
How to plant Dali chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cutting propagation: the substrate can be planted with pastoral soil or rotten leaf soil and appropriate amount of river sand, which can be cut from February to May, compacted soil and watered thoroughly after cutting, and can be covered with film or shade shed, and the film can be opened for ventilation every day. Planting: can be planted about 30 days after cutting

Cutting propagation: the substrate can be planted with pastoral soil or rotten leaf soil and appropriate amount of river sand, and the cuttings can be compacted and watered from February to May, which can cover the film or build a shade shed, and the film can be opened and ventilated every day. Planting: it can be planted about 30 days after cutting, plant spacing is 30cm, row spacing is 40cm, heart is picked after slow seedling, regular ploughing and weeding. Fertilization: Dali chrysanthemum likes fertilizer, sufficient base fertilizer should be applied before planting, and reasonable topdressing in the early growth stage and bud stage should be applied.

I. Preservation of species and plants

When digging the seed plant, the soil in the root of the whole plant should be removed, leaving only a small amount of protective soil, and all the rest should be removed, then dig a trench, put the seed plant neatly, there is no need to leave a gap between the seed plant, cover a layer of soil after the code, level the surface of the soil, finally pour enough water, and keep the seed plant in winter, the temperature should be controlled at about 0-5 ℃.

2. Cutting propagation

1. Select the insert

The main results are as follows: (1) at the end of March, the seeds and plants stored in winter can be planted in the greenhouse, the plant spacing is about 30cm, the row spacing is about 40cm, proper pruning and strengthening the management of water and fertilizer.

(2) Cuttage is generally carried out from February to May in spring, which can be determined according to the number of specific breeding materials. For example, if the cuttings choose the foot buds germinated by chrysanthemum in the overwintering ground, you can cut the robust shoots of about 8-10cm as cuttings, then soak them in water and cut along with picking. Before cutting, in order to reduce water transpiration, the leaves at the base of the cuttings should be removed and only the upper three or four pieces should be retained.

2. Cuttage

(1) generally, cuttings can be carried out in a cuttage bed or seedling tray, and pastoral soil or rotten leaf soil can be mixed with an appropriate amount of cinder or river sand as a substrate, and then 25% carbendazim 400 times solution is sprayed on the bed surface for disinfection, and then cuttings can be cut.

(2) the cutting depth is generally 1/3 of the cuttage, and the soil is compacted and watered thoroughly after the cutting. in order to improve the air humidity, water can be sprayed around the bed. In order to prevent direct sunlight and reduce water evaporation, a shade shed should be built in time. It will generally cover a layer of film, which is conducive to heat preservation and moisture preservation.

(3) generally, every day from 9: 00 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m., the cuttings will take root in about a week according to the specific temperature and appropriate ventilation, and the amount of spraying water can be reduced appropriately to keep the soil from drying, and then the film will be removed.

(4) in general, the cutting ground cover chrysanthemum is easy to root at the temperature of 15-20 ℃, and the temperature is too high, which can easily lead to cuttings rot, low temperature and prolong the rooting time.

III. Colonization

The main results are as follows: 1. Marigold can be planted about 25-30 days after cutting, and can be planted in pot or in the field. The spacing between plants in the field is 30cm and the distance between rows is 40cm. The coring should be carried out in time after the plants are slow. In order to promote multi-branching, only four basic leaves are retained.

2. In the early growth stage, in order to improve the air permeability of the soil, ploughing and weeding can be carried out regularly. The plant is suitable to be planted in the fertile and well-drained sandy loam, avoid waterlogging, and must be drained in time in the rainy season. When the plant grows to 20-30cm, fertilization can be combined with soil cultivation, cake fertilizer is applied near the plant, and then soil cultivation is carried out.

IV. Fertilization

Dali chrysanthemum likes fertilizer, sufficient base fertilizer should be applied before planting, about 1000-1500 kg of rotten farm manure can be applied per mu, cake fertilizer and urea can be applied at the initial stage of plant growth, especially in the bud stage of the plant, 0.2-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.1% urea solution can be sprayed once a week, which is conducive to the rapid growth of plants, bright flowers and greener leaves.