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in autumn. a small amount of watering, after winter, only need to keep the soil moist.

5. Pruning

(1) if the newly planted bergamot blossoms, the flowers need to be erased in order not to affect the normal growth of the plant. in addition, bergamot is different from other plants in that its branches and leaves grow faster and need to be pruned reasonably all the year round.

(2) if excessive pruning, it is easy to accelerate the aging of the plant, thus affecting the yield.